Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tiease's Valley of the Paper Divas Catalog


Paper Diva enthusiast & Fashionistas

  Tiease's Valley of the Paper Divas Catalog

Face book.com/TieaseValleyofthePaperDivas
Catalog: http://tinyurl.com/TieasePaperDivas
Newsletter: http:tinyurl.com/TieasePaperDivaNews

This site has been created for the Paper Doll lover who coincidentally are also fashionista! For more years than I would care to count I've been a Paper Diva artist over the course of my lifetime I created thousands of Paper Divas. I kept this secret to myself known only to a select few family members for whom I created handcrafted Paper Divas for them to enjoy. I was pleasantly surprised after some research that their were so many other Paper Doll admires worldwide. I was encouraged to present my own handcrafted Paper Diva Deluxe box sets to the public. This is an monumental occasion since nothing like my beautiful fashion Paper Divas have ever been seen before. I have done them my way!  I am proud to introduce my first Edition  of Tiease's Paper Diva Deluxe Box Sets Catalog for you to enjoy.
I discovered as a child I enjoyed creating Paper Dolls, crafts and making things beautiful. I was blessed with a vivid imagination which I used to handcraft thousands of paper dolls over the years and their clothes. I've spent hours as a proliferate artist recluse just creating my Paper Divas there clothes, storage boxes and various Paper Diva dolls stands.  My family nicknamed my bedroom, "The Lost World" as a child because it was always full of potential material I might utilize at a later time various little odds and ends I would hoard to transform into hundreds of paper crafts. It started as just a way to make myself something to play as a child and has become my life long hobby. Funny how that works out.  I have spent more years than I will mention here perfecting my unique skills, creating my lovely Paper Divas Deluxe box sets and amassed thousands of lovely imaginative sets. I have selected a small portion of my art and made it  available here. You're never to old to enjoy yourself and indulge in some innocent fun. Life is fleeting and precious . It's past time for you to enjoy yourself! A blissful non-chemical escapism into a nostalgic youthful world of beauty and glitter.  Allow My extraordinary creations to take you there!
 My single-parent mother didn't fancy my passion nor share my interest in Paper Dolls, however She was a born fashionista-Looking pretty and nice clothes were her passion. So suppose I was destined to combine the two & created handcrafted fashion Paper Divas for fashionistas. I was obedient and lived up to my mother's expectations of my attending college graduating and obtaining a traditional stereotyped profession. I honored her wishes-I did that, been there, It's my time now. There comes a time when an artist must be free to create and express one self or burst. So I've had at it with Tiease's Valley of the Paper Divas Catalog created for Paper Diva lovers, enthusiast, hobbyist and  fashionistas at heart who love clothes. You experience a mere  taste at what is in store for you. You only fully realized the pleasure of your Paper Diva Deluxe box set when you feast your eyes upon your beautiful handcrafted Paper Diva face.  You can dress, undress, coordinate and enjoy the huge wardrobes and eye-popping accessories. All of my handmade Paper Divas possess a distinctive forehead adornment indicative of my personal trademark and characteristically unique to the individual Paper Diva. They are revolutionary and phenomenal. Keep in mind that my collection is available only here and not sold in store.

Remember each of my Paper Diva Deluxe Box sets con stunning lamented Paper Diva, huge posh wardrobe(designed & tailored specifically for your Paper Diva) an unbelievable accessories, including: Wigs, hats, purses, shoes, statement jewels etc... A cute storage box (for your convenience) plus a charming display stand!  All of the sets are pre-cut for your convenience. You want to spend time enjoying and dressing your Paper Divas not cutting out tedious small articles. I have created these Divas to be enjoyed as I have enjoyed creating them.
Here's looking at you Paper Diva Fashionistas!  Have fun.


Tiease D. Deutsch copyright 6/11/2011

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