As a teen I learned a valuable lesson about beauty & wealth that still holds true many years later. "A fine body
& ample personal assets are pale compensation for a healthy body and strong spirit." I was an unique teenager in many ways, in one aspect I was extremely mature for my age but innocent of what really matters in life. I soon learned from my experience that pretty clothes and precious jewels matter little when you are lying on what you believe could very well be your death bed.
I experienced an ailment so severe it leeched me of all my strength, my appetite, my vanity, but not thank God my Will to live! I easily recall this dreadful time as though it were happening right before me now. I was very ill in a dark closet used in my mother's home as a dirty and very uncomfortable punishment room (but that's another story) I lye upon a small mattress hurting, weak, feeling all alone even though there were family members and others in home none of them were interested in me at the time. And I knew it.
Occasionally I aroused my from fitful sweaty restless stupor to take in my surroundings, which would only depress me which compounded my physical ailments. I recall looking beside the mattress I was lying upon and notice my diamond studded earrings a gift from a bad-boy type admirer at the time. I had never owned any material thing so precious as these diamond earrings (growing up in a rigid and poor single parent household) I remember thinking I should try to hide my earrings, because people were always in and out of my mothers apartment supposedly visiting her or two of my sisters and some of them I had caught before attempting to steal things from the house and taken the stolen item back. I would not allow certain people to leave until I had gotten back the item and I always did, but now lying upon my sick-bed to weak to eat let alone intervene to prevent a thief I had no strength and surprisingly no desire to put forth the effort to conceal the diamond earrings. I remember thinking," If I don't hide these at least under my pillow they would not be there when I awakened again! I was sure of ill-fated conclusion, however To my amazement I could hear a my inner voice saying, "It doesn't matter!" I was startled by my sudden realization that assets and my physical appearance during my confinement meant nothing to me at this point, I was too sick to care. All that I desired was to be well again, to be able to do for myself, regain my autonomy, my physical strength.
I drifted back into my fit fall feverish slumber resolved to accept the inevitable consequences. Needless to say when I managed to pry open my heavy eye-lids once again the earrings were indeed gone. I had been lost to the world so caught up in my ailment to care that they were gone. Ironically lying there staring at the empty spot where once my precious diamond stud earrings lye. I accepted this fact calmly. I had an Epiphany-
Precious jewels, beautiful clothes and superficial things are meaningless in the face of one's immortality and loss of autonomy! After a couple of weeks I eventually recovered and inquired about the missing earrings but of course everyone denied taking them and I never saw them again.
The moral of this story is this, To be human and admire beautiful things, acquire precious assets is part of the human experience and I firmly believe that there is nothing wrong in this fact, however there is nothing more precious are valuable as one's health and well being. Without Physical , Mental & Spiritual wealth all assets are meaningless! And this realization is universal & eternal. Whenever things really seem to be going wrong in my life. I remind myself that I am alive, healthy, autonomous and life changes. My predicament can and will improve. Personal beautiful things are wonderful and desirable but one's holistic state of body and mind are
"Priceless". Enjoying life & good Health are humanities most precious assets.
Don't get me wrong as a Fashionista I will always love beautiful clothes, statement jewelery, and creating
my handcrafted Paper Diva Deluxe Box Sets, in addition to various other hobbies I enjoy. such as my thirst for ever acquiring knowledge a passionate endeavor of mine. (I was born to learn). I cannot escape that one inescapable fact that Health and Cognizance are human-kinds most precious possessions. When I assess the beautiful wonders and riches of this world I know whole heartily that "Quality of life is essential.
A lesson this Fashionista lives by today!
A lesson this Fashionista lives by today!
Copyright 5/3/2011 by Tiease D. Deutsch, RN,Artist,Writer
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