Thursday, June 16, 2011

Faux Booty Facts!!

It may seem to some that every where you turn there are curvaceous beautiful feminine booties. For women born with bodacious buttock such as myself (smile-But true) we hardly notice but for our less endowed co-fashionistas never fear there is help just around the corner.

These days all that bountiful rear bumper action is seldom what it seems. With prosthetics and cosmetic implants any less blessed soul can rock a bodacious booty. With so many women complaining about droopy boring flat rear-ends these days and so many of our so-called superstars suddenly appearing with instant," junk-in-their-trunks" I decided to do a little investigating for my comrades in need. After all,"A friend in need is a friend indeed!"
Here's what I have to report after some research. Just how much help you need and how far you're willing to go makes all the difference in your derriere quest.

What I mean is that there are ways of enhancing your back- side that are really simple for some, such as: gaining some necessary weight since there is no meat on a bone to show off this may be the best answer for skinny boned individuals. The next suggestion is to perform buttock exercises, such exercises sometimes helps by toning and tightening your glut muscles enabling your buttocks to appear rounder, higher and finer.

Now having put that alternative out there allow me to say that, no matter how many exercises you do if you weren't blessed with the natural sexy rear bumpers you've seen on some of the sisters this won't satisfy because, You can't exercise into place what just isn't there.

This is why many diminished glut sufferers are finding curves & confidence in padded Prosthetic underwear. Faux booties are all the rave now and a  creative solution which is less expensive, easier and safer than plastic surgical booty implants, since any kind of surgery presents certain risk factors like, post-operative infection, pain, swelling and slippage ( the same type of risk associated with breast augmentation).

It seems that miraculous big booties being sported by certain individuals who desired a healthy sexy rear end to flaunt, aren't natural at all. I could care less-what you stick in your underwear underneath your own underwear is your personal business and When it comes to improving ones appearance and elevating healthy sex esteem go for it! These pantie buttock enhancers enable diva wearers to achieve swiftly curves they desire.

For individuals looking for a more permanent solution and has the desire and a few thousand dollars to spare plastic surgery is an alternatives. These days people are having hips, lips, oblique & deltoids muscle implants inserted at will all designed to have the natural look, feel, and softness of the real thing. Just which option is best for you is a personal decision. These underwear are being worn by both sexes secretly to artificially enhance their rear ends without painful post-surgery recovery time. Silicone inserts usually include the panties created to hold them in place so they don't embarrass you by moving, and shifting unnaturally. The booty boosting panties are machine washable and to how hard wearing they is something the purchaser must discover for themselves.
                    Surgery Options

We are all familiar with fat and silicone and these are two common substances used to create big faux booties. If you decide on the surgical approach here are a few things which may be helpful to you.

Your plastic surgeon will initially evaluate your  glut shape, because there are variables to consider such as: size, shape, and skin quality that need to be considered before making any decision about which buttock implant procedure is best for you.

When evaluating the shape of the buttock. The structure/anatomy is divided into three sections; the upper buttock, the mid buttock and the lower buttock. Each area needs to be evaluated and addressed separately to provide the best looking results.

When a glottal enhancement is done, the implant is mainly augmenting the upper buttock and the upper portion of the mid buttock. It will not fill out the other areas. In the majority of individuals, an assessment of your middle and lower buttock needs to be done before-hand since complimentary procedures may be required in order to improve the overall shape and appearance of the big butt effect. If you believe it you can achieve it!
 The surgery is normally done on an outpatient basis usually takes about an hour to perform. If liposuction is being done, then it may take an additional half hour.

You must be placed face down for the operation. A 5-6 cm (about ¼ inch) vertical incision is made in the well-hidden buttock center crease, the sacrum. The dissection continues on either side of the sacrum until the buttock muscle is reached. At this point, the muscle is incised and with careful dissection, a pocket is created for the implant within the muscle. Surprisingly, there is very little bleeding. The implants are inserted into the newly created pockets and the muscle closed over the implants. The mid line incision is then closed in layers. If liposuction is going to be done, it is performed through separate incisions.
Post-operative need to wear a surgical garment for about three weeks to provide support and help with skin re-draping especially if liposuction was performed. Initially you may panic when you notice a definite difference in the glut's contour, but because you are swollen, the buttock will appear very full, and will have an unnatural appearance. The implants often seem to be too high on the buttock. This is to be expected within reason, due to the inflammation/swelling. It takes approximately three months for all the swelling to go down implants to settle into their normal position.

Some people experience temperature changes and numbness over the buttocks. but hopefully these symptoms will improve over time.

Well here are the quick facts. What you find useful you may further research and what not just toss.  My best advice is to do your own research for specific details and shop around for reputable cosmetic surgeon. Negative results can haunt you for a lifetime so buyer beware.

What ever your decision. I believe that a woman has a right to make your own choices concerning your own body and it's no ones business but your own wither you derriere is genuine or enhance and any one tacky enough to ask just has no class and may be jealous. Like those individual who see someone sporting a pretty hair style and/or color and attempt to embarrass the object of their jealousy by asking often publicly, "Is that your real _? Don't feel bad to respond,"None of your business or it's on my body so it can't be yours. After all anyone tacky enough to ask doesn't deserve any special consideration. You must take your own personal course. What ever makes you happy (provided it doesn't hurt anyone else) then do what you need to accomplish personal satisfaction and serenity.

Tiease D. Deutsch RN, Artist, Writer
copyright 6/16/2011


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