A blog for Paper Doll enthusiast who also happen to be fashionistas. Go to the bottom of page to shop for Tiease's Paper Diva Deluxe Box Sets!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Come follow me at fashiolista

- Come check out some of my unbelievable savvy fashion finds! And some of the amazing finds by my fellow-fashionistas at fashiolista.
- I'm going to post some of the blogs of some of my fellow sister-fashiolista which I think you may enjoy! I'll be glad if you decide to check it out!
- www.head-toefashion.blogspot.com
- http://meryfreefashion.blogspot.com
- http://www.fashiolista.com/item/868134/
- www.headtoefashion.blogspot.com
- http://www.teenagerm.com/ Kissess
- jessiefashionblog.blogsp blog:
- www.luxuryshares.blogspot.com
- www.paillettesandchampagne.com
- http://thanksgoshimawoman.blogspot.com
Tiaease D. Deutsch/Fashionista
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Perms & Serious Facts
When it comes to hair relaxers (hair straighteners) there is nothing worse than perming your hair and having it all fall out-The horror!! Daring Divas are always looking for something to make them look and feel just a little better about herself. Ethnic women have always marched to the beat of a different drummer when it comes to hair care and the top of that list the hair relaxer/hair straightener ranks high. There are dozens of choices out there to choose from but in my opinion selecting which perm is best for you requires you do a lot of research and educate yourself to the benefits, and risk associated with the so-called "No-lye" hair straighteners.
- First let me say that any relaxer can damage your scalp and leave you looking like Yul Brenner if you use it incorrect.
- Just the thought of Lye as a primary hair ingredient unnerves me! Lye is a caustic substance (Able to burn or corrode organic tissue by chemical action.)
- Lye is found in many hair straighteners because some manufacturers believe it enable the product to work more efficiently. Let me tell you something this whole concept bothers me.
twice and three times if necessary.
Watching my mother with hair relaxers was like watching a horror movie because she was obsessed with getting her hair as straight as possible. I knew she was destroying her hair follicles but no one could get this point across to her.
I believe that many people are addicted to hair relaxers and this is sad since straightening your hair too frequently seriously weakens and damages your hair. According to some hairdressers, every six to eight weeks, however this depends on the individual and the product that you are using.
Some of use have proliferate hair follicles which grows fast wild and uninhibited. These individual can rejoice while others have slower growing hair. When doing anything to your hair even prior to getting a new hair cut or hairstyle consider your hairs recovery time.
Here are some tips to keep in mind when considering or preparing to perm/relax your own hair.
- Don't leave the relaxer on longer than the recommended time provided on the applications instructions.
- THOROUGHLY wash out the relaxer with a neutralizing shampoo. Remember to rinse her hair several times to be on the safe side. Professional hair care specialist believe in rinsing till absolutely clean.
- A secret weapon against hair loss is to condition frequently. Relaxers and harsh chemicals no matter what the brand and they often strip your hair of precious nutrients.
- Personally I don't believe in using hair relaxers on very young children. A child's skin and scalp are extremely delicate and more prone to burn & Personally I believe it stunts a child's hair growth and natural development. Always keep these caustic chemical out of the reach of children-Just common sense!
- Never scratch your scalp or brush your hair prior to applying any hair relaxer, since this can scratch the scalp leaving open superficial lacerations and weaken the hair.
When it comes to Hair straighteners and dye jobs-This is a potential recipe for baldness disaster!
- You are more likely to damage your hair if you use both hair dye and a hair straightener/perm.
- Always follow the product directions and talk to your beautician because various relaxers have different strengths, benefits, hazards and instructions.
- Should you opt to perm and dye your hair simultaneously beware there are products available for just this situation ask your hairdresser about the best product for you. Some professional hair care providers suggest you should use a semi-permanent hair color since it is less damaging to your hair than a permanent dye.
- Email Caers@cfsan.fda.gov
- Call 1-800-FDA-1088
- The FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition(CFSAN) Adverse Evemts RE[prtomg System (CAERS).
Well that about covers it for this issue of Tiease's Valley of the Paper Divas Blog for Fashionistas, I'll see you again real soon.
Tiease D. Deutsch R.N./Artist/Author
Copyright by Tiease D. Deutsch April 26, 2011
Fashiolista Picks & Peeps
Go check out some of my favorite fashion picks @ Fashiolista.com-Look for Tiease D. Deutsch and follow me there. There are some serious rags there girlfriend don't miss it and get involved yourself!!
TieaseVallleyofthePaperDivas newest fashion Paper Diva Fashion show ready!
Check out my latest Paper Divas Fashion slideshow @ http://w
ww.tieasepaperdoll.slide.com. See you there!!
ww.tieasepaperdoll.slide.com. See you there!!
Intimate undergarment for the fashionista
Check out this cute little site. The subject today is the different types of underwear available to fashionistas today! http://www.slide.com/r/dLuOf8xp6j9UfMge5BTkl8amtV6cHz-i?previous_view=mscd_embedded_url&view=original
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Fashionistas-Here's to looking good & Eating well!
Happy Easter!
April, 17, 2011
When it comes to looking hot in your clothes there's a lot to consider. For instance if one is wealthy cosmetic surgery is a primary weapon against the bulge, so is gastric bypass surgery to reduce the capacity of what your stomach can hold. To eliminate unwanted wrinkles again there's cosmetic surgery, but for the rest of us everyday-souls, Self-Health-Advocacy is the best alternative when it comes to feeling and looking ones best.. The way a woman look sends subliminal messages to those around her and sparks make-it or break-it reputation. In order to be the fashionable Diva who stands out in the crowd your must consider your inner beauty as well as your outward appearance. and keep in mind self-esteem and good health are essential to looking good. A fashionista must be well informed about beneficial health topics. My goal in creating this blog is to inform modern day fashionistas about the significance health and how it contributes to looking good. Today focus is on Cholesterol and Trans Fats definitely a hot topic today. I have prepared easy-reading straight-forward facts which you can use to improve your self-health awareness and build upon this knowledge. Every fashionista should be aware that," when you feel good-you look good!
1.They are cheap preservatives which increase the shelf life of products.
2.They taste good-How many people can resist eating more than one potato chip.
3. Help preserve food color.
4.Satisfy hunger.
Elevated levels of Trans Fats, Saturated Fats and Cholesterol are the result of consuming large quantities of these types of products. At this point allow me to state a fact that many people don't realize is that fat is essential for body homeostasis growth and proper development. As a parent you need to know that your child's diet must contain some fats for proper develop.Toddlers have the highest energy needs per unit of body weight of any age group. Withholding essential fats from children can lead to serious disease and various other healthcomplications such as retardation and malnutrition. Talk to your Pediatrician before you attempt to restrict nutrients from any child's diet.
Keep in mind maker of conventional foods and some dietary supplements are required to list trans fat on a separate line, immediately under saturated fat on the nutrition level. Food makes have been aware of these requirements since January 1, 2006 requiring listing trans fat on nutritional labels (which makes life easier for consumers). The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulatory chemical definition for trans fatty acids is all unsaturated fatty acids that contain one or more isolate ( i.e., nonconjugated) double bonds in a trans configuration. The Agency's definition, conjugated linoleic acid would be excluded from the definition of trans fat. Dietary supplement makers must also list trans fat on the Supplement Facts panel when their good contain reportable amounts of trans fat (0.5 grams or greater). The so-called popular energy drinks and power bars fall under the list of supplements which should be clearly labeled.
Adults are a different story all together. Mono-unsaturated (unsaturated fats) and polyunsaturated fats are helpful to efficient body function also, however adults usually need less fat. Attempting to eliminate fats completely from your diet can lead to malnutrition thus leading to Malnourished skin which is susceptible to dryness, wrinkled and a leathery appearance. Fats contribute to the suppleness of our skin. You can't be a drop dead gorgeous diva when your skin is in bad shape! If you have no preexisting chronic health conditions such as Diabetes or High Blood Pressure I suggert
When it comes to Cholesterol (Another form of fat) not all Cholesterol is bad. There are three different kinds of blood level cholesterol and triglycerides. Good Cholesterol (HDL) helps keep your arteries from clogging up & protects you against heart disease. A good lever is 60mg/dL or Higher. On the other hand Bad Cholesterol (LDL).accumulates and blocks arteries and contributes to heart disease. A good LDL level is less than 100mg/dL if you have hight risk for heart disease then less than 130mg/dL is suggested. if you are otherwise healthy. Cholesterol occurs naturally in the body and is essential to body homeostasis. Cholesterol can be found in foods like eggs, meat, pretzels, potato chips, bakery good and other foods many love to eat.. Unfortunately the body already produces some of the necessary cholesterol your body requires in order to function properly so the amount we need from food is reduced.. Excessive cholesterol consumed in foods can lead to health problems, such as: Obesity, Heart Disease ( heart disease is on the rise in women living in the USA), stroke, depression. & even Breast cancer have been linked to elevated cholesterol levels.
Women over age 21 should have their cholesterol checked annually via a simple blood test, The normal Cholesterol level should be below 200 and since most people never have signs or symptoms associated with elevated cholesterols level ( Like Hypertension/High Blood Pressure it is insidious). A blood test is the only way to determine your cholesterol level. If you want to be a success in life become your own self health advocate and talk to your health care provider about what is best for you.
Cholesterol is on the tips of everyone's tongues these days and for good reason Cholesterol has a nasty little tendency to accumulate and clog up blood vessels, especially those blood vessels of the heart. Which lead to Angina (chest pains), Shortness of breath (SOB) and Heart Attacks . During a heart attack the heart muscle is cut off from essential nutrients and oxygen it needs to survive and begins to die if circulation to the heart is not promptly restored death may result. Strokes are a another result of of excessive cholesterol-Blood clots development as blood slows, clumps together and accumulates under pressure. It's best to familiarize yourself with all the facts associated with Fats because they are also an essential part of a balanced diet providing energy and stored food resources for our bodies and cholesterol helps in the absorption of vitamins A, D, E, and K and carotene. There are a variety of medications used to combat and lower elevated cholesterol levels.
4 Niacin and what you should know about it: Don't use Niaspan if you have liver disease or if you are taking an immediate release niacin pill. Don't use it if you are pregnant and/or nursing.
If your are taking aspiring, high blood pressure drugs, HMG CoA Reductase inhibitor (Statins), or drugs to lower bile acid you need to discuss the risk with your health care provider. If you have history of heart attack, stroke, gout ask about the risk of taking this medication. Never be afraid to speak up for yourself when it involves your body. Some common negative effects of Niaspan are: Headache, Upset Stomach, Heartburn, Diarrhea, and redness of the face or neck (personally I have has clients who have experience the flushing and it is unnerving for many people). Be aware of warning signs and symptoms and contact your health care provider stat should you suddenly develop rapid heartbeat, fainting, dizziness, or yellowing of the skin and whites of the eye (Called Jaundice).
5. Combination Drugs are another way these medications may be prescribed. Two common drugs in this category are Vytorin (Generic name Ezetimibe & Simvastatin) and Advicor (Generic Name=Niacin and Lovastatin). What's important to consider about combo-drugs is never take Vytorin or Advicor if you are pregnant or nursing. Do not take Vytorin if you have Liver Disease. If you're taking Gemfibrozil (Lopid), Fenofibrate (Ticor), high blood pressure drugs, Protease inhibitors (medicines to treat HIV), or blood thinners such as coumadin and heparin should use caution when taking these tow medications. And if you consume large quantities of grapefruit or orange juice daily, it may affect Advicor usefulness. Common side effects include: Headache, flushing, upset stomach. Warning signs and symptoms are: Dark urine(Could indicate internal bleeding), stomach pains, Muscle pain,Tenderness or Weakness and Jaundice.
Another drug to familiarize yourself to is Zetia (Ezetimibe is its generic name). As usual pregnant women and breast feeding Moms should not take Zetia with another Cholesterol drug. If you suffer from liver disease you should not take Zetia with another cholesterol drug. If you are on anticoagulants (Blood Thinners) be extremely cautious since your risk of hemorrhage is increased when using them in combination. Side can be fatigue, bleeding, stomach pain and weakness. Beware warning signals like: Muscle pain, Tenderness, Malaise, Abdominal pain, Swelling of face and lips (Inflammation), and Severe itching.
These drugs have their own sub-categories in each group. If you've been diagnosed with high cholesterol you and your health care provider must work as a unit to manage this problem. Determining which drug is best suited for you is primal and this is where Pro-Self Healthy Advocacy is best utilized. Ask your health care provider what foods, herbs, or over-the-counter drugs should you avoid, When should you take each medication and how many times per day, should it be taken with food on the stomach of on an empty stomach,What are the side effects, Are the medications safe to use during pregnancy and Exactly what the drug is and why you need to take. Always ask what are the anticipated benefits of utilizing said drug(s).
When it comes to a balance diet there are many things to take under consideration but remember your body is your own you have a right to ask question and a right to agree or disagree with any health decisions related to your situation. So be the best darn fashionista you can be and become your own Pro-Health Advocate.
Here's looking at you girlfriends!
Tiease D. Deutsch R.N/Artist/ Writer
Copyright by Tiease D. Deutsch April 19, 2011
April, 17, 2011
When it comes to looking hot in your clothes there's a lot to consider. For instance if one is wealthy cosmetic surgery is a primary weapon against the bulge, so is gastric bypass surgery to reduce the capacity of what your stomach can hold. To eliminate unwanted wrinkles again there's cosmetic surgery, but for the rest of us everyday-souls, Self-Health-Advocacy is the best alternative when it comes to feeling and looking ones best.. The way a woman look sends subliminal messages to those around her and sparks make-it or break-it reputation. In order to be the fashionable Diva who stands out in the crowd your must consider your inner beauty as well as your outward appearance. and keep in mind self-esteem and good health are essential to looking good. A fashionista must be well informed about beneficial health topics. My goal in creating this blog is to inform modern day fashionistas about the significance health and how it contributes to looking good. Today focus is on Cholesterol and Trans Fats definitely a hot topic today. I have prepared easy-reading straight-forward facts which you can use to improve your self-health awareness and build upon this knowledge. Every fashionista should be aware that," when you feel good-you look good!
If you've been seeking a better way to look good start with your diet and some fundamental facts. I like to keep-it-real so let me say, There is no way I can discuss everything there is to know about looking good nutrition but I do have tips which will help you get started. Make yourself comfy &. Lets begin with Trans Fats & Cholesterol these two terms are kicked around a lot by the multi-million dollar Advertisers, Manufactures and culprits looking to reap profits from the products they're pushing and utilizing creating public panic is one distasteful method too many of them make, but I'm to debate the message that merely tossing money at the problem is the only way to go. In fact Self-Health Advocacy and Consumer Awareness are necessities that enable you to make informed decisions concerning yourself. What you really need to concentrate on is understanding and managing a delicious nutritious diet. Lets start with Unsaturated fats include polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. These foods are liquids at room temperature. However, monounsaturated fats normally harden when placed in the refrigerator. Unsaturated fats are given the name due to the carbon bonds in the fatty acids that comprise the molecule.Next it comes down to the F word (wash your mouth out with soap!) Fats or more to the point Trans Fats and Cholesterol. Trans Fats can be found in vegetable shortenings, majority of margarines, most cookies, crackers, potato chips and many other foods. In truth Trans Fats are deliberated added to most of the foods manufactured today using a process called Hydrogenation-Which defines how by adding hydrogen to vegetable oils Trans Fats are created. Some Trans fats are found naturally in meats and vegetables. Trans fats differ from ordinary fats because they're produced when product manufacturers convert liquid oil into solid highly concentrated fats like lard. Obviously there are financial motives for adding Trans fats to products:
Unsaturated fats are considered healthier for the diet. These fats are shown to lower cholesterol levels. Polyunsaturated fats include omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for heart
1.They are cheap preservatives which increase the shelf life of products.
2.They taste good-How many people can resist eating more than one potato chip.
3. Help preserve food color.
4.Satisfy hunger.
Elevated levels of Trans Fats, Saturated Fats and Cholesterol are the result of consuming large quantities of these types of products. At this point allow me to state a fact that many people don't realize is that fat is essential for body homeostasis growth and proper development. As a parent you need to know that your child's diet must contain some fats for proper develop.Toddlers have the highest energy needs per unit of body weight of any age group. Withholding essential fats from children can lead to serious disease and various other healthcomplications such as retardation and malnutrition. Talk to your Pediatrician before you attempt to restrict nutrients from any child's diet.
Keep in mind maker of conventional foods and some dietary supplements are required to list trans fat on a separate line, immediately under saturated fat on the nutrition level. Food makes have been aware of these requirements since January 1, 2006 requiring listing trans fat on nutritional labels (which makes life easier for consumers). The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulatory chemical definition for trans fatty acids is all unsaturated fatty acids that contain one or more isolate ( i.e., nonconjugated) double bonds in a trans configuration. The Agency's definition, conjugated linoleic acid would be excluded from the definition of trans fat. Dietary supplement makers must also list trans fat on the Supplement Facts panel when their good contain reportable amounts of trans fat (0.5 grams or greater). The so-called popular energy drinks and power bars fall under the list of supplements which should be clearly labeled.
Adults are a different story all together. Mono-unsaturated (unsaturated fats) and polyunsaturated fats are helpful to efficient body function also, however adults usually need less fat. Attempting to eliminate fats completely from your diet can lead to malnutrition thus leading to Malnourished skin which is susceptible to dryness, wrinkled and a leathery appearance. Fats contribute to the suppleness of our skin. You can't be a drop dead gorgeous diva when your skin is in bad shape! If you have no preexisting chronic health conditions such as Diabetes or High Blood Pressure I suggert
When it comes to Cholesterol (Another form of fat) not all Cholesterol is bad. There are three different kinds of blood level cholesterol and triglycerides. Good Cholesterol (HDL) helps keep your arteries from clogging up & protects you against heart disease. A good lever is 60mg/dL or Higher. On the other hand Bad Cholesterol (LDL).accumulates and blocks arteries and contributes to heart disease. A good LDL level is less than 100mg/dL if you have hight risk for heart disease then less than 130mg/dL is suggested. if you are otherwise healthy. Cholesterol occurs naturally in the body and is essential to body homeostasis. Cholesterol can be found in foods like eggs, meat, pretzels, potato chips, bakery good and other foods many love to eat.. Unfortunately the body already produces some of the necessary cholesterol your body requires in order to function properly so the amount we need from food is reduced.. Excessive cholesterol consumed in foods can lead to health problems, such as: Obesity, Heart Disease ( heart disease is on the rise in women living in the USA), stroke, depression. & even Breast cancer have been linked to elevated cholesterol levels.
Women over age 21 should have their cholesterol checked annually via a simple blood test, The normal Cholesterol level should be below 200 and since most people never have signs or symptoms associated with elevated cholesterols level ( Like Hypertension/High Blood Pressure it is insidious). A blood test is the only way to determine your cholesterol level. If you want to be a success in life become your own self health advocate and talk to your health care provider about what is best for you.
Cholesterol is on the tips of everyone's tongues these days and for good reason Cholesterol has a nasty little tendency to accumulate and clog up blood vessels, especially those blood vessels of the heart. Which lead to Angina (chest pains), Shortness of breath (SOB) and Heart Attacks . During a heart attack the heart muscle is cut off from essential nutrients and oxygen it needs to survive and begins to die if circulation to the heart is not promptly restored death may result. Strokes are a another result of of excessive cholesterol-Blood clots development as blood slows, clumps together and accumulates under pressure. It's best to familiarize yourself with all the facts associated with Fats because they are also an essential part of a balanced diet providing energy and stored food resources for our bodies and cholesterol helps in the absorption of vitamins A, D, E, and K and carotene. There are a variety of medications used to combat and lower elevated cholesterol levels.
- HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors called statins:: Altoprev, Crestor, Lescol, Lipitor, Mevacor, Pravachol, Zocor. Some common negative side effects include: Gas, Dizziness, Constipation, Headache, Diarrhea, and upset stomach. Generally are not used in patients with liver disease. Don't use these medicines if you are pregnant or nursing. Use these drugs with caution if you are also taking Gemfibrozil, Amiodarone, Verpamill, or blood thinner like heparin and coumadin. If you are Hiv+ and on medication, birth control pills, Nefazodone, and niacin you should talk to your doctor about the specific risk of using statins. As with all medications alcohol can cause unwanted complications in addition to large quantitites of citrus juices daily may interfer with Statin drugs. Call your Health care provider if you experience fever, dark urine, muscle aches and pains, and weakness.
- Bile Acid Sequestrants include : Colestid, LoCholest, Prevalite, Questran (oral powder), and Welchol. Don't use these drugs if you have liver or gallbladder problems. If you have heart disease, ulcers, kidney disease or an under-active thyroid talk to your doctor about the risk associated with using these drugs. If you are already taking Spironolactone you should talk to your doctor prior to taking Colestipol(Colestid). Some common side effects can be heartburn, Constipation, Gas, Indigestion and Nausea. Warning Signs are stomach pain, vomiting, sudden weight loss, unusual bleeding from gums or rectum.
4 Niacin and what you should know about it: Don't use Niaspan if you have liver disease or if you are taking an immediate release niacin pill. Don't use it if you are pregnant and/or nursing.
If your are taking aspiring, high blood pressure drugs, HMG CoA Reductase inhibitor (Statins), or drugs to lower bile acid you need to discuss the risk with your health care provider. If you have history of heart attack, stroke, gout ask about the risk of taking this medication. Never be afraid to speak up for yourself when it involves your body. Some common negative effects of Niaspan are: Headache, Upset Stomach, Heartburn, Diarrhea, and redness of the face or neck (personally I have has clients who have experience the flushing and it is unnerving for many people). Be aware of warning signs and symptoms and contact your health care provider stat should you suddenly develop rapid heartbeat, fainting, dizziness, or yellowing of the skin and whites of the eye (Called Jaundice).
5. Combination Drugs are another way these medications may be prescribed. Two common drugs in this category are Vytorin (Generic name Ezetimibe & Simvastatin) and Advicor (Generic Name=Niacin and Lovastatin). What's important to consider about combo-drugs is never take Vytorin or Advicor if you are pregnant or nursing. Do not take Vytorin if you have Liver Disease. If you're taking Gemfibrozil (Lopid), Fenofibrate (Ticor), high blood pressure drugs, Protease inhibitors (medicines to treat HIV), or blood thinners such as coumadin and heparin should use caution when taking these tow medications. And if you consume large quantities of grapefruit or orange juice daily, it may affect Advicor usefulness. Common side effects include: Headache, flushing, upset stomach. Warning signs and symptoms are: Dark urine(Could indicate internal bleeding), stomach pains, Muscle pain,Tenderness or Weakness and Jaundice.
Another drug to familiarize yourself to is Zetia (Ezetimibe is its generic name). As usual pregnant women and breast feeding Moms should not take Zetia with another Cholesterol drug. If you suffer from liver disease you should not take Zetia with another cholesterol drug. If you are on anticoagulants (Blood Thinners) be extremely cautious since your risk of hemorrhage is increased when using them in combination. Side can be fatigue, bleeding, stomach pain and weakness. Beware warning signals like: Muscle pain, Tenderness, Malaise, Abdominal pain, Swelling of face and lips (Inflammation), and Severe itching.
These drugs have their own sub-categories in each group. If you've been diagnosed with high cholesterol you and your health care provider must work as a unit to manage this problem. Determining which drug is best suited for you is primal and this is where Pro-Self Healthy Advocacy is best utilized. Ask your health care provider what foods, herbs, or over-the-counter drugs should you avoid, When should you take each medication and how many times per day, should it be taken with food on the stomach of on an empty stomach,What are the side effects, Are the medications safe to use during pregnancy and Exactly what the drug is and why you need to take. Always ask what are the anticipated benefits of utilizing said drug(s).
When it comes to a balance diet there are many things to take under consideration but remember your body is your own you have a right to ask question and a right to agree or disagree with any health decisions related to your situation. So be the best darn fashionista you can be and become your own Pro-Health Advocate.
Here's looking at you girlfriends!
Tiease D. Deutsch R.N/Artist/ Writer
Copyright by Tiease D. Deutsch April 19, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Tiease's Hair Coloring Tidbits!
When it comes to hair dye my personal preference is Reddish-Brown or Auburn. There are ample products to choose from and at present I'm not pushing any particular brand (No kickbacks!) however the manufacturers of hair coloring are not sweating this, since hair colors allow the individual to express their own will dramatically! And hiding gray hairs the business makes millions off of. No my concern is on the safety of using such products. We all know that some of us will risk anything to look better or glam-up our look, but you don't want to go bold in the process. By following a few basic tips you can enjoy the journey much better with more positive outcomes.
First lets be honest and put this out there, there are professional dye and hair care products available solely to haircare professionals and the stuff the public must settle over-the-counter. This is one reason why most hair care done at the beauty salon looks so superior, not to mention the stylist is properly trained. Never-the-less I still believe in making all salon products available to the general public. There are various types of hair color used in beauty salons and sold at your local store. Some are permanent and cannot be washed out with shampooing. Temporary colors can be washed out after a number of repeated shampoos depending on the brand you use. Henna comes from Mother Nature herself made from a plant to acquire my favorite colors of red and reddish-brown. Progressive hair colors (Just for men hair dye is a good example) transforms your hair color gradually making your hair just a little more obvious with each subsequent application of the product. This is good for those who want to gradually ease oneself into hue and for those who don't want every one pointing and saying,"Oh you dyed your hair".
Regardless of product used any product used incorrectly could land you in hot ugly water and all sorts of crazy looking colors, not to mention causing her hair to fall out right before your very eyes. All I'm saying is PAY ATTENTION TO ALL CAUTIONS AND ADHERE TO INSTRUCTIONS EXACTLY!"
Common dictate that delicate areas such as pubic area, eye brows and I don't know who attempt it but I've better mention never attempt to color your eye lashes. True there are many people who have a natural talent for hair care but for amateurs some dye jobs are just to risky! You could permanently blind yourself and not matter how good your attorney may be if you attempt to sue(but it probably won't do much good since an injury incurred by misuse of a product is your responsibility and most hair products do label cautions clearly on their packaging) you can not regain your eye sight once blinded, so pay heed.
Always keep in mind that a patch text prior to using hair coloring is wise. This involves just using a small section of strands to test the product out prior to lathering up your entire scalp or Rub a small amount of color on on the inside of your elbow or behind your ear leave it there for 24 hours if you break out in a rash don't use the product. Keep in mind that when you go to her hair dresser she/he should also do a patch test.
For the child inhabited home include keeping your chemical home dyes & other hair care products on your childproofing list. You don't want your babies getting into this toxic situation. Children's skin is healthy but very delicate what works as a good hair product for you can burn the flesh off a child!
Adhere to time charts strictly-In fact use a egg timer to be on the safe side and for goodness sake don't leave the dye on longer than directed. From childhood I first noticed my beautician repeatedly rinsing my hair after a perm and use to wonder why, I'm older and wiser now and know that rinsing your hair thoroughly after dying is essential and so is a good conditioning and for dry brittle hair a deep warm oil a week or two post dying can only help.
If you suffer with allergies or chronic skin ailments such as Dermatitis you must take extra care and consult your health care provider or dermatologist before hand. In any case you need to wear protective gloves. Keep in mind that hair streaking is just as potentially harmful to your scalp as dying(But who doesn't or hasn't had a little streak at some time in your life). When it comes to streaking don't mix chemical or different hair dyes together you could wind up with a lethal hiar and scalp cocktail there.
Once you've dyed your hair be aware of some potential warning signs that something may be wrong such as: Itching/rash.raw scalp
Hair loss
Redness around hairline, back of neck and of course your scalp.
Burning obviously is a red flag!
Swelling in the face may indicate a negative allergic reaction to the product.
Any trouble breathing or shortness of breath (SOB) may indicate a severe allergic reaction & can be potentially life threatening contact your nearest emergency room immediately/stat.
Having state a few facts and safety tips I can knock yourself a new hair color can be invigorating and is a easy, safe, and affordable quick make-over when done right. Cheers!
First lets be honest and put this out there, there are professional dye and hair care products available solely to haircare professionals and the stuff the public must settle over-the-counter. This is one reason why most hair care done at the beauty salon looks so superior, not to mention the stylist is properly trained. Never-the-less I still believe in making all salon products available to the general public. There are various types of hair color used in beauty salons and sold at your local store. Some are permanent and cannot be washed out with shampooing. Temporary colors can be washed out after a number of repeated shampoos depending on the brand you use. Henna comes from Mother Nature herself made from a plant to acquire my favorite colors of red and reddish-brown. Progressive hair colors (Just for men hair dye is a good example) transforms your hair color gradually making your hair just a little more obvious with each subsequent application of the product. This is good for those who want to gradually ease oneself into hue and for those who don't want every one pointing and saying,"Oh you dyed your hair".
Regardless of product used any product used incorrectly could land you in hot ugly water and all sorts of crazy looking colors, not to mention causing her hair to fall out right before your very eyes. All I'm saying is PAY ATTENTION TO ALL CAUTIONS AND ADHERE TO INSTRUCTIONS EXACTLY!"
Common dictate that delicate areas such as pubic area, eye brows and I don't know who attempt it but I've better mention never attempt to color your eye lashes. True there are many people who have a natural talent for hair care but for amateurs some dye jobs are just to risky! You could permanently blind yourself and not matter how good your attorney may be if you attempt to sue(but it probably won't do much good since an injury incurred by misuse of a product is your responsibility and most hair products do label cautions clearly on their packaging) you can not regain your eye sight once blinded, so pay heed.
Always keep in mind that a patch text prior to using hair coloring is wise. This involves just using a small section of strands to test the product out prior to lathering up your entire scalp or Rub a small amount of color on on the inside of your elbow or behind your ear leave it there for 24 hours if you break out in a rash don't use the product. Keep in mind that when you go to her hair dresser she/he should also do a patch test.
For the child inhabited home include keeping your chemical home dyes & other hair care products on your childproofing list. You don't want your babies getting into this toxic situation. Children's skin is healthy but very delicate what works as a good hair product for you can burn the flesh off a child!
Adhere to time charts strictly-In fact use a egg timer to be on the safe side and for goodness sake don't leave the dye on longer than directed. From childhood I first noticed my beautician repeatedly rinsing my hair after a perm and use to wonder why, I'm older and wiser now and know that rinsing your hair thoroughly after dying is essential and so is a good conditioning and for dry brittle hair a deep warm oil a week or two post dying can only help.
If you suffer with allergies or chronic skin ailments such as Dermatitis you must take extra care and consult your health care provider or dermatologist before hand. In any case you need to wear protective gloves. Keep in mind that hair streaking is just as potentially harmful to your scalp as dying(But who doesn't or hasn't had a little streak at some time in your life). When it comes to streaking don't mix chemical or different hair dyes together you could wind up with a lethal hiar and scalp cocktail there.
Once you've dyed your hair be aware of some potential warning signs that something may be wrong such as: Itching/rash.raw scalp
Hair loss
Redness around hairline, back of neck and of course your scalp.
Burning obviously is a red flag!
Swelling in the face may indicate a negative allergic reaction to the product.
Any trouble breathing or shortness of breath (SOB) may indicate a severe allergic reaction & can be potentially life threatening contact your nearest emergency room immediately/stat.
Having state a few facts and safety tips I can knock yourself a new hair color can be invigorating and is a easy, safe, and affordable quick make-over when done right. Cheers!
Friday, April 8, 2011
Make-up Ambivalence Tidbits by Tiease D. Deutsch
There's a thriving billion dollar cosmetic industry out there and who can relax without using some sort of cosmetic prior to venturing forth into our day. The first time I saw my sister-in-law's colossal make-up collection I was shocked. She literally had draws of nothing but make-up piled to the top. Who could possible use this much make-up? I wondered but obvious she thirst for make-up will not be satisfied! Well what ever floats one's boat more power to her(ridiculous). We all use cosmetics to feel, look and smell lovely. From lipstick, to hair gels we are addicted, and because of this fact we should all be aware a some basic safety tips that can keep you safe while making up that pretty face. There are a multitude of brands and trademarks out there & realistically it's alll about trial and error when selecting what is best for you. On-the-other hand there are a few rules you should adhere to when dealing with cosmetics:
- Label are essential always read them.
- Know exactly how to properly use the product correctly.
- How much of the product are you actually getting for your money and how long should it last.
- Is the product cost-effective?
- Is it manufactured by a reputable company or some fly by night set up.
- Can you purchase wholesale & are fee samples supplied.
- Legally any make-up sold must list all the ingredients used to make the product and you shouldn't have to search high and low for this information it should be clearly labeled on the package.
Be careful not to keep mascara longer than 3 months tops. If you already have an eye infection avoid eye make-up altogether and any eye make up you were using prior to your symptoms appearing throw out. It's not worth the risk of reinfecting yourself. You can buy new product, but your eyes are priceless and can not be replaced!
Never use aerosols near heat and when you can use a pump rather than aerosol sprays which are not eco- friendly and never expose product to excessive heat, never smoke when using hair sprays, alcohol products, finger nail polish remover these are extremely flammable.
Even with all of these smart tips you may still experience a negative reaction from a product the reasons from this can be varied. The most common problems with cosmetics is an allergic reaction. Allergies can occur when you initially apply a product or after you have used it for a while. Why this happens no one really knows. Some common signs and symptoms of a negative reaction to a product you are using may be:
- Redness/discoloration of skin
- Bleeding
- Itching
- Swelling/Inflammation
- Rash/Blister and in severe case sore
- Shortness of breath (SOB). SOB is a serious life threatening symptom which may indicate a potential life threatening reaction to a product.
- You may have heard about someone having a negative reaction to Alpha Hydroxy Acids(AHAs) Products with AHAs are marketed for a variety of purposes: to smooth fine lines and surface wrinkles, to improve skin texture and tone, to unblock and cleanse pores, to improve oily skin or acne and to improve skin condition in general.. The USA FDA has been concerned by the potentially irritating effects of AHAs. By the end of 2004 the agency received a total of 114 reports of adverse dermatologic reactions for AHA skin care products between 1992 and February 2004 (with the maximum number in 1994).In response to the potentially harmful effects of AHAs, FDA's recent guidance recommends that a "sunburn alert" labeling statement appear "prominently and conspicuously" on the labeling of any products containing (AHAs).
Well enough said there's absolutely no way that cosmetics are ever going away they have been around forever and staying power reigns supreme. The best thing is to just use common-sense and follow a fresh of the tips I talked about here and you should be okay.
Until next time fashionistas, Paper Doll lovers and friends.
copyright by Tiease D. Deutsch R.N.& Paper Divas Artist 4/8/2011
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Bold & Beautiful Paper Divas
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Sunday, April 3, 2011
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Looking good in ones clothes--Liposuction may help!
Today high fashionable profile is everything. First impressions are imperative and we are all looking for way to help us appear fit, trim and healthy in our must flaunt clothes! So I decided to do a little investigating of this liposuction procedure to get just a few facts and I enjoy sharing health, beauty & of course fashion tips with you.
First let me say that, I believe in womanly curves bones just aren't working for me & I believe in a positive attitude about your own body as it is! Attitude, the right clothes, and a savvy touch for unique finds are a plus "Looking good and feeling good are # 1 priority & never over-rated!" That's when I asked myself what else can I do about my body? Obviously a healthy food ranks at the top of this look-good feel-good list. Exercise, most of us could use a little more of this but lets be honest it's not an instant fix-Now is it? And clothes and makeup can cover up only so much.
That's when Liposuction became an interest. I decided to investigate before investing my most precious asset my body! First step ask my doctor to refer me to a good cosmetic surgeon (For sister of color keep in mind that you should always hunt around for a plastic surgeon familiar with Nubian skin care, since the melanin which creates so many beautiful golden brown hues also requires special attention) For all my Fashionlistas out there please make sure that your surgeon is board certified in your state, you don't want some quake working on your precious assets who hasn't a clue as to what they're doing. The American Society for Dermatology Surgery is a good resource to call upon for inquiries after a good cosmetic surgeon (let me add that she/he should also he experienced in Liposuction surgery specifically and hooking up with a few past clients to see how their surgery turned out is always smart.)
The obvious positive side to Liposuction is you get rid of that excess unattractive tummy and you viciously attack those problem areas that no amount of exercise seems to eliminate. That old clique` "When you look good you feel better" Still rings true! Unfortunately the are always two sides of the coin and I want to always be aware of the negative associated with anything before I venture forth, so here are some of the downside to Liposuction. Common sense tells us that if you are not healthy to begin with then an unnecessary elective surgery should be put off until you health does improve. As with any surgery there is the risks of post-surgical complications such as infection, swelling, blood clots etc. Always provide a complete medical history of any preexisting conditions you have such as: Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Anemia these can all affect the way you heal after surgery. Keep in mind like any other surgery there will be a recovery time with some aches and pains this is normal but if pain or bleeding persist contact your surgeon stat! Sometimes your shape might not appear even after your procedure. There may be excess skin or lumps that may require more surgery to repair.
I don't appreciate the fact (and I'm sure many of you don't either) that most Insurance Companies will not pay for Liposuction. This is because Lipo-surgery is classified as an elective surgery, (which means it is unnecessary surgery according to most health plan provider, You will have to foot the bill alone. Which when all is said and done can easily cost you $5000 or more depending on what you have done!. So deep pockets are required.
When all is said and done it balls down to common sense! Know how long your surgeon has been performing Liposuction, how surgeries she/he does per year, What sort of complications has the doctor has in the past, Always ask to see before-and-after pictures of past clients, Be proactive educate yourself to all the risk and benefits. Never allow any surgeon to pressure you. You must think for yourself!
In the end a positive liposuction has positive benefits and is a self-esteem booster! And often it's is less expensive than a tummy tuck.
We all want to look good in our clothes and Liposuction is an option to be considered. To each Fashionista her own! Dish with you later.
Tiease D. Deutsch R.N.
Paper Doll Artist and Dedicated Fashionista
Copyright 4/2/2011 by Tiease D. Deutsch R.N.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Tiease's Valley of the Paper Divas Blog Novelties
Tiease's Valley of the Paper Divas Blog

Tiease D. Deutsch
P.O. Box 5043
Charlotte, N.C. 28299
For Catalog: http://tinyurl.com/TieasePaperDivas
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