Tiease D. Deutsch
P. O. Box 5043
Charlotte, N. C. 28299
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Health & Beauty Advice
Tiease D. Deutsch
Beauty and Personal Care by T. D. Deutsch R.N.
No Diva wants to have a heart attack, but unfortunately heart attack amongst women has become a number one killer in the USA. For reliability and peace of mine I believe that Pro-Self-Health awareness and advocacy are mandatory and the best things any Fashionista can do for herself at any age. Your saving grace is that preventive heart health and feminine awareness are your first rung on the ladder to early detection and survival.
I don't believe in terrorizing anyone, however self-health awareness enables you to strive towards a heart healthy lifestyle. Change is never easy "Human being are creatures of habit" breaking bad habits is worth your effort. And you can start by familiarizing yourself to Cardiac Scoring and by not living in denial.
Cardiac Scoring; Is a term most Fashionistas are unfamiliar with; I intend to remedy this with my blog today.The choice is yours; live longer and have a better quality or live in ignorance and increase your risk of heart attack and stroke.
With the alarming rate of increased occurrences of heart attack amongst women I wanted to discuss Cardiac Scoring and it's usefulness.
A Cardiac Scoring exam is a CT Scan which measures the calcium build up in the arteries of your heart muscle. It's used to estimate your potential of a heart attack (Cardiac Infarction) due to hardening of the arteries. You should discuss Cardiac Scoring with your health care provider.
You may be a candidate for, Cardiac scoring if you're over 50 or have a family history of heart disease, diabetes, smoke, COPD and/or various other chronic disorders which may put you at risk.
You have probably seen a CAT scanner it is a large machine with a tunnel entrance in its center. You will be instructed to lie on a table and small electrodes connected by wires will be attached to your chest to monitor your heart rate. If you have ever had a Electrocardo gram (EKG) you will be familiar with the equipment.
The table slides in and out of this tunnel where images are taken of your arteries and heart vessels. Typically the exam takes approximately 10 minutes. Of course I'm referring to the actually time not patient waiting room time.
There will be a tech there instructing you to hold your breath for a short period of time as images are taken (If you've had a mammogram similar breathing instructions are given during the test)
On the day of the exam wear loose fitting clothing. Don't consume alcohol or smoke prior to your procedure and if your take prescription medications daily ask your health care provider if you are allowed to take them prior to your procedure.
Pros and Cons of Cardiac Scoring:
Early detection of atherosclerosis and cardiac/heart risk.
Screening for atherosclerosis can significantly change what you know about your risk of heart attack and possibility of stroke.
Identifying and treating atherosclerosis is the single most important thing you can do to maximize your life expectancy.
Cardiac scoring uses x-rays to produce the images taken during the procedure, unfortunately this creates an increased risk associated with radiation. Supposedly the lowest level of radiation methods are used during the procedure. And of course tell your doctor and the technician performing the exam if you are pregnant, since fetus exposure to radiation can result in birth defects and exposure to radiation can damage normal cells.
Most health care providers believe that the benefits of the examination outweigh the risk.
I suggest you read more on the topic discuss it with your health care provider then make an informed decision. It's your body and your life, so get the fact.
Well hopefully this tid-bit of heart health wellness and prevention and been beneficial to you and allowed your to ask all the appropriate questions of your doctor not just in this situation but in reference to your total holistic health.
The best thing you can do for yourself is become and educated, modern, self-health advocate.
BonJour darlings! :)
Afterwards your radiologist/cardiologist will analyze and interpret your images and foreword a report and risk potential of your score to your health care provider.
The average cost is approximately $200. Some insurance companies do cover cardiac scoring based on medical necessity. Medicare usually pays 80% leaving you to pay the rest (20%). You should verify your coverage benefits prior to scheduling the procedure and your hospital will of course verify your health insurance coverage.
© by Tiease D. Deutsch 3-14-2012
Health Consultant/Author/RN/Artist
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