Tiease's Valley of the Paper Divas
Tiease D. Deutsch
P. O. Box 5043
Charlotte, N. C. 28299
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Health & Beauty
Tiease D. Deutsch RN
Sultry seductive legs to turn all heads when you walk into a room or down the street is every Fashionistas dream, but it's difficult to play up your legs when you are pledged by hairs & cellulite, so I decide to shop around for some quick cellulite-buster-helpers & hair elimination tips to share with you! Face it cottage cheese may be good for your diet but its extremely unattractive on ones legs. First allow me to state a hard fact of life cellulite is hereditary and practically impossible to eliminate altogether, however there are interventions which can dramatically reduce the appearance of cottage cheese legs. I believe that before you can defeat an enemy you must know the enemy so lets begin with a clear clarification of what cellulite is.
The physical cause of Cellulite is are fibrous cords that connect the skin to underlying muscle with fat in between. When fat cells increase they push up toward your skin and the cords are pulling down causing that dimpling effect we all know and despise. Some causes of Cellulite are:
• Hereditary
• Inactive lifestyle
• Stress
• Use of hormonal contraceptives
• Weight gain and an unhealthy diet
• Aging and the loss of skin elasticity
The Endermologie cellulite treatment makes use of a unique machine to provide positive & negative pressure to reduce cellulite. The average price reported in Endermologie Reviews $1,500 but it usually runs $800-$4000. Endermologie uses vacuum rolling and radio waves to break up fat and help increase circulation. Frequent treatments are required, aren't cheap and cellulite may return. I recommend leg strengthening exercises and losing weight to jump start your intervention. Body wraps and leg massages help & feel good. There is a bewildering amount of cellulite cosmetics out here but honestly they do little to eliminate cellulite. In reality cellulite is an ancient nuisance which requires aggressive interventions. The creams & lotions advertised to remove cellulite can cost you a small fortune & there has not been any conclusive evidence that they actually cure or improve cellulite. However for those interested in these creams here are a couple of the leading cellulite busters and estimated cost:
1. Revitol $40
2. TriLastin $80.00
3. Dermology $40.00
4. Cellulite RX $49.00
5. Murad $70.00
A. If you've got the cash liposuction works wonders but won't get rid of absolutely all traces of cellulite, so be realistic. Keep in mind that liposuction isn't cheap and can cost $3000 and up! B. Thermage treatment is another way to go it's used to treat cellulite,sagging & wrinked skin and should temporarily
improve the appearance of cellulite.
Thermage treatment uses a device called a ThermaCool. The tip of this ThermaCool is touched to the surface of your skin, penetrating heat to deep layers of the dermis by using radio-frequency. This heat stimulates internal collagen. Collagen is what gives our skin it's elasticity. In response to the newly produced collagen, the skin immediately reacts by tightening.
Thermage treatment is short and non-invasive and may take as little as 1-3 hours. When the ThermaCool touches your skin, you will feel a a heating sensation followed by a cooling sensation. A cooling spray is used to protect your top layer of skin. Skin can be tender but last only 3 days or so. Redness does occur especially on lighter complexions but under normal circumstances should fade within 48 hours. The expense can cost you about $3000.00 per treatment (it may take several) watch out for miscellaneous charges ask about them beforehand. It's your body-be your own pro-self-health advocate & ask questions until you feel comfortable.
This is not a comfortable treatment but it can last years depending on your DNA & how well you age. Remember for Fashionistas of color it's essential you locate well established practitioner who have extensive experience & knowledge in the treatment of beautiful brown skin. Discuss the advantages & disadvantages of this treatment and meet some past patients if possible to discuss they satisfaction level with the practitioner & if this isn't possible at least review some pre and post treatment images of clients. One key to good looking legs is to have smoother legs!
1. Start by exfoliating twice a week to eliminate dead skin & prevent ingrown stray hairs (yawk!).
2. The golden rule always use a sharp shaving razor, the 3 blade ones works very well. Remember to treat your skin with love and gentle care as you shave. Use gentle glides against the hair growth direction to avoid irritation & injury. Rinsing your razor frequently between strokes for obvious reasons. Never try to stretch more than ten usage out of it (when feasible).
3. Prior to shaving get in the show and use some of Avon's skin so soft to massage your legs to soften the hairs and moisturize skin simultaneously.
4. A neat trick is to apply your favourite hair remover as a shaving cream prior to shaving to provide that double whammy.
5. Of course waxing & electrolysis produces nice results, but will cost you much more than shaving & are uncomfortable. Waxing will allow hair to grown back smoother.
6. There are also those supposed scrub & rub away hair puffing sponges but to be honest if you have really course thick hairs don't look forward to them doing the trick, since many on the market today fall extremely short of quality results!
7. Leg-hair minimizer known to make hairs less noticeable by reducing their coarseness. If this is good enough for you then go for it. I think it more of an adjunct intervention.
8. Razor bumps aren't fashionable.
They are the result of dark hairs under your skin being cut with a dull razor known as keratosis a benign common skin problem remain unless hair is taken out by its roots or you can chemical exfoliate there by avoiding the irritation of irritated hair follicles. Best case scenario, avoid getting ingrown hairs in the first place. This isn't always possible but a quality moisturize & chemical exfoliate instead of using a loofah/scrub may be a solution to your razor bump problem. Keep in mind Fashionistas you have the right to bare legs & arms, so put some of these helpful suggestions to good use. Until next time darlings!
© by Tiease D. Deutsch 1-25-2012
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