How to fix your dry skin:
Dry skin is a fact of life for me & countless others who are afflicted with dry skin. My skin is so that mere H20 leaves it feeling dry and rough. So any illuminating interventions are welcomed by me and I am always on the look out for new and promising dry skin interventions, and helpful cosmetics, because I'm not made of money I wanted to look into natural & cheaper interventions. Unfortunately dry skin skin is a year round ordeal for me. Winter, Summer, Spring, or Fall it really doesn't matter. Personally the summer season's sun and harsh attributes are especially unforgiving. I am forced to take evasive actions in order to shield and protect my skin. Without my attention. I would probably wind up envying a mummy.
Fortunately so-called-itchy--winter skin (hence the term, "winter itch") has never been a problem however the harsh elements associated with cold weather wreck chaos on my skin. So I decided to root around for treatments and sensible home interventions to be success in my struggle & pass on helpful suggestions to you. Winter Skin In winter, low temperatures, low humidity and strong, harsh winds deplete skin of its natural lipid layer, which keeps the skin from drying out. The dry air from furnaces and other heating sources also suck the moisture out of skin.
To keep skin soft and supple, your goal is not to add moisture to skin, but to keep moisture in. Hot water is one of dry skin's deadly sins. Most consultants advice Luke-warm water. I personally prefer warm showers and baths as do most of us they just feel good, so what I do is monitor the time I expose my skin to this water. We have all experienced the after bath prune-skin which is a good indicator that you've been in the water much too long. For extremely dry skin initially if you don't have severe Bo problems try bathing every other day and substitute a sponge bath on that day until you've gotten your dry skin problem under control.
Your H2O should be warm when bathing, since hot water is more drying to skin. This also means skipping hot tubs (another golden rule I simply cannot abide). The hot temperature, combined with pollution & chemicals are torture on dry skin. I don't mind using warm water to wash my hands & I can abide by this rule. In fact as a nurse I was constantly washing my hands for obvious health reasons and I always carried a moisturizer around to apply throughout the day. Water is necessary to the skin but can be punishing and leeching of nutrients when over done 5-10 minute show more than long enough in under ordinary circumstances.
Dry Skin Tip:
Moisturize After Showers & Hand Washing My skin speaks to me as loud as a bull-horn and I'm sure yours does too if you just pay attention to the signals your skin is sending you, you can improve your beauty over all. When my skin feels like it would crack after a shower tight and taut, Stat! I reach for the moisturizer. Moisturizer is much more effective on properly exfoliated skin. Use a salt or sugar scrub in the shower and exfoliate your face with a mild scrub made for the face. See "How to Exfoliate" for tons of fun information on exfoliating your body and your face. Also, check out the best facial scrubs and the scrubs for the body.
HINT: Invest in a Humidifier I live in horror of the Leather-Skin horror! I really feel for caucasions women who exposed themselves to the sun on purpose in pursuit of beautiful brown skin; only to pay for it later in life by looking leathery! It's all about moderation, sun screen protection and moisturizing your skin. We need the sun and its life giving rays just not an excess of it. In fact our body requires direct sunlight in order to manufacuture Vitamin D is is important to skin, teeth, bone and holistic emotional health. This is why the instant spray on tans have become so popular and expensive these days. Hopefully those not blessed with enough natural melenine son't trade one ever for another-What I mean is that the chemicals in the spray on tans should also be taken into consideration and an educated consumer is a smoother/softer Fashionista.
Note: When it comes to severe sunburn some water pills, oral contraceptives, tranquilizers and a host of other common medications can potentially increase the salt to sun fried skin & increase your skins sensitivity to sun exposure in general. Ask your health care advisor which drugs have negative skin side effects. Typically skin needs at least 40% humidity to maintain healthy moisture. One easy thing you can do to help your skin If you live in a low-humidity climate or endure harsh winters & indoor heaters do your skin a favor and invest in a quality humidifier. An artificially heated environment may have as little as 10 percent moisture. A daily humidifier exposure can improve your skin tone, mositure, elasticity and appearance. Doors should be closed so moist air doesn't escape and you get the full benefit from your humidifier. Dry Skin Tip: Skip the Drying Soaps Soaps can be drying. Stick with a creamy moisturizing cleanser that contains glycerin or petrolatum, such as Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Body Wash for the body or Purpose Gentle Cleansing Wash (my current drugstore pick) for the face. Extra tip: Simply can't skip the bath? Skip the bubbles, which can contain harsh foaming ingredients and opt for bath oils or oatmeal scrubs, which are great for soothing itchy skin. Dry Skin Tip: Baby Your Hands & Feet My extremities (hands/feet are often affected by dry, itchy skin and face it people are always watching hands and feet of others these days with the manicures and pedicules. Put on moisturizer and gloves prior to venturing out into the harsh weather. For feet I moisturize & sleep in cotton socks when warranted and I am alone. HINT: Cover feet in a thick moisturizer, wrap feet in Saran Wrap, then put on a pair of teds (support socks) for a couple hours. Take a time out while the moisturizer absorbs. The same treatment can be used for your hands, except try plastic disposable gloves, you can also apply a pair of gloves over these for a little added concentrated warmth. Thirty minutes to an hour and you're all done remove gloves and enjoy the smoothe! Suggestion: Hydration is essential to maintaining supple skin, however all things in moderation-If you have kidney disease or are on a fluid restricted diet first discuss your fluid intake with your health care provider prior to altering your fluid intake. Personally I am well hydrated so topical skin treatments work best for me. I don't know about you but my lips require extra attention: As we all are aware licking our dry lips feels good temporarily but actually only washes away the little natural oils remaining upon your lips. Lips retain less moisture than other parts of our body, so they require special attention; When it comes to lips natural cures and gentle interventions are best, since they are cheaper, under normal conditions better than dangerous drugs. Vaseline Petroleum jelly makes an excellent and inexpensive quick lip balm apply as needed and after brushing your teeth. For scabby lips that feel stiff and dehydrated I have a homemade lip scrub treatment for you!: You'll need Extra Virgin Olive Oil, granulated sugar, small mixing container & tooth brushs designated especially for this purpose. 1/2 ounce extra virgin olive oil 1/2 tsp granulated sugar mix sugar &extra olive oil together Use your finger to apply some of this mixture liberally to your lips allow it to sit for ten minutes; allowing dead skin to soften so it's easier to remove during the scrub. Next make a olive oil and sugar paste use this paste to gently scrub away the dead cells. You may use water, olive oil without sugar or cold cream to remove the scrub. After scrub completely removed your lips will look supple and moisturized. Apply Vaseline or more olive oil. This is a good treatment prior to bed, since you can leave your natural lip balm on over night then apply any lip stick you may wear in the morning. For those Fashionistas who are mesmerized by name brands and retail lip balms you may prefer these: Lavere's, Kinerase, fenix. Knock yourself and your dollars out!
For a Fashionista a moisturized face is an essential: Common faucet H2O often harbors negative chemicals & minerals that are especially drying to skin. I remember when I first learned that in Manhattan, New York the wealthy section of the city have their own prioritized water supply pumped in. At the time I was amazed why would they need it I pondered? I now know purity is the reason! I use wet towelettes or cosmetic wipes to cleanse my face also fresh spring water when possible. Lets face it looking good and being healthy doesn't come cheap these days. Cold creams are a ancient alternative and still a good one. I won't push any particular product here because no one is paying me and I believe that skin care is extremely a personal affair one must experiment and find what works best for your skin. One beauty's beauty secret is another head ache. It's all about oil when it comes to emollients the Ancient Africans, Egyptians and Romans use olive oils, various fish and blubber oils and natural coco oils so these aren't new on the scene.
Some Fashionistas are convinced fish oils are the holy grille. Studies have been done revealing that within 6 to 8 weeks your skin will be more supple with the use of fish oil. Personally I don't like the smell but I can not deny that oils are essential. My mother hipped me to pricking the Vitamin E gel pill and using the oil to smear it upon my skin and I can vouch for it's benefits. My skin looks more youthful, elasticity improves and it's softer so I don't mind personally suggesting the application of Vitamin E oil directly applied to the skin. It does work! And as for fish oils they have their place and have the added benefit of being beneficial for your joints as well.
Never be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer & petition, with thanksgiving present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in God. Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV)
Copyright 12/28/2011 by Tiease D. Deutsch Health Consultant/Artist/Fashionista/Author
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