These herbs, plants, and supplement were put upon earth by God for all to enjoy and benefit from freely. Unfortunately certain greedy individual have decided otherwise and our Divine natural cures are ransomed off to the public. Strong armed gorilla tactics were use to secure and hoard what was meant for all.
Various governmental agencies and greedy pharmaceutical moguls literally hold the power of life and death in their hands by pushing these excessively expensive drugs to the public. Selfishly denying us access to these medicinal without their approval and payment. Laws have been implemented to uphold the exclusive selfish rights of these stingy egomaniacs granting absolute control over these herbs and plants (known as medications). Fortunately there are a minute amount of natural herbs, plant extracts etc... that haven't been regulated and divided up amongst the power that be yet, however the government middle man and their multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical buddies are greedily knocking at the door and if we don't pay close attention to this threat the free use of herbs and natural healing supplement will become a sad memory of the past. It's time to speak up and say, "Hell no we're not going to take this any more!" What is at stake are our liberal rights which seem to be slipping away from US citizens at an alarming rate. Regret ably just when you learn of the existence of these natural remedies, herbs etc.. they may no longer be available and it will be too late. No longer will you be able to purchase a natural herb or supplement without a doctor's prescription.
The US has a history of denying its citizens the right to medicinal plants/herbs and have implemented laws and threats of imprisonment, punishment and ridiculous fines (Which just puts more dollars in the politician pockets)are handed out to any citizen who violates these laws. This means that only the government is allowed to grow and harvest certain medicinal plants and anyone else who does so will be promptly arrested prosecuted. The Poppy plants a pretty and sweet smelling flower is one of these restricted plants because it is used to produce various opium based pain killers, marijuana makes the list but is grown and administered by the government legally. In reference to marijuana the state of California does allow citizens to legally use and grow marijuana legally. The list of naturally occurring herbs and plants which have been proven beneficial to humans is not limited to narcotics, the government also restricts nonnarcotics like HIV med, cholesterol medication, skin treatment and thousands of other life-sustaining medications which makes up the governments and pharmaceutical corporation's company of "For our Control and Benefit Only list." The huge list includes essential drugs like Digitalis (A naturally occurring plant used to treat tachycardia a condition in which the heart beat is irregular and too fast ) Digitalis is used to slow and strengthen the heart and has saved many lives. No one has access to it except via a doctor's prescription. People have use these natural plant cures since the beginning of time and there were no negative effects compared to those of today in our overly regulated society.
As a child I recall hearing reference about the so-called Root-doctors individuals who were knowledgeable about various plants and herbs and their curative effects but were not traditionally educated in the western point of view, never-the-less they helped countless people and cure people when there were no cures available utilizing the knowledge of the plants and herbs. In truth they are still around today only we call them Pharmacist and doctors. Human have used herbs and plant medicinals longer than recorded history and now we are threatened with having them snatched away from us forever.
There is no reason in hell for these negative anti-social tactics except greed and ever increasing hunger for power and control. Under the disguise of we're trying to protect the public we must pay for or live without plants and herbal medicinal which use to grown freely all about us.
I believe a cognitive adult should have the freedom and access to utilize natural herbs and medicinals provided and created by God for everyone-God needs no middle-man! If citizens keep their heads buried in the sand and continue to ignore the fact that we are being robbed of our civil liberties and rights we will look up one day soon and discover that American is no longer the place of liberty and justice for all. I believe that our country is in the position to do the right thing-If only they would.
There are so many other forms of healing other than the western view just as there are unknown plants and herbs with curative effects yet to be discovered. What I desire is that when they are these discovers should be shared freely with the world rather than held prisoner in exchange for personal financial gain. The FDA is a much needed and appreciated agency but it's time to allow intelligent adult citizens some autonomy and access to these natural remedies, plants and herbs.
If wealthy pharmaceutical moguls and our government agencies are so concerned about its citizen's welfare and well being then why not approve a Social-Health care plan? Offer free public education classes on the topic of Medicinal plants, herbs and supplements, then permit its citizens to make an informed decision on whether or not to use the product.
Now having said that mouthful let me say that any medicine has the potential to cure or kill regardless to whether or not it occurs naturally in nature's realm or under the influence of human being chemical manipulation. What it really comes down to is does it work safely and is it affordable? And considering anything as a medicinal product you need to be aware of its potential negative side effects.There are various thousands of herbs/plants and no possible way to cover them all here but I will mention some popular ones and you can take it from there and do your own research. Part of becoming a Self-Health Advocate is being intelligent enough to assess, listen, learn and take what you determine is useful & beneficial and toss the trash. Take what information you obtain here and follow-up situations are changing daily. Again I caution my readers that just because a product is labeled all-natural doesn't make it automatically beneficial and safe. Consider this: Cyanide is all natural but you wouldn't want to consume it!
Here are some medicinal herbs, supplements and self-help remedies that you may find helpful.
Comfrey is an ancient healing herb first introduced to me by my mother who swore by it's ability to heal wounds quickly. I have used it in its pill form but the leaves make a popular tisane; and young leaves can even be used in salads or cooked. After all it is a herb.
Vitamin E has been credited with helping to lower bad cholesterol levels. elevate good cholesterol and consuming a daily dose of 400 international units of vitamin e daily may help prevent cholesterol from plaque in your veins and arteries.
Many people are unaware that Potassium helps eliminate excess salt from the body and all you need to do is eat some fruit such as: bananas, strawberries, fruit juices, raisins, potatoes and not a fruit but loaded with potassium sardines.
Poison Ivy rash may be soothed by apply ice cubes to the rash area for 1-2 minutes. It has a cooling affect to counter act the burning sensation which accompanies the rash. An over-the-counter treatment for poison ivy rash is zinc oxide ointment and of course the old standby calamine lotion is still good.
With PMS comes a whole host of unpleasantness such as mood swings, bloating and worse skin problems. Vitamin A and D can help suppress PMS acne and reduce the pumps. Our bodies make Vitamin D naturally with the use of natural sunshine there are many foods which have fortified with Vitamin D like Milk (Does the body good). Vitamin A rich foods are: Carrots, spinach,cantaloupe and sweet potatoes.
For PMS mood swings some women are helped by Vitamin B good sources of Vitamin B are: Bananas, chicken, turkey, fish, potatoes to name a few.
Corn silk, buchu and uva ursi teas are natural diuretics that some women claim helps relieve their breast tenderness during that premenstrual phase and are available at local health food stores and even some upscale supermarkets.
Eating hot sauce on your food also helps clear stuffy nose and congestion during a mild cold this is because hot peppers are a natural decongestant.
There's nothing like a pounding head to cramp a fashionista's style and believe it or not sex ranks right up there as a natural headache relief tool-Go figure! According to research from Illinois University School of Medicine. You gotta wonder who conducted this particular research-Men maybe!? (smile)
Acupuncture has long been hailed as a cure-all for many ailments and migraines qualify. It is recommended that by applying pressure at certain points on ones body (for headache the lateral temple areas on either side of your head relieves headaches. The list of reported acupuncture cures are huge and warrants further research.
For lice on eyelashes apply a coat of vaseline to lashed twice daily for 8-10 days to cut off the little buggers air supply and easily remove them with a tissue. Of course for Faux lashes just remove them and toss in the trash (smile). If you can afford throw out the clothes associated with lice infestation, or have them dry cleaned of wash on the super hot cycle of boil the old fashion way. Dry thoroughly then make sure to press them making sure you get all the little corners and hems.
When it comes to mild arthritis and even heart arrhythmias there are those who swear that by consuming Omega-3 fatty acids (fish oils) found in seafood like: Mackerel (A shark) and Salmon (famous for their migration escapades) their complications have been eased. As with any of the claims the best way to prove them is to test them.
Gingerroot tea helps relieve menstrual cramps and is simple to make just slice a fistful of gingerroot and simmer it in hot water for 10-15 minutes. Then relax and enjoy. The use of various herbal teas as medicinals is an ancient practice which is only gained in popularity in the US.
Personally I delight in the aroma of lavendar and luxuriatiing in a wonderful is a soothing aromatic experience that you can enjoy at your own home. Sprinkle some lavendar petals into your back allow it to seep a while then slip in inhale and relax. Don't fall asleep in the tube.
Aloe Vera is all over the internet these days and doesn't need much introduction still it does work improve the health and skin and does appear to help burns heal faster. The list of benefits attributed to it is a long one and there are so many products being sold which claim as their main ingredient, The Aloe Vera plants oils etc..So if you are interested there is a large amount of data about this plant.
Copyright 7/10/2011 by T. D. Deutsch Nurse/Artist/Writer
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