Tiease D. Deutsch
P. O. Box 5043
Charlotte, N. C. 28299
Health & Beauty
Tiease D. Deutsch
There is no getting around the fact that if you want to look younger then you have to start with your skin. Our skin is the largest organ of the human body, so when your skin is unhealthy you look tired and aged. Unfortunately when it comes to skin products the variety of products is overwhelming & ever changing. Your best bet is to find a product which works for you and stick with it. Too much product can actually damage your skin.
Sun burns are the supreme skin aging element so start here. Holes in the ozone layer allows ultraviolet rays to peek through and start damaging and aging your skin. There are practical alternative treatment for sunburns which are gentler than some of the retail products.
1. Milk is both good for your bones and your skin. Over exposure to direct sunlight can be remedied by dipping gauze into room temperature whole milk. Milk is home remedy capable of treating minor burns.
2. Raw cool cucumbers, apples, potatoes thinly sliced place upon sun burnt skin is soothing, moisturizing and helps reduce swelling (which always makes any skin injury more painful).
3. Keep the natural compresses sun burnt areas for 20-30 minutes. You can repeat this every 2-4 hours. When using milk and other natural interventions remember to wash it off with cool water.
4. Aspirin remains a loyal and effective treatment helping to reduce swelling and pain. If you can not tolerate aspiring Tylenol or Ibuprofen will help relieve pain but neither are as effective in reducing inflammation as aspirin.
5. Diluted white vinegar in cool water can be soothing and reduce pain. Of course perfumes and colognes is contraindicated and could result in further skin damage.
6. Using gauze or cheesecloth wrap dry oatmeal in it and run cool water over it wring out excess H20 apply this oatmeal compress to affected for 30 minutes; Repeat every 2-4 hours.
7. Vitamin E taken orally and applied directly to skin may also help.
As usual the tried and true interventions still help such as: Calamine lotion, Hydro cortisone cream, and Aloe Vera are common treatments.
Use strong sunblock on your nose, ears, and lips. There are wonderful lipsticks with sun-blocking agents they are very helpful. There a many lip balms available that contain sunscreen. Lips require attention year round since the sun is drying and cold weather is brutal on skin.
If you experience chills, nausea, fever, faintness, discoloration blotches or tiredness seek medical assistance immediately. Burns leech fluids from your body which can result in severe dehydration.
Remember that healthy skin is younger looking skin and there is so much you can do to look better today!
© by Tiease D. Deutsch 2-8-2012
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