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Yahweh looks good on you!
I can't get over the fact that many people have become so uncaring, nasty, and completely self-consumed and they're alright with this; Even boasting about their cruelty, how it makes them popular & rich! For example the rude loud-mouth chief who is so popular on television of late. He either doesn't care or realize that the best teachers don't berate & disrespect their students.
We've gone to far with the,"Tough love trash"clique this is just a convenient excuse to be cruel and do nothing to help each other. Too many people believe that misbehaving for the camera, money, and fame justifies bad behavior-it does extreme rude is hip, cool, and try to justify their cruelty by saying worn-out cop outs like," I'm just keeping it real", or "I'm just doing me". No one can ever imaging the pain that you will experience when you stand before, God Almighty and has to answer for your selfish, money-grabbing, evil ways.
Yahweh is the final Judge and how much sympathy will be taken upon thee-Who had no consideration of their fellow human being. God looks good on the sweet-hearted; Yahweh's affections are ever lasting; No earthly assets could ever buy God's love nor your entrance to heaven, so think wisely before selling your soul & sincere hearted folks short!
We've gone to far with the,"Tough love trash"clique this is just a convenient excuse to be cruel and do nothing to help each other. Too many people believe that misbehaving for the camera, money, and fame justifies bad behavior-it does extreme rude is hip, cool, and try to justify their cruelty by saying worn-out cop outs like," I'm just keeping it real", or "I'm just doing me". No one can ever imaging the pain that you will experience when you stand before, God Almighty and has to answer for your selfish, money-grabbing, evil ways.
Yahweh is the final Judge and how much sympathy will be taken upon thee-Who had no consideration of their fellow human being. God looks good on the sweet-hearted; Yahweh's affections are ever lasting; No earthly assets could ever buy God's love nor your entrance to heaven, so think wisely before selling your soul & sincere hearted folks short!
Psalm 82 revision T. D. Deutsch 6/16/2012
Yahweh sits in high counsel amongst the assembly of Angels; The only Judge confronting you in heaven.
How long will you defend the unjust and show partiality to the wicked hearted?
Come out of yourself, defend the causes of the orphan, the poor, the weak and the down-trodden. Protect the rights of the poor and oppressed.
Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.
They see nothing, They know nothing, they comprehend little.
They walk about in darkness; Mother Earth is shaken.
I said, "You are rich and powerful; you are all children of the Most High, but you will die like mere men; you will fall like every other ruler."
Rise up, Yahweh, judge these individuals, for country and nations are your inheritance.
© T. D. Deutsch 7/16/2012
Creative Consultant/Author/Artisan/R.N.
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