Tiease's Big News for Contact wearers
Dazzling Peepers are no longer just the luck of "Mother Nature" and DNA-Contact lenses have taken care of this and they have been available for decades now however with all the new renovations on the old contact such as: Soft contact lenses, colored lenses, extended wear lenses etc... You would think that the manufacturers would just stop trying to come up with a new theme-Wrong! Now the "Diamond contact lenses" are on the horizon and being vigorously researched as I write. That's right believe it or not people are actually considering using diamonds as ornamentation contact lenses. Personally this sounds dangerous to me and possible blinding, but who knows I can tell you that I won't be in line as the first test subject however I did find this an interesting enough topic to pursue. Imagine diamonds on your eyeballs! Taking "Diamonds are a girls best friend" quote entirely literally and to the extreme.
My resolution is to focus on any new and unusual products, procedures, beautiful handcrafted Paper dolls, and fashionable facts that interest me personally, and makes for potential interesting reading for my readers & I thought these wacky new diamond contact lenses warrants investigation. I realize that Lady Gaga's weird contacts lenses have gotten a lot of Press attention lately and so have Jennifer's, but I ponder upon the potential hazards and just how safe are these extreme contact lenses when it comes to one's eyesight?
I decided to do some research, and here is what I found out about these diamond laden contact lenses. Firstly they are supposedly made of gold-plated, diamond-laden lenses from a research center in India. For Fashionistas with deep pockets where money is no object these contacts are estimated to start at approximately $15,000 (That's just to start!) for the everyday individual they may be out of reach, but fret not I don't think you are missing out on anything at this point in time.
The person responsible for these potentially blinding new diamond contact lenses is reported to be a Dr. Chandrashekhar Chawan and the he is presently promoting a line of the diamond contact lenses. I don't know about you but I wont't refuse to be the first to jump on this trend until more research has proven it to be safe in addition to public feedback from purchasers of this product. Reportedly initially approximately 4000 sets will be manufactured.
Honestly I just don't know how these could possible be comfortable. I was irritated by regular soft contact lenses and eventually got rid of them after a short time that was more than ten years ago and I know that contact lenses have evolved since then but I don't believe that so much has changed that we can now stick one of the hardest substances known to humankind into our eyes and not be bothered by it. Remember when thong underwear first came out and some of us hoped all over them only to discover that they were
a real pain-in-the-tush. Some stuck it out and even claimed that after wearing them for a while they become accustomed to them and hardly notice them. Well that's neither here nor there for me because I just can't anyone getting use to a rock in your eye?!
I have always created my own fashion style and still do if I like something I wear if not I won't. With these so-called diamond laden contact lenses this is taking a trend to the extreme. Sometimes a product evolves as far as it is possible and it is as good as it gets. I have no doubt that these diamond lenses are probably exotic and beautiful but, I don't now how much admiring of them
before one receives a blinding puncture as a result of hauling rocks around via my eyeballs and ironically on purpose! Just consider how one grain of beach sand in your eye can ruin a perfectly good day at the beach. Fortunately here in the United States we do have agencies like the FDA which regulates the use and selling of such products before allowing them to be released to our innocent although be it fashionable citizens. Lets pray they conduct careful and honest test and make a rational decision.
From what I have read this Dr. Chawan remains confident and ignores criticism of his diamond contact lenses. Some people can not resist new fashion but this is one time that I advise caution before leaping. Just because something looks impressive doesn't mean that it is safe! My vision is priceless and I know that the sane person feels exactly the same. In any case you are the adult it's your body make your own judgement call but remember that if you are wrong you could lose something irreplaceable your vision.
are contact lenses wearers I was worried that perhaps some of my readers hadn't heard about the important recall of Moisture Plus a
multipurpose solution for
contact lenses it is said to cause
Acanthamoeba keratitis a serious eye infection which can lead to blindness.
I find it amazing that today in our so-called modern society their are products out there that have been categorized as dangerous and unsafe yet citizens haven't been made aware of the danger, so I wanted to make sure you had an opportunity to know about this. As with any dangerous product you should cease using it. The CDC recommends that you also replace your lenses and storage container used in conjunction with this product. I suggest you seek immediate medical intervention from your ophthalmologist (Eye Doctor) if you were using this product. Some common signs/symptoms associated with eye infection, are redness, itching, pain, excessive tearing, increased light sensitivity, blurry vision or a sensation of something in your eye. Recognizing these warning signs are essential because early diagnosis of Acanthamoeba keratitis increases the chance of successful treatment.
Copyright 8/7/2011 by T. D. Deutsch RN/Writer/Artist
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