Helpful fingernail advice for fashionistas

The buzz word is "Pamper" You should pamper your nails and hands. Remember those old Palmolive dish detergent commercials? Their advertising motto was, "It's so gentle to your hands you could soak in it" The commercials scenario play out like this. Two women are seated at table classic manicurist and client position with the client's hand soaking in a glass bowl of a mystery solution? When the client is told she is soaking in dish washing liquid it startles her and she withdraws her hand only to have it gentle pushed back down into the bowl and the manicurist tells her, " Relax it's Palmolive so on and so forth. The Palmolive manufacturers made millions off this ad because fashionistas have always been concerned with the appearance, beauty and softness of their hands.

By learning to care for your own finger nails you can take your independence back.

A comprehensive viewpoint of finger nail anatomy & physiology
Your fingernails are made of layers of a protein called keratin a gelatin like substance which also makes up your hair and toenails. Remember that old saying, "You are what you eat" well this is proof. You're eating for two both yourself and your fingernails. I did the research and came up with some nutritional tips for Fashionistas in search of beautiful healthy finger nails. Your fingernails grow at approximately one inch and a half per year. That is if they have the nutrients required to grow. Here are some juicy nib-lets to enable you to achieve maximum nail-growth potential.
If you're loving the milk, cheese and all products produced from milk enriched with Vitamin E then continue doing that.
Vitamin D improves finger nail growth and promotes healthy finger nails, essential to bone health, teeth, and skin. You can also find vitamin D fortified cereals in addition to eggs, liver and fatty fish oils, such as: Tuna (My personal favorite) herring, catfish, and eel (Which I'm not anxious to eat!).
Vitamin A foods occur naturally in the form of beta-carotene found in yellowish/amber and orange vegetables and fruits, such: Carrots, cantaloupe, mangoes, sweet potatoes & bell peppers. Retinal is falls into the category of Vitamin A and is found in eggs and various sea foods. Like Vitamin D Vitamin A is usually added various foods such as cereals.
For the Fashionista wanting healthy skin, a beautifully body, and strong long strong sexy finger nails Vitamin B is your girl! Vitamin B is actually a combination of various supplements, such as: Thiamine, riboflavin, folate, niacin and biotin. Vitamin B rich foods, are: Poultry, peanuts, citrus fruits, broccoli, green peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, grains, peas, legumes, liver, milk, leafy veggies.
Vitamin C is required in collagen production-You've probably heard of collagen in relationship to cosmetic collagen lip injections used to give those not blessed with those sexy luscious puffy lips the lips of their dreams, but collagen is also the material that your finger and toenails are made up of. Everyone knows that a succulent orange, tangerine or any citrus fruits as well as kiwi is a yummy way to pamper your nails and boost your body's immune system so enjoy a piece of fruit now.
My strategy to learning about anything is to start with the fundamentals and a full frontal attack of a subject is the way to do this. When preparing to learn a skill never be afraid of failure-practice and determination will make perfect. After all your expensive manicurist was a novice (Wet-behind-the-ears) once upon a time. You will be amazed at how fast you can pick up some useful skills to allow you to save money and perhaps if you have the inclination/interested pursue a professional salon career yourself. These days many people make a good living out of it and so can you-if you so desire.
Since it's not all about the cover but what is under the hood lets look at some healthy nail & hand care tips.
There's nothing like a good hand massage & a soothing hand soak in an aloe Vera and emollient solution is a good way to pamper your nails and hands. Use baby oil, vitamin E oil, olive oil to soak your hands in daily 10-15 minutes to replenish moisture, prevent cracking & chipping of finger nails, and promote nail growth. After petting your hands dry apply a good coco butter emollient (or lotion of your choice). As a nurse I washed my hands obsessively to prevent spreading and contacting germs, so I used a good hand lotion after each wash. By applying lotion to your hands throughout day maintains supple holdable hands which are healthier and this translates into more attractive. Beauty is achieved from the inside out and if you aren't eating healthy and taking care of yourself you can't possible achieve your most lovely appearance.
One of the modern conveniences I especially like is the electric nail filer, however there are some tricks to using it properly.
Basic of Electric Filing firstly speed is measured in revolutions per minute which means how many times bit revolves around in a minute. A quality filer will have a speed control that you can adjust. If you're a novice at using the electric filer then go slow
less than 5,000 rpm the important thing is to be safe not fast. A clear indication that you are going to fast is bit grabs and wraps around the finger and if the bit bogs down or suddenly stops as you're filing you need to increase your speed a little. Practice makes perfect and you should read all the instructions included with your particular electric nail filer prior to attempting to use it. There are not exact specified speeds but you can adhere to some common guidelines:
Prepping: 2,500-6,000 rpm
Reducing thickness of the nail: 8,0000-12,000
Shaping your nail: 5,000-10,000 rpm
Cuticle area: Should be well under 5,000 rpm
When filing angle the hand instead of moving the e-file
Practice proper alignment and positioning. Make sure your bit is parallel to your nail.
You must be still, accurate, make sure not to slip-When filing someone Else's nails keep a firm grip on fingers.
Never use a bit that's corrupt/bent, because it will be wobbly and can damage your hand piece not to mention cause you or someone injury.
You've heard the old saying "Rome wasn't built in a day" well neither is a good nail technician but you can with practice learn to perform some nail care maintenance skills which are well worth having. And during your next manicure you can casually ask your manicurist for tips and little tricks you can do at home to keep your nails and hands looking gorgeous.
When it comes to nail art-I believe that it is exactly that, "An art form" and as you well know some of us have talent and other just don't, but just about anyone can perform attractive little designs that will turn heads and with dedication and practice possibly create your own unique nail art. When it comes to art it is a personal expression of self, so there is no wrong way to do it. If you like it then you have accomplished something and if you are working on a girlfriends nails and she satisfied then you have accomplished what you set out to do.

1. Never file your nails straight across because this causes sharp points that are unattractive and more prone to break.
2. If you've neglected your hands and they are rough and cracked try applying coco butter and really good facial cream to them then slip on some cotton gloves and wear them overnight as your sleep. You can also apply emollient then wear some plastic work gloves over them for 15 to 60 minutes during the day then remove them and follow-up with a self-hand massage.
3. Massage your fingertips using cocoa butter, Vaseline or a good moisturizer to stimulate circulation around nails twice daily.
4. Veggie oil may be off the menu for some but when it comes to finger nails brush on the oil and massage it into your nails or use an applicator or cotton swab to tap oil over your nails.
5. When considering a new moisturizer look for one with urea or lactic acid since they attract and bind moisture in finger nails naturally.
6. In a perfect world you would never have to hand wash another dish in your life but in the real word you probably have your hands in dish water 2-3 times daily minimum. Do your nails a favor wear rubbers-Gloves that in combination with light weight cotton gloves. While the plastic protects your nails from the water, the cotton gloves under them absorbs perspiration if you are really concerned you can also apply a thin layer of Vaseline before hand.

When some one admires your nails and appearance of your healthy looking hands taking the time to educate yourself and learn how to care for your own nails will be all worth it and a terrific incentive to continue. There are a thousand different home remedies and nail tips out there my advice use common sense and experiment wisely.
Copyright 7/14/2011by T. D. Deutsch Nurse/Artist/Writer
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