Health & Wellness
Tiease's Natural Cosmetic for Fashionistas
It's cheaper, prudent and safer to make your own cosmetics at home; This way you know exactly what ingredients are going into the products you apply to your precious body! Many of my reader will be Itsurprised to know that anyone can prepare cosmetics at home and for less money using ingredients you probably already have in yor home.Tiease's mini do-it-yourself share what you make toiletries & cosmetics guide has been created for savvy intelligent Fashionista in mind; who desire natural inexpensive beauty and health pryouroducts that are guaranteed to be wholesome & safe. If this sounds good to you then read on.
Home made lip stick:
I have a philosophical perception of what is recyclable and how to go-green effortlessly. With all do respect I don't mind confessing I enjoy taking what others consider trash and converting it into treasure. Which is what sparked my interest in homemade cosmetics and toiletries. With the economy crunch and carcinogenic ingredients used in commerical cosmetic & toiletries it's well worth your time & energy to educate yourself by becoming a informed consumer while simultaneously saving money, eliminating toxic chemical from your make-up & enabling preservation of Mother-Nature.
Crayons consist primarily of paraffin wax & non-toxic pigments. Wax is the important component in most lipsticks & chapstick. Not only that with the wide variety of tones to choose from a 64 count crayon box of pre-mixed pigments you'll have many choices, to let your creative streak run wild. There are other techniques that utilize food coloring rather than crayons and there are hundred of powders and gels cosmetic manufacturers that are anxious to sell you products to make your own cosmetic at home.
A good source for cosmetic containers can be found every where on the internet. One such company is called Specialty Bottle. They do not sell lipstick molds but they have a nice selection of tins, jars, and bottles, and no mandatory pre-set quantity requirements.
The road to do-it-yourself starts here and you can save a significant amount of cash and spare yourself unneeded toxic additives by making your own homemade cosmetics & toiletries.
You will need a small, heat resistant container, such as a stainless steel measuring cup. Use the smallest one you have.
The following quantity will fit easily into most lip balm tinsl You will have a little left over if you are using a tube, which usually holds only 0.15oz. For the triple lipstick mold, double the recipe.
Ingredients required for lipstick:
1/2 crayon of your favorite color (approx 2.4g)
1/2 tsp jojoba oil (approx 2 g)
1 almond-sized chunk of shea butter (approx 2g)
Ingredients you can add to the above:
1 pea-sized dab of lanolin (to improves feel & color distribution)
1 pinch gum arabic (improves color distribution & durability of color)
1 drop vitamin E (helps prevent oil from becoming rancid, improves shelf life)
1 pinch zinc oxide (makes color lighter and more opaque, offers protection against UVA and UVB sun rays -- but make sure your wax mixture is well stirred before you pour).
Alternate ingredients:
You can replace shea butter with cocoa butter (will make lipstick slightly more firm)
You can replace jojoba oil with castor oil (will make a glossier lipstick)
3. Utilizing olive oil & pink crayon. Only a touch of olive oil, or it will be too watery! Allow it to dry in the freezer awhile so its a little dry but still primarily liquid.
Afterwards, get a piece of soft sponge to apply. If may be prudent to make in a disposable paper cup so that you may remove its contents by tearing just tearing it off. Your pink crayon blush should provide asuave & flattering natural result when mixed with a magenta.
You can substitute the jojoba with any number of oils, such as olive or canola. Depending on your oil it might taste or feel slightly different, but should suffice. You can experiment with any edible oils.
If you want to use your microwave take extreme caution because wax can ignite if heated too high or too long. The rewarding satisfaction of making your own natural cosmetics & toiletries can be rewarding experience and once you start there's no telling where your adventure will take you.
Banana Whammer!
If you're looking for treatment without chemicals consider bananas. Curious the thought of bananas being more than just a nutriment self-contained snack, but they're also loaded with electrolytes like Potassium, magnesium & folic acid; not to over-look its natural fiber, all good stuff for your body. Test have proven that the inconspicuous banana can help relieve heartburn & coughs, so eat up.
Overcoming the Pump
Acne contrary to popular belief can strick at any age and is not just a bad look but causes depression & low self-esteem for obvious reasons. Try one of these suggestions at home to help combat unsightly pumps:
1. Lay a slice of lemon over the pimple for a few minutes. The natural acid acts as an estringent.
2. rub a peeled slide of potato over the pump(s)
3. Wrap ice cube in soft cloth & hold it to the blemish a few minuite and hour to help reduce the swelling, which also makes it less noticeable.
4. Dab a small amount of toothpaste(not tooth gel) on the pump at night just prior to bed and allow it to reduce the swelling naturally.
Modern dermatologist are miraculous healers with an assortment of innovative cures, chemical potions, and complex treatments at their disposal, however every break-out may not require an intense bag of chemical warfare & costly tricks. For a mild and/or ocassional eruption of an individual pimple a more-natural home remedy may suffice, be less harsh and every bit as successful is getting rid of your pimple.
Creating your own eclectic facial powder
A Put a pan on your stove & pour some rice flour into it (You can substitute rice flour with zinc oxide to make a natural sunscreen powder). Don't add a large amount the very first time you attempt to make your facial powder.
B Place on a very low heat to begin browning your flour. It's essential that you use just a little heat so you can better control the color change of your flour. The goal is to slowly change your hue to achieve a shade which compliments your complexion.
C Stir flour with a wooden spoon to achieve a consistent color throughout.
D Turn off the heat and put the flour aside to cool once you've achieve your desired shade.
E Pour it into an attractive container with the lid open to allow it to cool at first, then close lid & use when desired.
Make your own colored Lip Balm
1 Place the beeswax in the glass saucepan and put it either on top of the stove or inside the microwave.
2 Wash the beet, peel it and pass it through the juicer so you have pure beet juice.
3 Pour the beet juice in the shot glass.
4 Melt the beeswax on stove or in microwave on low heat, stiring continually until wax is melted. Utilizing the microwave method, heat approximately 30-second remove & stir taking caution not to burn yourself then repeat heating interval & stirring prior to placing wax again into your microwave.
5 Once your beeswax is completely melted, add the beet juice to your desired color.
6 Pour mixture into the container & allow it to cool, add beet juice to achieve your desired texture. Dispense into container and allow it to properly cool, then use. at your leisure.
With the health craze on & new work out routines turning up almost daily, You are bound to have ocassional sore muscles & stiff joints. Research has proven that capsaicin found in the common red pepper is efffective in treating arthritic pains. You can use any lotion/emollient of your choice or Aloe Vera to create your own cream instead of purchasing a product over-the-counter from your druggist. This do-it-yourself alternative allows you to control exactly what ingredients are in your product.
You can add dried cayenne peppers (capsaicin) into aloe vera or lotion and thoroughly blend it together to create your own inexpensive home-made capsaicin cream. The cream is applied topically (on your skin). Keep in mind that if you are allergic to red peppers don't use this cream.
Tiease's Heads-Up Tip:
I don't want to preach, however I am a nurse & self-proclaimed positivist, so I feel obligated to my followers to help you maintain holistic health, happiness, and perserve your good looks for as long as possible while promoting promoting your longevity so I want to stress that smoking cigarettes increase increases onerousfacial wrinkles, leathery skin & your chances of suffering from future heart disease, lung, breast, and other. Not to overlook the other ailments attributed to smoking which may shorten your life span.
Quitting is the single most important action you can take to preserve your pretty face & good health. Here's a Cessation Help Line for you to contact when you are ready to save your looks, maintain optimal wellness, and prevent premature aging. 1-877-448-7848.
Tiease's Nature Fact
Arnica is a lovely Orange-yellow also known by the names Mountain Tobacco, Leopard's bane and Wolfsbane - two names that it shares with the entirely separate genus Aconitum. Arnica is credited with healing properties, however it's extremely poisonous so you should never take it internally (by mouth), meaning you can only use it as an external treatment. Arnica has a natural antibiotic & increases blood circulation. Several species, such as Arnica montana and Arnica chamissonis, contain helenalin, a sesquiterpene lactone that is a major ingredient in anti-inflammatory ointments (used mostly for bruises).
Medicinal Plants for Fashionistas
Research suggest that using arnica compresses on arthritic joints helps relieve stiffness and pain. To make your own anica compress start with a dilute tablespoon of arnica tincture in 2 cups of water. Soak a clean cloth in solution and apply to your painful area(s).
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You'll also find delicious recipes & sometimes calorie conscious yummies. I'm a firm believer in savory eatable & easy delicious dishes. I enjoy presenting my weekly Paper Diva Fashionista Fashions which I know that Paper Doll lovers and Fashionistas will enjoy watching my paper beauties modeling fabulous clothes and fashions you would love to wear yourself.
Remember that this information is just that data. It does not constitue medical advice & should not be construed as such.
© by Tiease D. Deutsch 7/6/2012
R.N./Creative Consultant/Author/Artist
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