Tiease's Valley of the Paper Divas
Tiease D. Deutsch
P. O. Box 5043
Charlotte, N. C. 28299
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Health & Beauty Advice
Tiease D. Deutsch
Tummy Tuck Madness!
Today everyone is looking for that wash board abdomen and when exercise alone is ineffective cosmetic surgery is often the next alternative. The two common forms of Abdominal Reduction plastic surgery are; Liposuction & Abdominoplasty.
What you need to know about these interventions prior to going under the scalpel.
Mini Abdominoplasty:
If you have lost a lot of weight recently & have a lot of that unsightly loose excess skin flopping about in the wind a Mini-Abdominoplasty procedure may be the answer to your prayers. It's an outpatient procedure usually done under local numbing, and sedation & most women return to work with 1-2 weeks. If you don't feel that you want to be awake for this procedure discuss general anesthesia where-in you will be a sleep during the procedure.
Basically your surgeon starts by marking a horizontal line just above you pubic area, then a crescent of skin about 5 inches long (size varies) & 2 inches width or more is removed after which the two edges are pulled together and sutured close. Some bruising will occur but should fade by 1-2 weeks & there will be a scar. It's not cheap this intervention often starts a &10,000 and up!
High lateral tension Abdominioplasty
A Comprehensive Abdominoplasty is more intense it's designed to treat a protruding saggy embarrassing tummy. It's not uncommon for this procedure to last 3 hours or more and general anesthesia is always used. Ordinarily a leaf-figured section of skin & fat from between your belly button and the pubis area. Sagging thigh skin & hip rolls can be lifted and the belly bully is often relocated. Worse you're looking at $15,000-30,000 for this type of cosmetic intervention.
Recovery is more intense also, first you will probably spend a couple of days in hospital where the nurses will encourage you to ambulate as soon as the anesthesia wears off which is usually a few hours post-surgery. You will be in some pain so don't be afraid to ask for pain medication. You should have discussed pain management during your consultation prior to surgery with your surgeon. Three to six weeks recovery may be required depending on your age & general health.
Swelling and scarring are common. Swelling subsides gradually over the weeks and the scars should become less noticeable. There is an increased risk of potential infection with any surgery, so good hygiene is essential and nutritious diet rich in protein to rebuild cells is best.
Some plastic surgeons may also perform liposuction during this procedure for small pockets of fat but this is a controversial plan since many health care providers believe that the blood vessels removed during liposuction are needed to ensure proper heeling of your incision site.
If your skin is taunt and youthful but you have lumps of fat liposuction may be sufficient. If you have been crutches until the cows come home & still you have that pouch liposuction can help with this, but it doesn't remove absolutely all the fat (keep this in mind). It's not cheap running you easily five grand to twelve thousand dollars.
A benefit of liposuction when done correctly is that you should be able to go home after your procedure (Make sure to request your pain medication, because you will experience some discomfort & pain). Liposuction can be a little weird when it comes to weight gain since the fat cells removed from one area may not return but new fat cells can deposit in other areas.
Unfortunately in male patient who have had fat suctioned out of their stomach area results in new fat cells often accumulating in their breast which may later require liposuction. This is not less of a troublesome problem in women of course. If you maintain a healthy weight and life style results can last indefinitely.
Some opt to combine a procedure called Laser-assisted liposuction which involves using a laser through an incision to melt away fat deposits under the skin before the lip vacuuming is performed. Some health care professionals approve of this practice while others are against it since they believe burning and other complications may arise from the laser treatment. You will have to do your own research, discuss it with your plastic surgeon and come to your own decision.
Well that's all Fashionista. I've put some of the facts out there now you can follow up and make a better informed decision when considering busting that stubborn belly fat away that refusing to leave no matter how hard you exercise and diet.
I hope you find this helpful. Until next time have a fashionable day.
© by Tiease D. Deutsch 2-1-2012
Health Consultant/Writer/Artist
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