Tiease D. Deutsch
Charlotte, N. C. 28299
Look for me at Youtube.com/TieaseDDeutsch
Invigorating Inspiration!
EVERY FASHIONISTA NEEDS A SPIRITUAL LIFT FROM TO TIME & thats why I enjoy positive uplifting words and soul felt commendable inspirational.
Merciful love bears all things, believes all things, hope endures all things, and true love endures the worst of times and rejoices in the best of times.
I gush out my painful malady before Yahweh (G0d)telling of my anguish; like a poor panhandler my harrowing predicament is sadly obvious to every one and to God.
As I experience melancholy I call to Yahweh for understanding as I lay my troubles before God. It is the one true God, Yahweh beckons me to pray then I will be lliberated.
Revised Psalm 142 by Tiease D. Deutsch 10,23,2012
I lament in anguish to Yahweh, my allegiance is bestowed to the one meticulous loving God.
My voice is exalted unto Yahweh to whom I quest & pray for kindness & compassion.

My cries resound unto Yahweh (God) hideous throes and complaints from a rebellious resident of a wicked society. I swear the wicked will nevr take me alive & Yahweh supports me and prepares a place for me in heaven.

Yahweh has a use-it or lose-it belief in prayer. when my spiritual energy is taxed within me it is Yahweh who resilliently guides me to the light my path leads to goodness, faith, hope and glory. God enriches my soul and excites the blood within my mortal veins.
As I journey through my mortal life I am met with uncalled for folly as nets are hidden in my
path. I gaze about me and discover their is no friends to support me; no other is concerned for my well being. I am in desperate refugee whom the powerful and rich vainly ignore, pain and disrespect. It is to Yahweh I turn to for help and undying love.
Hear my appeal, hear my prayer Yahweh for help and mercy. Guide & protect me on earth within this mortal realm.
Protect me Yahweh from evil hordes of mortals who chase me and seek to crush me into the soil. Release me Yahweh from my jail and protect me from impertinent wickedness! And I will glorify & celebrate you God (Yahweh) for all your blessings.
May the name of Yahweh (God) live on throughout eternity.
The multitudes will come and see all the good you have done for me and praise God and be glad of you and all your glory.
copyright 10, 22, 2012 by Tiease D. Deutsch
© Tiease D. Deutsch 10/23/2012
Artist, Author, Creative Consultant, Nurse, Believer
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