Tiease's Valley of the Paper Divas
Tiease D. Deutsch
P. O. Box 5043
Charlotte, N. C. 28299
Look for me at Youtube.com/TieaseDDeutsch!
Hello Darlings,
Welcome to Tiease's Valley of the Paper Divas Fashion Show 16. Featuring two of my Beautiful Paper Divas modeling a few of their outfits. I know you will enjoy. You can purchase any of Tiease's Paper Diva Deluxe Box Sets at the bottom of this page.
Before I go further I would like to give a quick "Healthy Feline Shout-Out", because I want you to be around for as long as possible!
Be your own role model & pro-self health activist. You've exhausted all of the diets, exercises, hair styles, over priced purses in repeated attempts to make yourself look good and stand out from amongst the ordinary. Now it's time you do something that could actually save your life. Make getting a yearly mammogram your top priority today and Learn how to perform a monthly breast exam on yourself.
It's fabulous to be the Fashionista and kicking-it with this seasons newest chicest fads & clothes, however if you fail to detect breast cancer in its early stages you could die. Take it from me when you are sick and/or dying from a preventable fate it's just sad.
This is your wake-up call & opportunity to do something for your inner health & beauty. Practice & learn to give yourself monthly self-breast examines and ask your health care provider about the new digital mammograms. The images are clearer and more efficient at detecting small growths earlier.
Fortunately every breast lump discovered seldom is diagnosed as cancerous, Thank God for that! Genuine self-health-activism is what makes you dazzling!
If your prefer a female technologists then request one, personally I don't feel that the average man can empathize with the female body experience. I can and I'm on your side.
It's incredibly noble, insightful and mature to heal from the inside out. It may sound like a cliche` but it's true,"When you feel good-you look good"!
The simple fact is that "Breast Cancer" is no laughing matter and if you don't protect your life-Who will?
Copyright 10/2/2011 by Tiease D. Deutsch RN/Author/Artist
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