Anti-Wrinkle Treatments
Aging gracefully-bonk that! As you age you must take the time to pamper your skin as it gradually loses its elasticity and resiliency. You got to know the strength and weaknesses of your enemy in order to overcome and triumph over it. First begin with a few simple anti-wrinkle do's and don'ts:
Cigarettes top the list-these little addictive devils wreck havoc on the skin over drying it and leeching precious nutrients from it. Consider the fact that you are literally self-smoking your own flesh!
Although sunlight is required for production of Vitamin D in our bodies too much sun creates that leathery, dried out wrinkle skin you've seen so often and panicked at the thought of it happening to you. And get rid of the tanning beds-I never understood roasting oneself in an electric oven in pursuit of a beautiful tan since I have seen tanned skin so ugly it could turn the toughest stomach. You can help yourself by preventing premature wrinkles by always wearing sunblock, kicking the cigarette habit and by consuming skin friendly nutrients and diet rich in fruits and vegetable. Most fruits and vegetable contain antioxidants, molecules that can block free radicals from damaging not just skin cells but all the cells of your body.
Over zealous scrubbing of one face can induce wrinkles.Believe-it-or-not being in a bad mood and frowning can cause excessive wrinkling in fact any repetitive facial movements will affect your face, but on the other hand our faces were mad for expression so what this means to me is that it's better to smile and be in a good mood rather than walk around with a nasty frown on your face (God forbid it remains that way).
Some people swear by sleeping on your back so not to cause unnecessary abrasion on the skin which is believed to promote wrinkling of the skin in some individuals.
I have naturally dry skin the cons it drys out more quickly thus increasing my potential to wrinkle on-the-other-hand my skin is clear, acne free which is a big problem for oily skinned individuals. I have learned from experience that moisturizers are my skins best friend. Emollients are a necessity and a definite wrinkle buster. We've all seen the dessert crackling under heat, sun and dehydration and no one wants to have wrinkles to this extreme. I moisture at least twice a day and if water touches my face I immediately moisturize because my skin is extremely dry.
Vitamin E taken internally and applied topically to my skin has been a regimen since my childhood my mother swore by it and years later when I entered the medical profession I found that not just Vitamin B but Vitamins A, C and B-complex are all nutrients to ones skin and natural antioxidants (capable of removing harmful waste products from your system). You can get Vitamin B-complex from proteins like eggs, chicken, beef and fish. Vitamins C and A are found in fresh veggies, such as: Collard greens, cabbage, carrots, fresh fruits and citrus fruits, leafy vegetable in general. Turns out everything that we should be eating to maintain holistic health and the same things we need to eat to avoid premature wrinkles. Go figure.
As a general rule Skin medication needs at least one week to really penetrate your skin and then at minimum another week to treat your skin problem. Whether it be wrinkles or acne. Common sense dictate that after fourteen days of treatment you don't see any positive results then you need to reevaluate your treatment plan with your dermatologist.
The list of anti-wrinkle creams and skin ointment is overwhelming and you will need to do your research, ask around and have a honest discussion with your doctor in reference to exactly what benefits you are hoping to receive from a treatment and realistic outcomes.
Anti wrinkle cream Video
Tazorac is an ointment often prescribed for premature wrinkles & supposedly some clients report an improvement to their acne problems as a side effect. It not all a bed of roses though and some people's skin is too delicate. Most skin treatments should have an effect after at least 2 weeks but times vary. The treatment frame may be as long as 12 weeks but you will have to discuss your treatment plan with your dermatologist. Tazorac is known to initially cause some redness similar to that of a suntan, and even flaking of skin. Some clients swear by it while others hate it.
Garlic contains sulfur which helps your body produce collagen. Garlic contains taurine and lipoid acid which support damaged collagen fibers. I suppose this bit of information is the reason for the next anti-wrinkle intervention which is Plexion a sulfur was which some swear followed by Retin-A-Micro moisturizing/rejuvenating cream.
Personal beauty and anti-wrinkling treatments are continually evolving and I believe it will continue to do so as long as human being exist. The cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies are clamoring for your money and in a greedy heated rush to launch the next trendy anti-wrinkle/aging product mistakes will be made and lies will be told. It's just part of the human experience. What you must do is be prudent-remember, "Buyer Beware!" don't believe every thing they say. More than one and half billion dollars are up for grabs and aggression in its most natural form will be encountered since with money comes cons so although there will be some genuine breakthroughs in the anti-aging products market there will be potentially hazardous to your health hoax. Always inspect thoroughly what you expect from a skin/anti-wrinkle product and please be realistic.
Researchers are exploring the use of biological interventions in the war on aging like, stem cells and gene triggers to prevent—and perhaps eventually turn off the aging clock. Well I'll believe when I see it. Old Father Time hasn't been beaten yet and you can bet he's not going down without a kicking and hauling fight so I'm not looking for any definite scientifically 100 percent proven anti-wrinkle aid instead right now I will just eat right, keep my skin well hydrated and sit back and observe and let progress run its course.
Anti-Aging Video
Beauty and youth have always been fleeting-Sad but True! The aging process takes its toll on all cells in our body and skin cells can not escape the crunch. Typically skin cell are proliferate and generate thousands possibly millions of replacement cell in one given day unfortunately skin regeneration gradually decreases with age and collagen a protein that keeps skin firm and supple naturally diminishes. Along with pollution, lifestyle, sun exposure, diet, gravity and your DNA combine to result in wrinkle.
Researchers are exploring new ways of boosting human skin's ability to retain moisture, protect our skin against infection, enable it to replenish itself indefinitely. The goal is to create a barrier to protect your living skin layers of dermis (the layer beneath the epidermis) to protect the skin from dehydrating and from everyday threats such as bacteria and sun damage. You know ordinary things we come into contact with on a daily basis. Spur Collagen Production-Better known as stem cell therapy has become all the rave lately. It's too soon to determine whether or not it will be effective in the anti-aging war but I wanted to mention it. Some company called Chronolux Technology supposedly has an amino acid sequence that helps to maintain a healthy cell repair schedule. And there are a multitude of so-called stem cell creams/ointments and consumers who swear by them. Again I am not pushing any product in particular I just want to present some facts and the final truth is yet to be revealed. I suggest you discuss any the various treatments you are interested in personally with your dermatologist.
Food for your skin
Lastly we come to those individuals who believe you can eat your way to smoother wrinkle free youthful skin. I did some surfing and came up with this list of foods high in collagen, which may help boost your collagen by consuming them. It's worth a try as long as you're not allergic to any of the foods on my list.
A. Food that has lysine and proline promote collagen and lean meat contain these, so the meat in pig's feet should help. Maybe the collagen in pig's feet would work too.
B. Soy contains genistein, an isoflavone. This isoflavone blocks enzymes that would otherwise destroy collagen.
C. Garlic contains sulfur which helps your body produce collagen. Garlic contains taurine and lipoid acid which support damaged collagen fibers.
D. There's nothing like a nice plate of pasta and tomatoe sauce to get your blood boiling and tomatoes are rich in antioxidant lycopene which inhibits collagenases. Collagenases are enzymes that destroy collagen. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals which would otherwise destroy your collagen and supporting structure of skin, so foods rich in antioxidants are natural anti-wrinkle aides.
Exploring Anti-Aging
E. Fish is rich in omega fatty acids said to keeps skin soft and supple. Fish oils have been used as an emollient in Africa and the Americas for centuries.
F. Pigs feet was one of my mother's specialties as a child, but not on my personal list of oh-boy-can't-wait-to-eat-it list! I don't know if by eating them although they are filled with collagen will actually help you look better but if you're brave enough to take a shot you can try.
G. Oranges and lemons Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C which will help your body produce collagen and help you fight off a host of other ailments like scurvy.
H. Again with the veggies leafy greens are coming up on top again. Collard greens contain calcium and spinach contains vitamin C for collagen manufacturing.
Keep in mind that skin product manufacturers are out to get into your pocketbook, so buyer beware. No one is paying me to push any products so I am just putting information out there that you can follow up on or not. Unfortunately the is seldom much proof in the effectiveness of these treatment this is why more test and research is required and word of mouth about an affective product by trusted client is also to be considered.

Tiease D. Deutsch copyright 8/16/2011
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