Friday, March 9, 2012

Astigmatism & Cataract Intervention by T,D,Deutsch 3/9.2012


Tiease D. Deutsch
P. O. Box 5043
Charlotte, N. C. 28299


Wellness & Beauty
Tiease D. Deutsch

Astigmatism & Cataracts Correction
There's just something about glasses that traditionally has been deemed unflattering!

For many Fashionistas focus is on giving us fabulous face; And too many consider glasses a cramp in one's style. Personally I have seen Divas who actually look better in glasses, however they are necessary if you have astigmatism and cataracts. No doubt the can potentially alter and distracts from your over all appearance. And for these people simple eliminating the need for prescription glasses is desired and for the first time in our known Western Medicine history their may exist an opportunity to do just that.

Before I start let me just say,"That this information is just for reference for professional treatment please see your own vision health-care provider." Become pro-self-health advocate consult your eye care professional for full disclosure of the risk potential risk and benefits of such a surgery.Keep in mine that surgery is just that an operation; there are always risk involved including:

1. Blindness & Visual Discomposure.

2.  Infection.

3.  Need for secondary surgical intervention.

4.  Pain and/or discomfort (Your pain tolerance is individualized & because all surgery usually involves some discomfort be prepared for it).

4.   Expect the unexpected! There are no guarantees but you can fair better when you select a surgeon who is certified, experienced, and has a positive track record.

Obviously your eyes are precious & priceless; the only pair you will ever; this is the sobering fact. As a fashionable lady contact lenses have been the only alternative to glasses but, Can you Visualize never having to use glasses or contact lenses again and maintaining the same acuity of sight you have wearing your glasses? 

For my Fashionistas really interested in cost; For many Fashionista this metamorphoses may be possible if you have the money and/or insurance to cover its cost. The average cost of cataract surgery in the USA is $3000-5000 dollars but this price escalates swiftly If you want a high-tech, presbyopia-correcting interocular lens for your cataract procedure, then costs would increase to an average of about $5000 and this is per eye. I find this ridiculous and unfortunate for people who can afford it.

A presbyopia-correcting may provide vision at distances & free you from your eyeglasses. Unfortunately as usual Medicare and many insurance providers consider the implantation of high-tech, "premium" lens as medically unnecessary, (Ironic of  course, and outrageous decision to me!) you will have to pay the cost out-of pocket.

While your costs of a basic cataract procedure and standard IOL would be covered by an insurance provider, you would need to pay out-of-pocket and any unpaid percentages, such as 20% which Medicare won't cover and any extra expense associated with a premium and/or presbyopia-correcting lens that may help perfect your vision.

My Rodger will be undergoing cataract surgery for both eyes within the next couple of weeks so not only am I explaining some facts to  you but I also do this for personal reasons.

Surgery usually performed on an out-patient procedure in which a clouded cataract lens is exchange for an artificial lends to correct astigmatism as well.  

Before you can truly understand a subject you must begin with the fundamentals so I begin:                  

Astigmatism may occur at any age; it is common & noncontagious. Frequently congenital (inherited) however any one is at rick for development of Astigmatism, regardless to your genes. Unfortunately it can develop after eye injury and/or eye surgery. 

Signs & Symptons of Astigmatism are blurred vision & often headaches. As light rays enter the eye they do not focus correctly on the retina, resulting in a blurred image. Astigmatism may also be caused by an irregularly shaped lens, which is located behind the cornea. 

It's classified as a refractive disorder; includes other conditions, such as Presbyopia (aging of the lens in the eye) one types of refractive error. The front surface of the eye (cornea) with astigmatism is curved improperly - the curve is irregular - often one half is flatter than the other.

A individual with cataract and a astigmatism won't regain high-quality distance vision after sugery to remove the cataract until the astigmatism is corrected.

Many Fahionistas dislike the look of glasses so they are turning to "Toric" contact lenses have been created to correct astigmatism. Personally I have always found contact uncomfortable & pain in the ass so surgery intervention is another option.   
Cataract sugery is usually done on an out-patient basis (meaning you won't have to stay over night) your defective clouded lens is removed and replaced with an artificial lens. Ordinarily a monofocal artificial lens called an "Intraocular lens" (IOL) is used, however if you are also afflicted with astigmatism you may experience blurred & distorted vision because a standard IOL won't correct corneal astigmatism.
What this boils down to is that even after surgery you may still have to wear glasses or contact lenses if you opt not to treat your astigmatism.

Your options for treating astigmatism vary, such as:

 Lasik laser vision repair.

Astigmatism Keratomy procedure.

Limbal relaxing incisions(LRI).

You and your provider must decide which is best for you.

In your favor advancements in medicine have provided another option to corrects both a cataract and astigmatism at the same time. Both interventions are often done on an outpatient basis and the client is normally awake but I recommend a sedative to calm your Nieves prior procedure if you're extremely nervous (better safe than sorry). Your eye is suppose to be numbed prior to the surgery.

Ask your surgeon for postop rules. It may be possible to return to you daily activities, depending on what was done. Driving depends on your level of visual acuity after surgery. Unless an air bubble is left in the eye after surgery, then you would have to wait until that air bubble gets absorbed may take up to 6 weeks or longer. You may feel like you have a piece of sand in your eye (known as foreign body sensation) for a week. If the surgery is complicated. Depending on the complications involved with your particular situation you may be a few more symptoms & restrictions.

One brand of lens which may offer you freedom from your glasses/contacts is called AcrySof Toric IOL lense; designed to reduce or eliminate corneal astigmatism and significantly improve your distance vision. For many when you decide to treat your cataract and astigmatism simultaneously you may completely eliminate the need for your glasses/contacts & you will regain quality distance vision in one surgery.                   

Afterwards your eye will be dressed with sterile gauze and a protective shield applied over it/them. Some people opt to one one eye at time done so that at least they have some sight while to repaired eye heals.

© by  Tiease D. Deutsch   3-9-2012     

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