Friday, June 10, 2011

Tiease's Dieters Advice for Fashionistas

I have been hearing a lot about this supposed liposuction-in-a-bottle supplement known as Lipozene. I have never taken diet pills before so this will be a new personal experience for myself. They cost me $32 US dollars. I have ordered it and I am now awaiting its arrival. I am not getting any kick backs my interest in the product is simple. I would like to shed a few extra pounds and I have never tried anything before. Like any real fashionista I want to look and feel my best. Once it eventually arrives I will start taking it and let you know what actually happens. I am wondering why it's taking so long to arrive. It has already been about 3 weeks since I ordered it. I have a friend who ordered a different product last week which has already arrived. I don't know what's up with that but I will wait in anticipation.  I will tweet  once it arrives and I start to take the Lipozene and of course I will let you know my results.
In the meantime my sister, Yalanda sent me an interesting article which started me thinking and I wanted to share my thoughts with my readers. I really would love to write more but as I have mentioned to some of my fashiolista followers I am simultaneously preparing my Paper Diva catalog which is taking a huge amount of my time and attention. I love to write so you can be sure I will still post new articles as often as possible.

Tips to help you curve your appetite (AKA, "THE BEAST'0. I must admit I normally write about topics which interest me so this is right up my Alley, since I have decided to do this little Lipozene product test these tips works in harmony with the appetite suppression and weight loss topic.

Healthier beverages to help satisfy your appetite (inner beast) and create a feeling of being fuller: H2O, olive oil (old standby) and and plan water are suggested.
During research Divas who consume 20 ounces of skim milk at breakfast ate less at lunch compared. Skipping breakfast actually causing your body to go into hunger ration mood, meaning your body hold onto the fat cell and your appetite increases as a result of an empty stomach. The proteins in milk, whey and casein satisfy your internal beast and gives the stomach something to manipulate, thus preventing hunger pains and embarrassing hunger stomach sounds, produced when the walls of your stomach rub together which it does normally. This natural contraction is known as peristalsis in medicine It is the natural churning motion and spasms which our digestive system performs normally. The turning and stirring motion helps breakdown foods in your stomach and prepare it for the next journey through your digestive tract, however when there is no food in the stomach, the walls rub together resulting in hunger pains and your brain sends signals out to the rest of the body that you are in starvation mode which causes appetite to increase to try and compensate for this presumed starvation. Worse the digestive juices/enzymes of the stomach are power enough to eat through cement so when your stomach is empty and there is nothing for these juices to work on your risk of developing a abdominal ulcer also increase since the stomach may start to digest its own walls. So even a convenient breakfast drink or nutrient rich ensure or its equivalent is best to avoid this situation. After all a fashionista can't look good when you feel bad & crippled by hunger pains bending over moaning is just not a good look (joke, but true!).

Olives and their oils have been a staple nutrient for only God knows exactly how long and for good reason it is loaded with nutrients, tasty, low in fat and has a natural hunger-curbing compound called oleric acid. This monounsaturated fat stimulates the small intestine to make another fatty substance that sends "full" signals from the stomach to the brain. Other foods high in oleic acid include sunflower seeds, canola oil, safflower oil, almonds, and avocados. Just this information alone tells you that food is not your enemy rather it is your life preserver and the goal is to eat healthier foods in smaller portions and not starvation which merely leads to eating disorder such as: Bulimia and Anorexia. And regardless to any propaganda bones are just not feminine nor sexy! A woman needs to show off those feminine curves God and mother gave you (smile).

I remember in grade school one of my favorite teachers was Ms. Berman who was chronically obese, in fact the first day of school when I inquired in the office as to who and who was my new teacher for the year and directions to my classroom. I do not recall the exact directions I was promptly supplied with but I remember the description of Ms. Berman like it was being given to me now? You will know her because she is really fat. I followed the directions the best I could for a 5th grader walking down the hallway I glanced into each classroom window to get a view of the teacher and sure enough I came to a classroom with a large but very pretty dark haired lady. Ms. Berman turned out to be one of my favorite grade school teachers, she was one of those teachers who would take a group of students out to movies, skating, sleep over at her house what ever! The point is she was more than just that "Fat Lady" but this is the way she was described. By the time I was in the 7th grade Ms. BermanBerman has lost so much weight that she was actually trim. I never saw her this way but but I loved her just the same and was happy that she had realized her dream and the memory of the reports of her monumental weight was embedded into my mind. Later I became a registered nurse and understand the advantages of good old H20 (A word of caution-If you are afflicted with a kidney disorder and/or your health-care providers have put you on a fluid restriction diet you should not attempt to increase your water consumption without your the green-flag go ahead from your health care provider doing so could be fatal!). On-the-other-hand a healthy adult wishing to shed a few extra pounds may benefit from drinking a lot of water because it feels your stomach, your brain is temporarily fooled into complacency and perceives signal that your stomach is full hence resulting in a curved appetite and you eating fewer calories throughout your day. Consuming water rather then consuming large amounts of sugar based drinks such as: Soda, calorie-laden coffee drinks, and fruity so-called expensive sports drinks is preferable and healthier. I must admit that consuming approximately 16 ounces of water before each meal takes some getting use to but it will helped you lose weight faster, your skin looked more radiant and your system being thoroughly flushed out of accumulated oxidants!

I have been hearing a lot about this supposed liposuction-in-a-bottle supplement known as Lipozene. I have never done this before but I have ordered it and I am now awaiting its arrival. I am not getting any kick back my interest in the product is simple. I would like to shed a few extra pounds and I have never tried anything before. Like any real fashionista I want to look my best and feel my best. Whenever it arrives will start taking it and let you know what actually happens. I am wondering why it's taking so long to arrive it has already been about 3 weeks and a friend of my ordered a different product last week which arrived two days ago. I don't know what's up with that but I will wait and whenever they finally send it. I will tweet results to let my readers follow me during this trail and see if it really works.

In the meantime my sister, Yalanda sent me an interesting article that  I share with you. I really would love to write more but as I have mentioned to some of my fashiolista followers I am creating a my Paper Diva catalog which is taking a huge amount of my time and attention. I love to write so you can be sure I will still post new blog topics related to Paper Dolls, Fashion, Beauty and health.

Tips to help you curve your appetite (AKA, "THE BEAST')  I must admit I normally write about topics which interest me so this is right up my alley, since I have decided to do this little Lipozene product test these tips works in harmony with the appetite suppression and weight loss topic.

Consuming healthier beverages can also help satisfy your appetite (inner beast) and create a feeling of being fuller: H2O, olive oil (old standby) and and plan water are suggested.
During research Divas who consume 20 ounces of skim milk at breakfast ate less at lunch compared. Skipping breakfast actually causing your body to go into starvation mode, meaning your body hold onto the fat cell and your appetite increases as a result of an empty stomach. The proteins in milk, whey and casein satisfy your internal beast and gives the stomach something to manipulate, thus preventing hunger pains and embarrassing hunger stomach sounds, produced when the walls of your stomach rub together which it does normally. This natural contraction is known as peristalsis in medicine and is essential to proper digestion.The  contractions turning and stirring motion helps breakdown foods in your stomach and prepare it for the next journey through your digestive tract, however when there is no food in the stomach, the walls rub together resulting in hunger pains and your brain sends signals out to the rest of the body that you are starving which causes hormones to be released which pump up your appetite in an attempt to get the nourishment your body needs to function properly. Worse when your stomach hydrochloric acid (digestive juices/enzyme) have no food to digest you risk for developing a stomach ulcer increases dramatically. Some enzymes can eat through cement it is only our stomach natural protective layer of slime which coats the walls of the abdomen and of course food which prevents this from happening. Now that you are aware of these facts even a convenient breakfast drink or nutrient rich ensure or its equivalent is best to avoid this situation. After all a fashionista can't look good when you feel bad & crippled by hunger pains bending over moaning is just not a good look (joke, but true!).

Olives and their oils have been a staple nutrient for only God knows exactly how long and for good reason it is loaded with nutrients, tasty, low in fat and has a natural hunger-curbing compound called oleic acid. This monounsaturated fat stimulates the small intestine to make another a substance that sends "full" signals from the stomach to the brain. Other foods high in oleic acid include sunflower seeds, canola oil, safflower oil, almonds, and avocados. Just this information alone tells you that food is not your enemy rather it is your life preserver and the goal is to eat healthier foods in smaller portions and not starvation which merely leads to eating disorder such as: Bolelmia and Anorexia. And regardless to any propaganda bones are just not feminine nor sexy! A woman needs to show off those feminine curves God and mother gave you (smile).

I remember in grade school one of my favorite teachers was Ms. Berman who was chronically obese, in fact the first day of school when I inquired in the office as to who and who was my new teacher for the year and directions to my classroom. I do not recall the exact directions I was promptly supplied with but I remember the description of Ms. Berman like it was being given to me now? You will know her because she is really fat. I followed the directions the best I could for a 5th grader walking down the hallway I glanced into each classroom window to get a view of the teacher and sure enough I came to a classroom with a large but very pretty dark haired lady. Ms. Berman turned out to be one of my favorite grade school teachers, she was one of those teachers who would take a group of students out to movies, skating, sleep over at her house what ever! The point is she was more than just that "Fat Lady" but this is the way she was described. By the time I was in the 7th grade Ms. Berman was indulging in the water diet trend at the time in order to lose weight. I remember being curious and pondering how water would help her achieve this goal of shedding pounds. As a RN I learned that water consumption indeed can help one lose weight by during a routine of moderate exercise and an appropriate caloric diet intervention. By the time I was a fresh man in high school my younger siblings still in grade school reported that Ms. Berman has lost so much weight that she was actually trim. I never saw her this way but but I loved her just the same and was happy that she had realized her dream and the memory of the reports of her monumental weight was embedded into my mind. Later I became a registered nurse and understand the advantages of good old H20 (A word of caution-If you are afflicted with a kidney disorder and/or your health-care providers have put you on a fluid restriction diet you should not attempt to increase your water consumption without your the green-flag go ahead from your health care provider doing so could be fatal!). On-the-other-hand a healthy adult wishing to shed a few extra pounds may benefit from drinking a lot of water because it feels your stomach, your brain is temporarily fooled into complacency and perceives signal that your stomach is full hence resulting in a curved appetite and you eating fewer calories throughout your day. Consuming water rather then consuming large amounts of sugar based drinks such as: Soda, calorie-laden coffee drinks, and fruity so-called expensive sports drinks is preferable and healthier. I must admit that consuming approximately 16 ounces of water before each meal takes some getting use to but it will helped you lose weight faster, and well hydrated skin looks younger and more radiant Most of us can benefit from thoroughly flushing out our system of harmful accumulated oxidants

Here are some popular diet pills
When considering any diet pills or medication research it's specific benefit and any potential negative side-effects. Know if you are allergic to any of the ingredients within the product. Best to have a physical before hand to make sure your body can tolerate the medication and any new exercise and/or diet plan you may be considering. Once you have completed your research you can then make an educated/informed decision about which approach is best suited to your personal needs.

Phenterex contains many clinically proven key ingredients for weight loss. One of the active ingredients is called Synephrine which has gained significant popularity as an alternative to the now banned prescription diet ingredient Ephedrine. Product researchers have discovered that Synephrine can produce very similar results to Ephedrine without the dangerous and long term side effects. This is one of the more expensive $40-$50 US.
Xenamine's ability to burn fat and block fat absorption is the reason this pill is one of the top selling diet pills. The active ingredients credited for this are, Thermogenesis and Lipotropics, Xenamine can dramatically help burn away fat deposits and convert them into much needed energy. This diet pill is packed with 14 of the top weight loss ingredients which include Hoodia and Cha De Bugre. Averages $30-$40 US.
Alli is suppose to be a fat blocker The Alli diet pill is suppose to be FDA approved and is often available without a doctor’s prescription which will say you the cost of a office visit. The official Alli website addresses the supplement as an “anti-obesity wonder drug. As with all diet pills they are more effective when taken in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular exercise. This drug can giive you diarrhea when you consumed large amounts of fatty food while you are taking it. And the cost isn't cheap. My doctor actually mentioned $125 dollars for a prescription. Perhaps at a discount or over-the-counter you may find it for $45-$60 US.
Avaprex have shown to reduce appetite, significant reduction in waist circumference & improvements in fat loss, weight loss and BMI reduction. The active ingredients in Avaprex focus on the main hormone receptors in the brain which sends signals to you telling you that you are hungry or full and satisfied. It is suppose to controlled and suppressed your appetite. Cost from $30-$40 US.
Phentremene is a diet pill that comes in either blue and white capsules or in a white tablet with blue specks. This is a much safer non prescription weight loss pill. The three ingredients credited for its claims are Trimethylxanthine, Dimethylpentylamine, and Hydroxycitrate. If you want to know more about any of there drugs ask your health-care provider and do some research yourself. Expense $35-$50 US.

Testimonial are fine but the truth is in the results. Having someone you know personally who is taking a particular diet pill you are considering is a good way to assess it's effectiveness. Keep in mind metabolisms vary from one individual to the next, so what helps a friend may not be so helpful for you.
In any case the amount of products out there are overwhelming. I am about to try my first with the Lipozene product. Until then I am just providing some general facts and tips here and a caution. Any substance taken into the body can cause negative or allergic reactions, so be cautious don't enter this endeavor lightly.

The goal is to loss weight, eat healthy, participate in fun exercise activities (walking counts) ,look better and not become a dieting fanatic. Lose weight sensibly and safely in a manner which does not tax your body, mind and soul. Nor rob you of energy or make you feel deprived. Any negative outcome will definitely put a dent in you Fashionista swagger. I hope this information helps some of my Divas who may want to shed a few extra pounds. In the meantime I will practice what I preach and continue to wait on my Lipozene order to arrived. Like I said I will do a follow up to let you know if this product is helpful or not (That is whenever it arrives). Keep looking and feeling good. I will talk to you again real soon.

Chow Girlfriends,

T. D. Deutsch RN/Artist/Writer
copyright 6/10/2011

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