A blog for Paper Doll enthusiast who also happen to be fashionistas. Go to the bottom of page to shop for Tiease's Paper Diva Deluxe Box Sets!
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Tiease's Paper Diva Dolls Show # 10
Tiease's Paper Diva Dolls Fashion
Show # 10
Featuring: Bianca & Sally
You will enjoy hundreds of possible beautiful chameleon-like make-overs with you new Tiease's Paper Diva Dolls Deluxe Box Sets!!
Bianca's Wardrobe & Price per Deluxe Box Set.
Sally's Wardrobe & Price per Deluxe Box Set.
Copyright by T. D. Deutsch 8/23/2011
Show # 10
Featuring: Bianca & Sally
You will enjoy hundreds of possible beautiful chameleon-like make-overs with you new Tiease's Paper Diva Dolls Deluxe Box Sets!!
Bianca's Wardrobe & Price per Deluxe Box Set.
Sally's Wardrobe & Price per Deluxe Box Set.
Copyright by T. D. Deutsch 8/23/2011
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Wonderful lower Calorie Snacks-Tiease has done the work for you!
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Let's be honest we all love to snack! Who doesn't enjoy a sensuous sweet treat or a salty little tidbit? Unfortunately if you weren't born with the "skinny forever genes" then you run the risk of "WEIGHT GAIN!" never-the-less it is difficult not to reach for a snack especially after a vigorous workout, coming in from classes or hard days work. So I decided to look around for some delicious and savory snacks you can enjoy on the cheap and without post-binge regrets. It wasn't easy but I did come across some little delights that I believe will satisfy your snack cravings. I was going for 80-100 calories per snack. Enjoy!
How to make homemade low Calorie Snacks
Low Cal Apple Cocktail Recipe
Here is low calorie cocktail Vodka recipe which only has 150 calories
In a cocktail shaker, combine 4 tablespoons apple vodka ,3 tablespoons club soda, and a splash of lemonade to taste; Vigorous shake & serve over the rocks!
If you can't find apple vodka then use vodka with a splash of apple liqueur.
You can also substitute the apple liqueur if you prefer with grenadine.
Bottoms up Girlfriends!
Quick run-down on some snacks with 80-100 calories
- Jell-O snack cup = 10 calories. If you make your own you can slice fruit & create a sweet satisfying treat with less than 100 calories still.
- Special K has a snack cracker which allows you to have 15-17 crackers & remarkably amount to a mere 90 calories.
- Six Cashews from Yumnuts.com is about 45 calories. I have always loved cashews!
- Try a couple of cucumber little tidbits- You'll need two-1 inch thick cucumber slides (spoon out the center for the filling to be added) Fill with 1/2 teaspoon of your favorite yogurt, cottage cheese or 1/2 teaspoon of hummus horseradish for something spicy.
- If craving something crunchy try 5 Cheddar tortilla chips they only hold about 70 calories.
- For a more substantial meaty treat, how about ham, blue cheese and apple cab-bob. You will need a toothpick, 1/4 ounce hand chunk (can substitute turkey if you prefer of soy), 1 apple slice, 1/2 ounce blue cheese chunk, mint or lettuce sprig.
- Should nothing but ice cream and chocolate will do try 5 Nestle` crunch bites natural milk chocolate wafer roll. You to quench you chocolate craze with one 70 calories chocolate roll. From qbetfoods.com
- If you enjoy goat cheese you will probably enjoy this 72 calorie snack. You will need 1/4 ounce goat cheese, freshly ground black pepper, water cracker, 1/2 tablespoon honey. Mix the cheese, honey and pepper and spread on a cracker and enjoy.
Tiease D. Deutsch Copyright 8/20/2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
Tiease's Wrinkle Busters!
Anti-Wrinkle Treatments
Aging gracefully-bonk that! As you age you must take the time to pamper your skin as it gradually loses its elasticity and resiliency. You got to know the strength and weaknesses of your enemy in order to overcome and triumph over it. First begin with a few simple anti-wrinkle do's and don'ts:
Cigarettes top the list-these little addictive devils wreck havoc on the skin over drying it and leeching precious nutrients from it. Consider the fact that you are literally self-smoking your own flesh!
Although sunlight is required for production of Vitamin D in our bodies too much sun creates that leathery, dried out wrinkle skin you've seen so often and panicked at the thought of it happening to you. And get rid of the tanning beds-I never understood roasting oneself in an electric oven in pursuit of a beautiful tan since I have seen tanned skin so ugly it could turn the toughest stomach. You can help yourself by preventing premature wrinkles by always wearing sunblock, kicking the cigarette habit and by consuming skin friendly nutrients and diet rich in fruits and vegetable. Most fruits and vegetable contain antioxidants, molecules that can block free radicals from damaging not just skin cells but all the cells of your body.
Over zealous scrubbing of one face can induce wrinkles.Believe-it-or-not being in a bad mood and frowning can cause excessive wrinkling in fact any repetitive facial movements will affect your face, but on the other hand our faces were mad for expression so what this means to me is that it's better to smile and be in a good mood rather than walk around with a nasty frown on your face (God forbid it remains that way).
Some people swear by sleeping on your back so not to cause unnecessary abrasion on the skin which is believed to promote wrinkling of the skin in some individuals.
I have naturally dry skin the cons it drys out more quickly thus increasing my potential to wrinkle on-the-other-hand my skin is clear, acne free which is a big problem for oily skinned individuals. I have learned from experience that moisturizers are my skins best friend. Emollients are a necessity and a definite wrinkle buster. We've all seen the dessert crackling under heat, sun and dehydration and no one wants to have wrinkles to this extreme. I moisture at least twice a day and if water touches my face I immediately moisturize because my skin is extremely dry.
Vitamin E taken internally and applied topically to my skin has been a regimen since my childhood my mother swore by it and years later when I entered the medical profession I found that not just Vitamin B but Vitamins A, C and B-complex are all nutrients to ones skin and natural antioxidants (capable of removing harmful waste products from your system). You can get Vitamin B-complex from proteins like eggs, chicken, beef and fish. Vitamins C and A are found in fresh veggies, such as: Collard greens, cabbage, carrots, fresh fruits and citrus fruits, leafy vegetable in general. Turns out everything that we should be eating to maintain holistic health and the same things we need to eat to avoid premature wrinkles. Go figure.
As a general rule Skin medication needs at least one week to really penetrate your skin and then at minimum another week to treat your skin problem. Whether it be wrinkles or acne. Common sense dictate that after fourteen days of treatment you don't see any positive results then you need to reevaluate your treatment plan with your dermatologist.
The list of anti-wrinkle creams and skin ointment is overwhelming and you will need to do your research, ask around and have a honest discussion with your doctor in reference to exactly what benefits you are hoping to receive from a treatment and realistic outcomes.
Anti wrinkle cream Video
Tazorac is an ointment often prescribed for premature wrinkles & supposedly some clients report an improvement to their acne problems as a side effect. It not all a bed of roses though and some people's skin is too delicate. Most skin treatments should have an effect after at least 2 weeks but times vary. The treatment frame may be as long as 12 weeks but you will have to discuss your treatment plan with your dermatologist. Tazorac is known to initially cause some redness similar to that of a suntan, and even flaking of skin. Some clients swear by it while others hate it.
Garlic contains sulfur which helps your body produce collagen. Garlic contains taurine and lipoid acid which support damaged collagen fibers. I suppose this bit of information is the reason for the next anti-wrinkle intervention which is Plexion a sulfur was which some swear followed by Retin-A-Micro moisturizing/rejuvenating cream.
Personal beauty and anti-wrinkling treatments are continually evolving and I believe it will continue to do so as long as human being exist. The cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies are clamoring for your money and in a greedy heated rush to launch the next trendy anti-wrinkle/aging product mistakes will be made and lies will be told. It's just part of the human experience. What you must do is be prudent-remember, "Buyer Beware!" don't believe every thing they say. More than one and half billion dollars are up for grabs and aggression in its most natural form will be encountered since with money comes cons so although there will be some genuine breakthroughs in the anti-aging products market there will be potentially hazardous to your health hoax. Always inspect thoroughly what you expect from a skin/anti-wrinkle product and please be realistic.
Researchers are exploring the use of biological interventions in the war on aging like, stem cells and gene triggers to prevent—and perhaps eventually turn off the aging clock. Well I'll believe when I see it. Old Father Time hasn't been beaten yet and you can bet he's not going down without a kicking and hauling fight so I'm not looking for any definite scientifically 100 percent proven anti-wrinkle aid instead right now I will just eat right, keep my skin well hydrated and sit back and observe and let progress run its course.
Anti-Aging Video
Beauty and youth have always been fleeting-Sad but True! The aging process takes its toll on all cells in our body and skin cells can not escape the crunch. Typically skin cell are proliferate and generate thousands possibly millions of replacement cell in one given day unfortunately skin regeneration gradually decreases with age and collagen a protein that keeps skin firm and supple naturally diminishes. Along with pollution, lifestyle, sun exposure, diet, gravity and your DNA combine to result in wrinkle.
Researchers are exploring new ways of boosting human skin's ability to retain moisture, protect our skin against infection, enable it to replenish itself indefinitely. The goal is to create a barrier to protect your living skin layers of dermis (the layer beneath the epidermis) to protect the skin from dehydrating and from everyday threats such as bacteria and sun damage. You know ordinary things we come into contact with on a daily basis. Spur Collagen Production-Better known as stem cell therapy has become all the rave lately. It's too soon to determine whether or not it will be effective in the anti-aging war but I wanted to mention it. Some company called Chronolux Technology supposedly has an amino acid sequence that helps to maintain a healthy cell repair schedule. And there are a multitude of so-called stem cell creams/ointments and consumers who swear by them. Again I am not pushing any product in particular I just want to present some facts and the final truth is yet to be revealed. I suggest you discuss any the various treatments you are interested in personally with your dermatologist.
Food for your skin
Lastly we come to those individuals who believe you can eat your way to smoother wrinkle free youthful skin. I did some surfing and came up with this list of foods high in collagen, which may help boost your collagen by consuming them. It's worth a try as long as you're not allergic to any of the foods on my list.
A. Food that has lysine and proline promote collagen and lean meat contain these, so the meat in pig's feet should help. Maybe the collagen in pig's feet would work too.
B. Soy contains genistein, an isoflavone. This isoflavone blocks enzymes that would otherwise destroy collagen.
C. Garlic contains sulfur which helps your body produce collagen. Garlic contains taurine and lipoid acid which support damaged collagen fibers.
D. There's nothing like a nice plate of pasta and tomatoe sauce to get your blood boiling and tomatoes are rich in antioxidant lycopene which inhibits collagenases. Collagenases are enzymes that destroy collagen. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals which would otherwise destroy your collagen and supporting structure of skin, so foods rich in antioxidants are natural anti-wrinkle aides.
Exploring Anti-Aging
E. Fish is rich in omega fatty acids said to keeps skin soft and supple. Fish oils have been used as an emollient in Africa and the Americas for centuries.
F. Pigs feet was one of my mother's specialties as a child, but not on my personal list of oh-boy-can't-wait-to-eat-it list! I don't know if by eating them although they are filled with collagen will actually help you look better but if you're brave enough to take a shot you can try.
G. Oranges and lemons Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C which will help your body produce collagen and help you fight off a host of other ailments like scurvy.
H. Again with the veggies leafy greens are coming up on top again. Collard greens contain calcium and spinach contains vitamin C for collagen manufacturing.
Keep in mind that skin product manufacturers are out to get into your pocketbook, so buyer beware. No one is paying me to push any products so I am just putting information out there that you can follow up on or not. Unfortunately the is seldom much proof in the effectiveness of these treatment this is why more test and research is required and word of mouth about an affective product by trusted client is also to be considered.

Tiease D. Deutsch copyright 8/16/2011
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Tiease's Paper Divas Show # 9
Welcome to Tiease's Paper Divas Fashion show!
This show demonstrate the chameleon-like flexibility of Tiease's Paper Divas. By changing their wigs, accessories and outfit they take on totally different and chic looks and remember each of Tiease's Paper Divas is part of its own Deluxe Box Set which comes with convenient decorative storage boxes/saches`, handcrafted Paper Doll stand and an spectacular large wardrobes tailored specifically for that specific fashion Paper Divas.
Below you will find a wardrobe list for each of the Paper Divas in this show for you to examine and be surprised at their amazing huge wardrobes. You have hours of fun dressing and rearranging hundreds of outfits and looks for your Paper Diva.
Now sit back and enjoy the show!

Copyright 8/14/2011 by
Tiease D. Deutsch Artist/Writer/Nurse
Friday, August 12, 2011
Positive feminine Esteem Glorified!
Blessed is she who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand with sinners or sit in the seat of jealous mockers eating and plotting evil deeds.
But her delight is in the law of a Higher Power and she delights and meditated on these good words day & night.
She is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither.What ever she does prospers!
Not so the vain, selfish, and wicked! They soon pass away into oblivion, they are chaff and blown permanently away. Therefore the selfish and wicked will not stand in the judgement, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.
For God watches over the way of the righteous., but the way of the wicked will surely perish.
Psalm 1 revised by Tiease Denetria Deutsch copyright 8/12/2011

Thursday, August 11, 2011
What's in a scent!

The majority of consumers purchase oils and perfumes from cosmetic counters or online. I have always been a do-it-yourself er so I decided to actually learn to make my own scent and the first thing I found is that there are some interesting ingredients required to produce those alluring scents we all love. This lead to the benefits of aromatherapy so I decided to include some information on that subject too. Aroma therapy's claim to fame has always been it's ability to uplift and soothe one's moods and some practitioners claim that their even have real healing qualities. Traditionally certain scents have been treasured like: lavender, vanilla, cinnamon etc.. and once I got my first whiff of lavender I found aromatic paradise. It's not surprising Lavender has a calming affect on people and it is often use in drug rehabilitation therapy to calm the negative withdrawal symptoms associated with kicking drugs/alcohol. It has a comforting effect on the clients who are struggling to achieve recover and benefit from the soothing effects of aromatherapy.
Aromatherapy oils like Orange and ylang ylang are credited with easing anger. Cypress, rosemary, sweet basil, bergamot, geranium, sandalwood and grapefruit is believed to induce bravery, since we are all affected differently by different scents you will have to experiment. Citrus fruit is just naturally invigorating think about how you feel when you peel a fresh aromatic orange or how your mouth starts to water in anticipation of your first swallow of good lemonade. These citrus fruits are just naturally energizing, and the smell of cinnamon sends me for a whirl, nutmeg and mints like peppermint and spearmint have been used since antiquity. Citrus essential oils (oranges, lemons etc..) can make your skin sensitive to direct sunlight so avoid long exposure to sunlight. Angelica, bergamot, lemon and lime can make cause skin sensitivity to ultraviolet light thus you need to take special skin precautions when wearing them.
The majority of perfume ingredient come from plants and animal musk like: flowers, grasses, spices, fruit, wood, roots, resins, balsams, leaves, gums, and animal secretions—as well as resources like alcohol, petrochemicals, coal, and coal tars are used in the manufacture of perfumes. Some plants, such as lily of the valley, do not produce oils naturally. In fact, only about 2,000 of the 250,000 known flowering plant species contain these essential oils. I have learned that a lot of scents are artificially created in laboratories from synthetic chemicals to create and re-create rare smells of non-oily substances.
Myrrh and frankincense are beautiful scents which have been around for centuries. Ancient Egyptians burned incense called kyphi—made of henna, myrrh, cinnamon, and juniper and placed a cube of fat ingested with aromatic ingredients which would gradually melt and drip down over their body. Africans were reported to soaked aromatic wood, gum, and resins in water and oil and used the liquid as a fragrant body lotion even today in certain parts of Africa women undergo a smoking ceremony which uses a various aromatic ingredients and aromatic wood to smoke an intended bride prior to her wedding and the process produces wonderfully soft supple aromatic skins which can last for several days. The ancient Egyptians of Africa coated and embalmed their dead with aromatic herbs and oils to prepare them for mummification.
Scents to calm the troubled Diva Video!
Many in the US are not aware that Frankincense is a heavenly scent and in conjunction with bergamot can help relieve depression and grief. Some Fashionista may like rose, however it is one of my least personal favorites. I believe this is the result of inhaling copious power doses of rose perfumes/oils being worn by old ladies during my childhood which has left a lingering negative psychological impression on me.
A combination of black pepper and peppermint is said to boost cognition (Remember the proof is in the trying). I can't resist pheromones sensual allure of musk, jasmine, ylang ylang, neroli, patchouli are classic smells of romance! And for good reason they really stimulate the heck out of me!
Fortunately the ingredients & components required to produce scent are available on-lnecheminstry.There is no single correct formula for making perfume, the basic formula is 15% to 30% of the total amount coming from essential oil; 80% to 90% of the remainder is perfumer's alcohol, which you may be able to find at perfume ingredient wholesalers, or pure grain alcohol such as Everclear or 100-proof vodka. (Perfumer’s alcohol is ethanol with an added ingredient to make it bitter and undrinkable.) Distilled or bottled spring water makes up the last 5% to 10% of the remainder. Believe it or not it's illegal to sell perfumes made from Everclear or vodka and the will jail you
Professional perfumers receive a lot of vital training but two of the basics essential you need to be aware when considering homemade scent is training your nose to recognize about 200 aromas to and many professional professional are trained to recognize over 2,000 varieties of smells, but don't worry about this we are sticking to the ability. the aroma materials used in perfumer (hint: W omen's olfactory capabilities are normally superior to that of Men-What a surprise!:). The second hurdle involves developing your ability to create "matches" for classic perfumes and popular designer fragrances.
When considering producing your own scent you may either go to a perfumery where you are allowed to mix and match scents until you arrive at a scent you love. Paris is famous for these kind of establishments and will even keep your recipe on files and ship it to anywhere in the world. If you want to start from scratch you must decide on which essential ingredients you will be using. Essential oils are oils that contain the scent essences of plants and flowers. Fragrance oils contain scents that may by synthetic blended with a carrier oil. Essential oil can be replaced with fragrance oil to create an inexpensive perfume, but the quality of the scent will probably be diminished.
You can also make your own essential oil or distilled scent using fresh flowers. Gather your favorite aromatic fresh flowers and crush or cut them into small pieces to release the volatile scent compounds. Then, soak the pieces in either distilled water or odorless carrier oil like almond,apricot jojoba oil etc.. When going basic and using water, use about 4 cups of flowers with about 2 cups of distilled water. If you are using oil, use about 4 cups of flowers with about 1 cup of oil. The water or oil must sit for at least 24 hours and some scents require longer depending on the potency that you are trying to achieve and the potency of the ingredient to begin with. You will have to experiment to get it just right. If you are allergic to plants/tree materials be aware of this if you break out or suffer from severe allergic common sense dictates that you don't use those ingredients.If you aren't sure whether of not you're allergic you may want to do a patch test on the inside of your arm once your perfume is complete (have your antihistamine and/or epinephrine injection ready just in care).
When you have gathered all of your flowers and oils now it's time to start mixing and blending (trail and error are part of a perfumers hallmark so don't get discouraged) fragrance or essential oils to create that personal smell elusive smell you desire. Most scents fall under the description categories of citrus, woodsy, oriental, floral and spicy. but, when developing your aroma feel free to experiment. Musk oil and lavender have always been two of my favorite perfumes and I would probably experiment with them to create my one of a kind bouquet. Remember to record the ingredients and amounts used to create that perfect scent nothing worse than creating that one of a kind scent and not remembering how you achieved it! Trail and error are just par for the course I've learned when it comes to creating your own personal scent the the rewards and payoff are priceless.
How to make your basic scent
Are you sitting comfortably? Then let's begin by mixing ¼ cup of straight vodka with 5 drops of an essential or fragrance oil of your choice. Depending on how strong you want the perfume, you can let the mixture stand for as few as 48 hours to as long as a month. The longer your perfume mixture stands, the stronger it will be. After your perfume has sat for the preferred time, add 2 tablespoons of the distilled water. If the perfume is too strong for you, you can add more water to get your desired scent strength. You may find that vodka-based perfumes require more water, and that the water may tend to separate; if this happens, simply shake the perfume each time you apply it. To stabilize the perfume and make the scent last longer, add a tablespoon of glycerin to your perfume mixture. Glycerin is a thick colorless liquid that is often used in soap making. It can be found anywhere soap-making supplies are found. When added to water and alcohol, glycerin remains in liquid form and helps the other ingredients dissolve faster and better.
Store your perfume properly. The scent in perfumes can quickly break down in the presence of heat, light or oxygen, and homemade perfumes will not last as long or smell as strong as store-bought perfumes because they lack the many stabilizing ingredients used by professional perfumers. To keep your homemade perfume as fresh as possible, store your perfume in a small UV resistant glass or plastic container. You can buy a container with a sprayer at almost any local craft store. You might also be able to find vintage perfume bottles at thrift stores or flea markets. Keep the bottle in a cool place away from direct sunlight. Storing it in the refrigerator isn’t necessary for the perfume to last.
From using oils to storage requirements, you can now start making perfume. Now that you know the basics of perfume making.
I'm a sucker for beautiful perfume containers and cosmetic containers. So when deciding on a bottle for perfume this has to be taken into consideration. Perfume bottles were often as elaborate and exotic as the oils they contained. The earliest specimens date back to about 1000 B.C. In ancient Egypt, newly invented glass bottles were made largely to hold perfumes. The crafting of perfume bottles spread into Europe and reached its peak in Venice in the 18th century, when glass containers assumed the shape of small animals or had pastoral scenes painted on them. Today perfume bottles are designed by the manufacturer to reflect the character of the fragrance inside, whether light and flowery or dark and musky.
What you smell in your rose petals is an essential oil. These are volatile substances that are sensitive to heat and light. When you brought the petals into the house they were still giving off their essential oils but it soon dissipated. In the garden the plants continue producing essential oils and each day they give off more of this precious perfumed substance.
When you make perfume you are trying to catch that essential oil and prevent it from dissipating into the air until it is applied to your body. The heat of your body then makes the essential oil give off its perfume.Essential oils and fragrance oils can easily be found in craft stores, health food stores, and perfume ingredient wholesalers.You can easily perform a Web search for ingredient wholesale.
Creating Oils for Fragrance Video
First you need to extract the essential oil. That can be done by soaking the petals in alcohol. A bottle of vodka is the handiest and purest form of alcohol available to the do it yourself perfume maker.
Instead of putting the petals into pretty bowl soak them in vodka overnight in a glass bowl with a lid. Always use glassware when making perfume because it does not react with the essential oils. You must also protect your perfume from heat and light. So keep it cool and in the dark as much as possible.
Filter the finished product through muslin or a coffee filter and store it in a dark glass container. You can then use it to mix with other extracts or simply add it to a carrier oil such as almond oil.
Here are just a few of the most common primary ingredients used to create various perfumes:
Ambrette the oil obtained from ambrette seeds (from the hibiscus) has a musk-like odor. Commonly used as a substitute for true musk.
Amyris is a white-flowering bush or tree found in Haiti and South America. Often used as a less-expensive substitute for sandalwood.
Benzoin is a balsamic resin from the Styrax tree.
Bergamot possesses a tangy oil expressed from the non-edible bergamot orange, grown primarily in Italy.
Calone is a chemical that adds a “sea breeze” or marine note to fragrances.
Cashmeran is a synthetic aldehyde with a spicy, ambery, musky, floral odor. Used to invoke the velvety smell or "feel" of cashmere.
Castoreum comes from a small mammal, the Castor beaver secrets it and is used to impart a leathery aroma to a fragrance.
Citron comes from a tree's fruit & used to create citrus fragrance notes.
Civet musk is made in the tail glands of the African Civet Cat's.s tail. Pure civet is said to have a strong, disagreeable odor, but in small quantities is often used to add depth and warmth to a fragrance.
Clary sage herb oil smells sweet to bittersweet, with nuances of amber, hay and tobacco.
Coumarin is a perfume compound that smells like vanilla. Usually derived from the tonka bean but also found in lavender, sweetgrass and other plants.
Frangipani is a tropical flower, also known as West Indian jasmine.
Frankincense also called Olibanum has been around since biblical times and probably before recorded history. It's basically a gum resin from a tree found in Arabia and Eastern Africa.
Guaiac Wood is a resinous South American tree whose oil is used in perfumery.
Hedione is a chemical that has a soft, radiant jasmine aroma.
Heliotrope are flowers of the family heliotropium, which have a strong, sweet vanilla-like fragrance with undertones of almond.
Indole is a chemical compound which smells floral at low concentrations, fecal at high concentrations. Used widely in perfumery.
Iso E Super-An aroma chemical, described as a smooth, woody, amber note with a velvet-like sensation. Used to impart fullness to fragrances.
Jasmine wildly popular scent is used widely in perfumes.
Labdanum-An aromatic gum from from the rockrose bush. The sweet woody odor is said to mimic ambergris, and can also be used to impart a leather note.
Making homemade incense sticks
Monoi-Gardenia (tiare) petals macerated in coconut oil. Sometimes called Monoi de Tahiti.
Muguet-French for Lily of the Valley. One of the three most used florals in perfumery. Unlike jasmine and rose, usually synthetically reproduced.
Myrrh-A gum resin produced from a bush found in Arabia and Eastern Africa.
Narciussus-The white flowers of this tree are used extensively in French perfume production.
Neroli-A citrus oil distilled from the blossoms of either the sweet or bitter orange tree. The Italian term for neroli is zagara.
Oakmoss-Derived from a lichen that grows on oak trees. Prized for its aroma, which is heavy and oriental at first, becoming refined and earthy when dried, reminiscent of bark, seashore and foliage.
Opopanax-A herb that grows in the Middle East, North Africa and the Meditarranean, also known as sweet myrrh. The resin produces a scent similar to balsam or lavender.
Orris-Derived from the iris plant. Has a flowery, heavy and woody aroma.
Osmanthus-A flowering tree native to China, valued for its delicate fruity apricot aroma.
Oud (Oudh)-Refers to wood from the Agar tree, found mostly in Southeast Asia. The fragrant resin is treasured by perfumers.
Ozone-A modern, synthetic note meant to mimic the smell of fresh air right after a thunderstorm.
Patchouli-A bushy shrub originally from Malaysia and India. Has a musty-sweet, spicy aroma. Often used as a base note.
Rose-One of the main flower notes used in perfumery.
Rose de Mai-The traditional name given to Rose Absolute (rose essential oil) produced by solvent then alcohol extraction.
Sandalwood comes from the Indian sandal tree & used as a base note.
Tonka Bean-Derived from a plant native to Brazil. Has an aroma of vanilla with strong hints of cinnamon, cloves and almonds. Used as a less-expensive alternative to vanilla.
Tuberose-A plant with highly-perfumed white flowers, resembling those of a lily.
Vanilla-Derived from the seed pod of the vanilla orchid. Highly fragrant, popular, and expensive to produce.
Vetiver-A grass with heavy, fibrous roots, which are used to distill an oil that smells of moist earth with woody, earthy, leather and smoky undertones. A highly important ingredient in masculine perfumes.
Ylang Ylang-An Asian evergreen tree with fragrant flowers. Used in expensive floral perfumes.
From what I have learned making your own homemade perfume is not impossible and can be easy of very complex. The blending of perfume is the complex part of the process. Perfume are blended from a mixture of essential oils. There are top notes and deep undertones in any perfume. They come from different oils. You have to learn what each one does.
Mixing a perfect perfume requires a trained sense of smell. You have to train your nose to work like the nose of top perfumer if you want to make the best perfume at home. As a novice you will need to learn what the different essential oils smell like. You can buy them at specialist retailers and at health food shops. Some are more expensive than others. But the basics are quite cheap because you only need small amounts. Just two or three drops will be enough. The only one you may use in larger quantities in lavender oil which is a favorite ingredients in some of the most popular scents.
Distilling scents Video
For the adventurous Fashionista who can look into the distilling your own perfume.There are three different notes in perfumes: Top, Middle and Bottom. What this basically means is that Top notes, or head notes, are the scents that you notice first, and they do not last as long as the other two notes. They do, however, add to the scent significantly, so when making perfume they should be chosen carefully. Top note fragrances include oils such a sorchard, lavender,rose, jasmine, bergamot etc. Middle notes also referred to as heart notes, add to your scent for a while once the top notes have dissipated, The most enduring aroma is contained within your base notes.Some fundamental good middle notes scent include: ylang-ylang lemongrass, geranium, neroli, orange blossom and various hybrids are even used and patented today. The possibilities are endless from what I have learned.
The goal of the Base notes is staying power they usually include:oils like vanilla(a personal favorite) cinnamon, and sandalwood.. You will usually notice their scent about 30 minutes after you have applied the perfume. When making a perfume that includes all three notes, add the base note oil first. Follow the base note oil with the middle note oil, and finish with the top note oil. A few exotic oils such as ylang ylang and neroli will add their distinctive note to your home made perfume. There are many recipes for perfumes online but if you want to do-it-yourself remember patience is a virtue.
Get a collection of essential oils and chemical aromas to begin experimenting. You can of course make your own essential oil (I have included a video on this topic) and you can also extract your oils from plant materials that you may even be able to collect from your own back yard. When it comes to scent the sky is the limit. Keep in mind that poisonous plants should never be used and if you have allergies be especially cautious.
While fragrant liquids used for the body are often considered perfume, true perfumes are defined as extracts or essences and contain a percentage of oil distilled in alcohol. Water is also used. The first synthetic perfume was nitrobenzene, made from nitric acid and benzene. This synthetic mixture gave off an almond smell and was often used to scent soaps. In 1868, Englishman William Perkin synthesized coumarin from the South American tonka bean to create a fragrance that smelled like freshly sown hay. Ferdinand Tiemann of the University of Berlin created synthetic violet and vanilla. In the United States, Francis Despard Dodge created citronellol—an alcohol with rose-like odor—by experimenting with citronella, which is derived from citronella oil and has a lemon-like odor. In different variations, this synthetic compound gives off the scents of sweet pea, lily of the valley, narcissus, and hyacinth.
I love the smell of lavender so when I decided to writes about scent I had to mention it. Oil therapeutic grade lavender has been highly regarded as a scent and skin care product ingredient for centuries and continues to be used today. Lavender is very versatile and may be used to cleanse cuts &bruises and it possesses a pleasant heavenly aroma!
You will always start with essential ingredients. Plant ingredients are harvested worldwide. Scents from animals products are obtained by extracting fatty substances from the animal. There is absolutely you can learn everything there is to know about perfume manufacturing but I have done my best to introduce you to the possibilities.
Extraction oils are extracted from plant substances by several methods: steam distillation, solvent extraction, enfleurage, maceration, and expression.
In steam distillation, steam is passed through plant material held in a still, whereby the essential oil turns to gas. This gas is then passed through tubes, cooled, and liquefied. Oils can also be extracted by boiling plant substances like flower petals in water instead of steaming them.
Under solvent extraction, flowers are put into large rotating tanks or drums and benzene or a petroleum ether is poured over the flowers, extracting the essential oils. The flower parts dissolve in the solvents and leave a waxy material that contains the oil, which is then placed in ethyl alcohol. The oil dissolves in the alcohol and rises. Heat is used to evaporate the alcohol, which once fully burned off, leaves a higher concentration that contains the oil, which is then placed in ethyl alcohol. The oil dissolves in the alcohol and rises. Heat is used to evaporate the alcohol, which once fully burned off, leaves a higher concentration of the perfume oil on the bottom.
During enfleurage, flowers are spread on glass sheets coated with grease. The glass sheets are placed between wooden frames in tiers. Then the flowers are removed by hand and changed until the grease has absorbed their fragrance.
Maceration is similar to enfleurage except that warmed fats are used to soak up the flower smell. As in solvent extraction, the grease and fats are dissolved in alcohol to obtain the essential oils.
Expression is an ancient means of extracting scent ingredients it involves, the fruit or plant is manually or mechanically pressed until all the oil is squeezed out.Blending requires a good sense of smells and professional noses are employed by the perfume industry.
Once you have created your scent you'll need to mixed with alcohol. The amount of alcohol in a scent varies & is an exact science with creating some designer scents. Most full perfumes are made of about 10-20% perfume oils dissolved in alcohol and a trace of water. Colognes contain approximately 3-5% oil diluted in 80-90% alcohol, with water making up about 10%. Toilet water has the least amount—2% oil in 60-80% alcohol and 20% water.
Aging perfume is often done for several months to many years afterwards is put to the nose test again to ensure that the correct scent has been achieved.
Quality Control
Because perfumes depend heavily on harvests of plant substances and the availability of animal products, perfumery can often turn risky. Thousands of flowers are needed to obtain just one pound of essential oils, and if the season's crop is destroyed by disease or adverse weather, perfumeries could be in jeopardy. In addition, consistency is hard to maintain in natural oils. The same species of plant raised in several different areas with slightly different growing conditions may not yield oils with exactly the same scent.
No matter how lovely they may smell many essential oils are fatal when ingested, so make sure to keep them out of the reach of young children and your pets. Essential oils are potent that why a little bit last so long as a perfume scent and can harm and/or irritate eyes intimate body parts so be careful. In fact essential oils are so concentrated until they can dissolve rubber so rubber stoppers on your dark essential storage bottles is not recommended.
Synthetic perfumes have allowed perfumers more freedom and stability in their craft, even though natural ingredients are considered more desirable high priced perfumes. The use of synthetic perfumes and oils eliminates the need to extract oils from animals and removes the risk of a bad plant harvest. Perfumes are being manufactured frequently with synthetic chemicals rather than natural oils. That's why making your own ensures you have an all natural ingredients, however synthetic have resulted in less expensive products.
Aromatherapy for the Fashionista a novice introduction!
In ancient times our species learned how to harness the power of aromatherapy and the practiced live on in our modern time.Today with our hectic schedules are so busy we don't consider the simple benefits of scent and how simple it is to benefit from one's nose. Fundamentals of aromatherapy doesn't take a rocket scientist and thousands of practitioners make a fortune working with these essential scents. As with any new activity common sense and caution must be strictly adhered to. They are so many way in which these oils are used one of my preferred usage is as a toiletry and as an essential addition to my bath. Essential oils which are high in potency like garlic,wintergreen, fennel, hyssop, sage require less amounts while milder oils such as rose, lavender and chamomile are used in higher quantities.
A natural asset of essential oils are that they combine with your personal body chemistry to produce unique varying aromas.Don't overdose on essential oil by exceeding the recommended doses usually ten drops of essential oils per mixture, for weaker scent use less oil. The so-called "Old Wives & Root Doctors healers" have long been skilled in the proper use of these oils for centuries and they have always been widely used for medicinal purposes. Some people believe that subtle energy boost can be achieved by utilizing these oil scents, and we all know that they are natural aphrodisiacs known attracting potential lovers and their revitalizing and harmonizing effect are legendary.
Perfume are used as both cosmetics and for their healing qualities. When your body scents are harmonious & together so are you. Our sense of smell is a right brain activity, believed to be responsible for ours emotions, memory, and creativity. This is why in the US aromatherapy has become so trendy. The theory behind aromatherapy states that using essential oils helps bolster the immune system when inhaled or applied topically. Smelling sweet smells also affects one's mood and can be used as a form of psychotherapy, again this knowledge doesn't require a rocket scientist even animals use scents to attract potential mates or repel potential rivals.
Research is always being explored and the use of sexual pheromones(natural scents/oils produced by the body naturally to attract sexual attention) and synthesize pheromones in perfume is a multi billion dollar industry. Amazing male Bull, musk rats, rams, and even insects have always produced potent oils and human kind has even harvested these oils for use since millennium. Humans, like other mammals, release pheromones to attract the opposite sex. Ancient people have always known that scent sells and wealthy Roman women were even reported to buy the sweet from their favorite gladiators and use it as aphrodisiacs and perfume ingredients. Clearly the nose knows and now you do too.
Copyright 8/11/2011 by Tiease D. Deutsch
Tiease's a divine influence-Because every Fashionista can use an inspirational word!
Shout with joy to God, all the earth. Sing the glory of God and make your praise glorious!
There is nothing more fashionable than "Unconditional Love" to love someone regardless of their faults, their appearance, their money or popularity and the Fashionista who realizes this truth shall surely see paradise.
Sisters do not be like a horse which has no knowledge and is controlled by bit & bridle. Many are the woes of the wicked, greedy, and uncaring, but the way to enlightenment is unfailing love. Love radiates and surrounds the individual who trust is in a higher power and whose soul is upright.
The only way that we will ever achieve a positive change is by being empathetic to God, self and humankind. It's not a cliche` to say, "That beauty starts from within-because it's a universal truth." Think about it!
Have a wonderful and fashionable day!:)
Copyright 8/20/2011 T. D. Deutsch
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Dazzling Peeper under the microscope!
Tiease's Big News for Contact wearers
Dazzling Peepers are no longer just the luck of "Mother Nature" and DNA-Contact lenses have taken care of this and they have been available for decades now however with all the new renovations on the old contact such as: Soft contact lenses, colored lenses, extended wear lenses etc... You would think that the manufacturers would just stop trying to come up with a new theme-Wrong! Now the "Diamond contact lenses" are on the horizon and being vigorously researched as I write. That's right believe it or not people are actually considering using diamonds as ornamentation contact lenses. Personally this sounds dangerous to me and possible blinding, but who knows I can tell you that I won't be in line as the first test subject however I did find this an interesting enough topic to pursue. Imagine diamonds on your eyeballs! Taking "Diamonds are a girls best friend" quote entirely literally and to the extreme.
My resolution is to focus on any new and unusual products, procedures, beautiful handcrafted Paper dolls, and fashionable facts that interest me personally, and makes for potential interesting reading for my readers & I thought these wacky new diamond contact lenses warrants investigation. I realize that Lady Gaga's weird contacts lenses have gotten a lot of Press attention lately and so have Jennifer's, but I ponder upon the potential hazards and just how safe are these extreme contact lenses when it comes to one's eyesight?
I decided to do some research, and here is what I found out about these diamond laden contact lenses. Firstly they are supposedly made of gold-plated, diamond-laden lenses from a research center in India. For Fashionistas with deep pockets where money is no object these contacts are estimated to start at approximately $15,000 (That's just to start!) for the everyday individual they may be out of reach, but fret not I don't think you are missing out on anything at this point in time.
The person responsible for these potentially blinding new diamond contact lenses is reported to be a Dr. Chandrashekhar Chawan and the he is presently promoting a line of the diamond contact lenses. I don't know about you but I wont't refuse to be the first to jump on this trend until more research has proven it to be safe in addition to public feedback from purchasers of this product. Reportedly initially approximately 4000 sets will be manufactured.
Honestly I just don't know how these could possible be comfortable. I was irritated by regular soft contact lenses and eventually got rid of them after a short time that was more than ten years ago and I know that contact lenses have evolved since then but I don't believe that so much has changed that we can now stick one of the hardest substances known to humankind into our eyes and not be bothered by it. Remember when thong underwear first came out and some of us hoped all over them only to discover that they were
a real pain-in-the-tush. Some stuck it out and even claimed that after wearing them for a while they become accustomed to them and hardly notice them. Well that's neither here nor there for me because I just can't anyone getting use to a rock in your eye?!
I have always created my own fashion style and still do if I like something I wear if not I won't. With these so-called diamond laden contact lenses this is taking a trend to the extreme. Sometimes a product evolves as far as it is possible and it is as good as it gets. I have no doubt that these diamond lenses are probably exotic and beautiful but, I don't now how much admiring of them
before one receives a blinding puncture as a result of hauling rocks around via my eyeballs and ironically on purpose! Just consider how one grain of beach sand in your eye can ruin a perfectly good day at the beach. Fortunately here in the United States we do have agencies like the FDA which regulates the use and selling of such products before allowing them to be released to our innocent although be it fashionable citizens. Lets pray they conduct careful and honest test and make a rational decision.
From what I have read this Dr. Chawan remains confident and ignores criticism of his diamond contact lenses. Some people can not resist new fashion but this is one time that I advise caution before leaping. Just because something looks impressive doesn't mean that it is safe! My vision is priceless and I know that the sane person feels exactly the same. In any case you are the adult it's your body make your own judgement call but remember that if you are wrong you could lose something irreplaceable your vision.
are contact lenses wearers I was worried that perhaps some of my readers hadn't heard about the important recall of Moisture Plus a
multipurpose solution for
contact lenses it is said to cause
Acanthamoeba keratitis a serious eye infection which can lead to blindness.
I find it amazing that today in our so-called modern society their are products out there that have been categorized as dangerous and unsafe yet citizens haven't been made aware of the danger, so I wanted to make sure you had an opportunity to know about this. As with any dangerous product you should cease using it. The CDC recommends that you also replace your lenses and storage container used in conjunction with this product. I suggest you seek immediate medical intervention from your ophthalmologist (Eye Doctor) if you were using this product. Some common signs/symptoms associated with eye infection, are redness, itching, pain, excessive tearing, increased light sensitivity, blurry vision or a sensation of something in your eye. Recognizing these warning signs are essential because early diagnosis of Acanthamoeba keratitis increases the chance of successful treatment.
Copyright 8/7/2011 by T. D. Deutsch RN/Writer/Artist
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