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Yahweh (God) is my Inspiration!
Waterfalls have always captured the attention & admiration of any one who appreciates God's beautiful forces of nature. As a Fashionista I appreciate superb fashions, outstanding creativity, artful delights but above all I admire God, graceful believers of Yahweh's words, purity of the human heart, essential muscle of, "Mother Nature", enduring thoughtfulness, divine spirituality and last but not least the magnificent faithful who adhere to God's Law even though we live in such exacerbating times.
Make haste, O Yahweh, God of Mosses and Abraham to safeguard us. Come swiftly to rescue us. May those who seek my life be crushed & dumbfounded. May all who plot my ruin be turned back in defeat. May those who say to me, " Aha! Aha we will unleash unspeakable evil upon all you love!" Be neutralized, retreating in utter defeat.
But may all who seek Yahweh, The one true God savour the bliss of being cradled in Yahweh's bosom. May all in holy adherence of God's rules rejoice & be glad in God; May those who love Yahweh's axiom perpetually say,"Let God be exalted; Praise Yahweh!
Even though I may not possess earthly riches & struggle in my life I have faith that Yahweh will come to my rescue. O God You are my help and my deliverer do not delay, for I see the future and my future is God!
Have a fashionable & blessed day.
Adieu Darlings!
Copyright by Tiease D. Deutsch R.N, Believer,Author,Creative Consultant,Artists
Inspired by Psalm 70
Inspirational VIDEO
© Tiease D. Deutsch 5/29/2012
Creative Consultant/Author/Artist/R.N.
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