It gives me peace of mind when I know that I can help boost the spirits and stir the creative imagination of my co-Paper Doll Lovers and Fashionistas through their daily lives. Here is one motivating passage that I read often. In fact I read a psalm or inspirational proverb at the start of every morning.
Blessed is she who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinner or sit in the seat of mockers.
Rather her delight is in a Higher Power and she meditates day and night. She is like a cherry tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither.
Whatever you do prospers.This is not so for the wicked! They are like chaff that the wind blows away. Therefore the deceitful will not stand in the judgment in good favor.
For our God watches over the way of the righteous & sincere of heart, but the way of the deceiver and wicked will perish for an eternity.
When I decide to research a subject I prefer it is a topic that I can benefit from as well as my readers. The appetizer this time is a mini about gems report. I admirer them and I'm sure that most Fashionistas do to.
As with most Fashionistas the only problems you'll have when considering gems are expense, deciding which gem you desire most and discovering some of the hundred of many varieties of precious & semi-precious gems!
Right off the bat the variety can be staggering. You have to stick to self-education and personal preference. So what's it gonna be? Some commonly known gemstones include: Agate, Alexandrite, Aalmandine, Amber, Aamethyst, Aquamarine, Beryl, Bloodstone, Emerald, Fire Opal, Garnet, Girasol
Hyacinth, Jacinth, Jade, Jasper, Lapis, Lazuli, Malachite, Marcasite, Moss agate, Olivine, Onyx (Very popular), Opal, Pearl, Peridot, Pyrope, Rose quartz, Ruby, Sapphire, Sardonyx, Smoky quartz, Sunstone, African's-Eye, Topaz, Tourmaline, Turquoise, zircon. I've only mentioned a few varieties of gems and obviously this list is vast but I'm not going that far. I stick to some personal favorites and commonly recognized gems. Should you wish to insure your gems after purchasing them you will need an appraisal and consider an company like GemTrace which provides a new service which provides a correlation between the information inscribed on the girdle edge of a diamond and the registered owner. Diamonds and colored gems which have been laser inscribed with a lab report or registry number can be registered with GemTrace. There are many services which you can pay to be register in their database which is available for law enforcement, Jewelers, Pawn shops and the general public to determine whether a recovered diamond has been registered with the service. In the event a recovered diamond is identified as being registered a found diamond form is submitted by the owner of authorities who initiated the search and will steps should be taken to reunite you with your precious rock! So registering your gem is a proactive move on your own behalf and may help you recover your jewelry should it be stolen, also ask your insurer if you can receive a discount for being a registered owner? About gems and minerals
Dark & Light Gems
Any Fashionista worth noting knows that Gems are classified as precious or semiprecious stones used in jewelery as an ornamentation/decoration. I'm going to stretch a little further and provide some interesting facts and names should you ever consider buying one or don't want to appear totally ignorant should the subject of gems arise in your circle of friends. You'll find sensational natural rocks to satisfy your craving easier once you've read my comprehensive gem guide.
When it comes to fashion the subject of jewelry tops the chart of a Fashionista list! Without sounding to nerdy the basic explanation of the gem is a natural rock formed in the ground by "Mother Nature" Used to decorated and adorn jewelry. Gems are used in various ways: Crown jewel is a precious stone that is part of a sovereign's regalia jewelery. As an adornment (a necklace or ring etc...) made of precious metals and set with gems (or faux gems) is the historical use of these precious rocks. The solitaire is defined as a gem (usually a diamond) in a setting by itself. I have written about diamonds before but on the subject of diamonds one can never say enough! Diamonds and portions of diamond cuts, are polished and valued as precious gem.
Rubies are one of my personal favorites are cut, polished and fall under the category of precious gems. Pearls occur naturally in the sea formed when an irritating piece of sand lodges within a claim/oyster's shell as the animal attempts to elevate the irritant by coating it with natural minerals until a natural Pearl is formed. There are thousands of Pearls farms world-wide where people purposely insert irritants into claim and oyster's shell to cause the animals natural defenses to produce the pearls we all know and love. Fortunately for those in the business there is no noticeable difference in the symmetry, smoothness, shape or luster of the farm harvested pearls from those which occur naturally and they are equally valued as precious gems. Emeralds rank high on the popularity scale when it comes to gems and for good reason like the Emerald Irish Isles they are breath-taking beautiful precious gems which are green color are popular and dazzling. Sapphires are a transparent piece that has been cut and polished and falls under the precious gems categories.
There are Tiers of Gems: For the purpose of my simple gem guide I mention Gem Tiers, but I won't dwell deeper. I put the information out there for those who are interested in pursuing this topic in detail.
Tier 1 - Sunstone, Moonstone: The finest sunstone is found in Oregon. Labradorite, of course, is named for Labradore, Canada where it was discovered. It’s body color is opaque with blue to green to violet flash hints.
Tier 2 - Shimmering Opal, Abyssal Opal
Tier 3 - Heartstone, Celestite
Tier 4 - Blood Berylite, Radiant Emerald
Tier 5 - Valeglass Agate, Skystone Agate
Tier 6 - Ruby, Sapphire
Tier 7 - Brilliant Diamond, Lightsbane Diamond
Gem drops are found in the following nodes they do not always drop.
A gemstone or gem (also called a precious or semi-precious stone, or jewel) is a piece of mineral, which, in cut and polished form, is used to make jewelry or other adornments. However certain rocks, (such as lapis lazuli) and organic materials (such as amber or jet) are not minerals, but are still used for jewelry, and are therefore often considered to be gemstones. Most gemstones are hard, but some soft minerals are used in jewelry because of their lustre and physical properties for their aesthetic affect. Rarity is another characteristic that lends value to a gemstone. Since earliest antiquity gems have been sought after and treasured. It's so easy to fall in love with a gem-Hince the old saying,"Diamonds are a lady's best friend" Not true in my book but they are lovely and valuable!
African Cat's-Eye is a personal favorite It first caught my attention as a teenager when an admirer gave me a Tiger's Eye ring. I was impressed by the natural coloration centered in the gem which actually resembled an eye.
Stone's names: Tiger eye, also spelled tiger's-eye tiger eye also called crocidolite cat's-eye. Color: African Cat's Eye has a rich yellow and golden brown stripes, with a fine golden luster when polished. typically has lustrous alternating yellow or brown bands. Many believed it was all seeing because of the mystical look-a-like eye symmetry. It is believed to strengthen convictions and confidence. Some people even believe in it's medicinal purposes such as: Healing ability: Tiger eye relieves high blood pressure. Tiger eye wear is very helpful in the presence of following diseases: bronchial asthma, kidney, rheumatic heart disease, Otitis and psoriasis. Care and treatment: As with all gems, protect tiger eye from scratches and sharp blows. Also avoid large temperature changes. What ever-It's all about it's unique presentation and eye-capturing beauty that I admire.
Scouting out the difference between a good quality gem and rubbish. Fundamentals dictate you begin by determining the gem's : Weight, clarity, color, cut, shape.
The shape of a gemstone refers to its physical outline when looking at it from the top. Gems are cut into varying shape even abstract cuts of whimsy. For some if they can cut then it will be. The six cuts that are most common: marquise, heart, round, , pear, cushion & oval. marquise is oblong and pointed evenly on the top and the bottom. pear, named for it similarity to pears rounded on one end and pointed on the other. obviously the classic heart cut is just that a heart, oval is cut into an oval. A cushion cut is a rectangle or square with rounded corners. There is often substantial weight loss when processed because cuts are made to to perfection so skill is required to receive flawless cuts.
Exploring the world of the precious and semi-precious gem.
If you want scientific details about Gems try the International Society of Gemology. My guide will answer a few questions you may have right now.
A gemstone or gem (also called a precious or semi-precious stone, or jewel) is a piece of mineral, which, in cut and polished form, is used to make jewelry or other adornments. However certain rocks, (such as lapis lazuli) and organic materials (such as amber or jet) are not minerals, but are still used for jewelry, and are therefore often considered to be gemstones as well. Most gemstones are hard, but some soft minerals are used in jewelry because of their lustre or other physical properties that have aesthetic value. Rarity is another characteristic that lends value to a gemstone. Apart from jewelry, from earliest antiquity until the 19th century engraved gems and hardstone carvings such as cups were major luxury art forms; the carvings of Carl Fabergé are significant examples in this custom.
As for the type of cut, a gem can be cut in different styles to emphasize the stone's beauty. Sometimes the cut is referred to as the facets of the gem. Facets are varying degrees of polished surfaces in different sizes. For example, a gem can have clipped off corners and have four parallel rows on the sides. The amount of clipped corners and the lengths of them will make a difference on how the gem catches and glistens in the light. The flat part on the top of some cut stones is called the table. The amount of facets cut in the gem can make a stone look fancy, elegant, subdued, sparkly, romantic and more.
The weight of a gem is referred to as "carat". This term began centuries ago when gemstones were put on a scale with carob beans on one side. The weight of the carob bean was referred to as carat weight, each bean weighing one carat. In the early 1900's carat weight was adjusted to the metric system. One carat is equivalent to 1/5th of a gram. Gems smaller than one carat are described in points; one point equals .01 of a carat. Twenty five points would be .25 or 1/4 carat. Fifty points is .50 or a half a carat.
Usually the higher the carat weight of the gem, the more it will be worth. If you have a ring and the combined weight of a bunch of smaller stones is one carat, this will not be worth as much as a single stone of one carat. So, it is important to pay attention to the carat weight of one stone and the total weight of the entire ring.
The color of a stone will also be a determining factor in it's value. Color is hard to describe in written terms; many people have different interpretations about what a color looks like. The color of stones has been standardized in different ways by different organizations. One of the organizations is the Gemological Institute of America or the AGI. This institute uses three aspects when deciding a gem's color. Hue, or the basic colors of blue, green, yellow, orange, violet, purple and red. Tone, which is the lightness or darkness of the gem's color. Color purity is used to describe a stone that may have it's hue hidden by brown or gray; or whether the gem is pure or cloudy. A stone that is vivid and bright in color, is more valuable than a stone that is cloudy, muddy or dull. A stone that is light will not be as valuable as a medium dark stone. But, a gem that is too dark is not as valuable as a medium dark one either. A light colored gem can be just as beautiful as a medium colored gem, but there is more demand for the darker gem and thus the value is higher based on this demand.
To determine the color and hue of a stone, dealers use a color grading chart. You can determine the color of a stone while you are shopping with some easy steps. First, bring a soft cloth with you and wipe the fingerprints and dirt from the gem. Assess its color against several different backgrounds such as, white to see if the center of the stone is pale and washed out. check it under a bright light. When selecting a pair of earrings know that no two gems are exactly alike so compare them together to make sure they match sufficiently to suit your specific taste look for the same color and hue. When selecting cosmetics you compare the product to your complexion and underlying tone. You need to do the same when considering your gem. Hold the gem next to your skin-Is it complimentary to your complexion? If not then make another choice. Pearls are best assessed when worm against the flesh to bring out their natural warmth. When it comes to the ever popular diamond they are considered more valuable when they're colorless. Sometimes diamonds have a natural amber or gray hue which the diamond industry determines these discolored diamond less valuable, but in my option this is a personal decision which only you can determine. Meaning you can go for the industry valuable scale of just pick a diamond which meets your budget and is pretty enough to suit your taste. Another factor the Diamond Industry considers when valuing a diamond is it's clarity. Clarity in a gem is determined by how clean and free of flaws it is to the human eye. A stone can have spots, cracks or crystal imperfections that affect it's transparency. Some stones with customary high clarity are aquamarine, ctirine and topaz. If one of these stones had a flaw or spot it would negatively effect it's value.
Birthstones we think we know:
I was surprised to discover during my Gemstone research that the birthstones I am familiar with haven't always represented the months they do now. In fact gems to represent the birthstones have frequently changed over the centuries. Today in the US the gems below are commonly used to represent birthstones.
January is a garnet; Common color is deep red. It's something about a gems red hue that sparks something primal in us. After all red is the color of our life-sustaining liquid known as blood. I can not help but ponder wither our attraction to red is somehow related to this fact. Garnets are found in nature in every color except blue.
February is an amethyst; Is a quartz and its color varies in degrees of purple. The birthstone of my firstborn son, Daniel.
March is aquamarine; Shades of blue.
April is the diamond; Sparking and transparent. My favorite Yalanda's birthstone.
May is the emerald; A favorite of many for it amazing emerald's green.
June is the pearl; They occur naturally in nature but have been harvested for centuries.
Pearls vary in color from white, grayish to shimmering black midnight shades.
July is the ruby-A red gem that is more solid looking than a garnet.
August is the peridot; Yellow green was a favorites color of mine as a child and turns out to make a pretty peridot color.
September is the sapphire; There is just something sophisticated about the deep blue of sapphire.
October is the opal; Iridescent color on a light background.
November is citrine; a bright amberish/orangish hue.
Oct. 24-Nov 21 is topaz; Can be transparent to: pink, yellow/gold, green, red, peach, brown and blue. It is a mineral capable of growing into huge crystals. Ancient history attributes strength, believed to balance emotions and have calms passions, known as spiritual rejuvenation and even have healing qualities. Imperial Topaz is the rarest. To protect from scratches store individuals in their own boxes. Clean with warm soapy water and avoid too much direct sunlight which lightens topaz over time.
Value of gemstones?
There is no universally accepted grading system for gemstones. Diamonds are graded using a system developed by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) in the 1950s. Historically, all gemstones were graded using the naked eye. The GIA system included a major innovation: the introduction of 10x magnification as the standard for grading clarity. Other gemstones are still graded using the naked eye.
A mnemonic device, the "four Cs" (color, cut, clarity and carats), has been introduced to help the consumer understand the factors used to grade a diamond.[9] With modification, these categories can be useful in understanding the grading of all gemstones. The four criteria carry different weight depending upon whether they are applied to colored gemstones or to colorless diamond. In diamonds, cut is the primary determinant of value, followed by clarity and color. Diamonds are meant to sparkle, to break down light into its constituent rainbow colors (dispersion), chop it up into bright little pieces (scintillation), and deliver it to the eye (brilliance). In its rough crystalline form, a diamond will do none of these things; it requires proper fashioning and this is called "cut". In gemstones that have color, including colored diamonds, it is the purity and beauty of that color that is the primary determinant of quality.
Physical characteristics that make a colored stone valuable are color, clarity to a lesser extent (emeralds will always have a number of inclusions), cut, unusual optical phenomena within the stone such as color zoning, and asteria (star effects).
Historically, gemstones were classified into precious stones and semi-precious stones. Because such a definition can change over time and vary with culture, it has always been a difficult matter to determine what constitutes precious stones.
Aside from the diamond, the ruby, sapphire, emerald, pearl (obviously not a gemstone) and opal have also been considered to be precious. Up to the discoveries of bulk amethyst in Brazil in the 19th century, amethyst was considered a precious stone as well, going back to ancient Greece. Even in the last century certain stones such as aquamarine, peridot and African- eye have been popular and hence been classified as precious.
Today these distinctions have changed in the trade. Many gemstones are used in expensive jewelry, depending on the brand name of the purchaser, designer, fashion fads, availability, treatments, etc. although diamonds, rubies, sapphires and emeralds are desired by most fashionistas compared to other gemstones. Many fashionistas who can afford it and desire less common gems may look to rare and lesser known gemstones, such as the those gemstones which occur infrequently such as: andalusite, axinite, cassiterite, clinohumite and red beryl. If you have never heard of these don't feel bad they are seldom known except amongst real gem miners and connoisseurs.
When considering the cost gem prices fluctuate constantly, however diamonds seem to hold their value nicely. In general per carat prices of larger stones are higher than those of smaller stones, but popularity of certain sizes of stone can affect prices. Typically prices can range from 1USD/carat for a normal amethyst to US$20,000–50,000 for a collector's three carat pigeon-blood almost "perfect" ruby.
In the last two decades there has been a proliferation of certification for gemstones. There are a number of laboratories which grade and provide reports on diamonds. The International Gemological Institute (IGI), is an independent laboratory for grading and evaluation of diamonds/gems. Just like a medical lab each gem lab has its own technique of evaluating gems. Consequently a stone can be called "pink" by one lab while another lab calls it "Padparad scha". In an attempt to regulate such differences, seven of the most respected labs, i.e. AGTA-GTL (New York), CISGEM (Milano), GAAJ-ZENHOKYO (Tokyo), GIA (Carlsbad), GIT (Bangkok), Gübelin (Lucerne) and SSEF (Basel), have established the Laboratory Manual Harmonisation Committee (LMHC), aiming at the standardization of wording on reports and certain analytical methods and interpretation of results. Country of origin has sometimes been difficult to find agreement on due to the constant discovery of new locations. Gem dealers are aware of the differences between gem laboratories and will make use of the discrepancies to obtain the best possible certification.
Synthetic and faux gemstones
When it comes to anything sort after by the public imitations arise. These faux rocks are made to imitate gemstones. One of the most popular pretenders to the throne is the, cubic zirconia a well known synthetic diamond stimulant composed of zirconium oxide. Moissanite is another example, although it is a gemstone in its own right. Like any good imitations they attempt to copy the appearance and color of the real thing. Fortunately the faux differs in chemical & physical characteristics. Moissanite actually has a higher refractive index than diamond and when presented beside an equivalently sized and cut diamond will have more "fire" than the diamond. This in my opinion isn't necessarily a bad thing! As I mentioned in an earlier article some diamonds are created in laboratories and are every bit as real as those occurring naturally and lab created gemstones are not imitations. Scientist have long since been able to create diamonds, ruby, sapphires and emeralds in labs to possess identical chemical and physical characteristics to the naturally occurring rocks. Synthetic gems like rubies and sapphire, are common and usually are less expensive than the "Mother Nature's" natural creations. Smaller synthetic diamonds have been manufactured in large quantities as industrial abrasives, although larger gem-quality synthetic diamonds are becoming available in multiple carats. With the craze on for bigger in-your-face bling these lab diamonds can save you big bucks, impress admires and are real!
Whether a gemstone is a natural stone or a lab-created (synthetic) stone, the characteristics of each are the same. Lab-created stones tend to have a more vivid color to them, as impurities are not present in a lab and do not modify the clarity or color of the stone.
Hybrid gemstones to a layperson means something different to a specialist but for the everyday fashionista who cares. Hybrid gems consist of natural material along with artificial material – either synthetic growth or polymers or glass. New innovative gem treatments are being developed as you read this article and overlap more than one gem category that the term hybrid suggest. Hybrid is defined as gem materials where there is no easy means of separating the natural from the artificial components. This significant, in that with a doublet or a triplet, the natural material can be isolated, identified – and theoretically retrieved from the whole. Hybrid will not be confused with assembled, but it will encompass reconstructed materials as well as B-jades. For the casual wearer again who cares!
Hybrid will not apply to traditional oiling of emerald and (comparatively minor) fracture healing as seen in many Mong Hsu rubies; these treatments are insignificant in comparison and additives would account for less than 5% of the total mass in most cases, but there remains the possibility that some heavily treated stones in these categories may qualify as hybrids. These materials consist of an original natural material that has been significantly added to the extent that the term natural no longer applies.
Personally in my opinion,"If it ain't-broke-then-there's no need to fix it!" We admire gems for their illuminating beauty, longevity, mysticism, prestige attached to them and for some gems their proclaimed natural healing abilities. What ever the reason you love them in particular and which ones you prefer is a personal choice and when it comes to gems your independent taste and choice preferences is magic and in vogue. You are paying for it so get what you truly love. That's what I'm talking about.
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Tiease D. Deutsch Artist/Writer/Nurse
Copyright 5/18/2011
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