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You may have noticed that my prayers and inspirational words are non-biased in reference to sexual gender; rather I aspire to encompass the entire homosapien (humankind) race. Which I believe better serves the whole community and Yahweh (God) with equilibrium, dignity and recognition.
O Yahweh how many are my adversaries!
How many rise up against me!
Myriads are saying of me, "Yahweh will not deliver you."
But Yahweh is my shepherd; Yahweh is my cloak, my defense.
O Yahweh; you bestow glory on me and lift my spirit.
To you I cry aloud and you respond from heaven. I lie down and sleep;
At the dawning of a new day I awaken, because Yahweh sustains me.
I will not fear the legions drawn up against me on every side.
Breakthrough, Yahweh! Deliver me, O my God!
Rebuke and scourge my enemies on the jaw; break the hearts of the wicked.
From Yahweh comes deliverance and saving grace.
May your loving blessings be on your beloved believers.
From Yahweh comes deliverance and saving grace.
May your loving blessings be on your beloved believers.
© T. D. Deutsch 2/13//2012
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