Tiease's Valley of the Paper Divas
Tiease D. Deutsch
P. O. Box 5043
Charlotte, N. C. 28299
Look for me at Youtube.com/TieaseDDeutsch!
Tiease's Believe it or not Money saving beauty tips!
You know what makes new clothes stand out is their clean crisp pressed appearance & we pay cleaners millions of dollars per year here in the United States & world wide to obtain that crisp brand new appearance you can get yourself for pennies on the dollar at home by using a little glossy laundry starch mixture. It's easy enough to prepare and I will be providing a simple recipe for a laundry starch mixture.
With money so tight today achieving that professional finish look for your clothes at home without the ridiculous cleaners bills is a God send! And there are several other handy usages for simple laundry starch that you may not have been aware of, such as:
1. Sun burn: To soothe sunburned skin, prepare a soothing bath by adding one cup starch to a tub of warm water. Keep in mind that your bath surface may be slippery so take care getting in and out of the bath.
2. Itchy Skin: For itchy irritated skin dust affected are with laundry starch. Much than over the counter products.
3. Starch also doubles as a baby powder & to relieve diaper rash.
4. Sprinkle starch inside rubber gloves. Makes gloves moare comfortable to wear & easier to get off.
5. Reduce chaffing & absorb moi8sture, dust insides of shoes by sprinkling a little starch inside.
6. Starch also works on grease stains on clothes sprinkle spot with starch, rub into stain, then gently brush off. Repeat until greasy spot is removed.
Laundered starch gives a crisp finish to your garment and is great for crafting. For best results:
Fabric should be clean, wet & unfolded before dipping it into the starch solution.
Use starch solution while warm. Iron fabrich while damp.
When preparing your starch brew for your garments you can either use the Simple method or the Boiled starch technique.
Simple starch mixture Recipe for your garments
First decide if you want a heavy starch, medium or light starching;
For a heavy starch mixture use half a cup of gloss laundry starch & 1 cup cold water. Gradually stir in 2 quarts boiling water. Use warm. (Your mixture should be translucent.)
For medium starching-Dilute heavy starch solution with 2 quarts cold water.
Light Starch: Dilute heavy starch solution with 4 quarts of cold water.
The Boiled starch method, instructions
For heavy starch use a large sauce pan, mix 1/2 cup gloss laundry starch & 1 cup cold water. Gradually stir in 2 quarts water. Stirring constantly, bring to boil over medium heat & boil 1 minute. Use warm by submerging clean garment into mixture, gently remove excess water than allow to drip dry for delicate garments and use dryer for sturdier garments.
Medium: Dilute heavey starch solution with 2 quarts cold water.
Light starch: Dilute heavy starch solution with 4 quarts cold water.
For quick touch-ups you can use a spray on starch when ironing your garment. On the plus side it makes ironing faster, easier, and your clothes appear crisp & new!
Well that's all for now hope you found some of this information helpful and you save a few bucks too.
Health & Beauty tip for Fashionistas on a budget!
© by Tiease D. Deutsch 1/11/2012 Writer,Artist,Nurse,Consultant
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