Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What Fashionistas need to know about Male contraceptives

It's past time that males step up to the plate

and be held accountable for birth control

instead of heaping all  responsibility for

contraceptives upon woman. When  I first

heard about a new form of birth control 

aimed specifically at men I decided to pursue

this topic and discover wither there was any

truth in this rumor, and compare RISUG to the

What I learned is that there is  a research study

being conducted on 200 men in India which

utilizes contraceptive injections for men. In

lay person's terms this injections are suppose to

impede sperm and disrupt their since of

direction and mobility. The revolutionary drug

being researched is called RISUG which stands

for reversible inhibition of sperm under

guidance. It's claim to fame is that it makes

men accountable for birth control, its reversible

and long wearing. The researchers in India are

claiming that this male orientated birth control

technique involves purposely crippling sperm

and that the affects of RISUG  is reversible and

has the potential to last a decade or more.
This is a mighty claim and the reason why

RISUG research has been getting so much

press lately. Obviously  many couples, potential

users and health care providers are interested

in RISUG. since such a male contraceptive has

been unheard of amongst modern humans.

One thing for sure if the research is successful

males will now be responsible for birth control

too. No more screaming at their girlfriend

and/or wives about tricking them into

marriage or trapping them with an unplanned

pregnancy because the man will be elevated

to a new sense of social accountability and

grown-up responsibilities.

I feel that this potential new male

contraceptive is an empowering tool for men

and couples who've had all the children they

desire. Childish excuses and playing the blame

game would turn the tables and be a good

thing. Unfortunately RISUG is not claiming to

prevent sexually transmitted diseases (ST D's)

so this is not the red light to be promiscuous,

but couples and males interested in a male

managed birth control option this would be a

wonder (If it proves it can do what the

research scientist are claiming it has the

potential to change the way sexuality is

expressed worldwide).

Unfortunately RISUG injections are not

available in the USA now, but researchers in

India are reporting positive success results in

the injection's effectiveness.

I've never been one to merely take bold

claims as facts, so I am reserving my opinion

until all research findings and client feed back

has been completed both abroad and in the

USA. When and if RISUG injections are made

available to the American public the

truth will be either realized and debunked. With

all the recent recalls on harmful new drugs and

faulty medical apparatus we as American

citizens are obviously weary of this new so-

called male contraceptive injections. There

benefits and potential long-term risk. Case-in-

point will the crippling of sperm actually prove

to be 100% reversible as claimed by the

researchers in India.

I have decided to compare the RISUG to the

Vasectomy which has also evolved over the

years. I 'm not here to push for one method

over the other rather I will present need to

know facts about each.

There are two basic types of vasectomies: the

traditional surgical one and the so called no-

cut-vasectomy, which involves punching holes

instead of cutting into the scrotum. Both

methods are effective and safer in

comparison to a woman having her tubes

Vasectomy Revisited

Vasectomy the infamous old standby which

most men cringe at the thought of has

evolved over the years and many couples

aren't aware of the new facts. When

considering the "Johnny come lately" RISUG

injection it's essential you compare these two

forms of male contraceptive.

To start with the Vasectomy is considered by

some to be the male equivalent of the

woman's tubal ligation (which is a more risky

procedure and doesn't always live up to

expectations for every woman) commonly

know as, "Having one's tubes tied".

Tuba ligation surgery encompasses more

technical risk, longer uncomfortable recovery

time. Mature loving male partners considerate

of this fact have opted for a vasectomy rather

than encourages their partner to undergo a

much more dangerous procedure. Potential     

 Potential  Vasectomy Complications

Swelling, Bleeding, Infection, depression, Pain

and bruising, Infection at the incision site,

Sperm granular (a small lump in the testes

that is a response to sperm leakage during the

procedure, Allergic reaction to the anesthesia.
Basically a Vasectomy procedure involves

injecting anesthetic into the scrotum to numb

the area then disrupting the sperm carrying

tubes. Fortunately for men they don't have the

thousands of nerves associated with the

female reproductive organs and pelvic regions

women have hundred of more nerve

receptors in this area. Never-the-less any

surgery or injury to the body whether done

purposely or not will result in some pain, selling

and discomfort. Most vasectomies are

performs in a doctor's office or on an out-

patient basis and cold compresses are often

prescribed post-op to help decrease  swelling

and pain.

Keep in mind that you should always wash

your hands prior to performing any

incision/wound care, because the last thing

you want to do is introduce bacteria into your

incision site. Vasectomy cost varies

approximately $500 to 1,500 USD's is not

unheard of. Your expense depends on your

health insurance coverage, co-pays, the

surgeon and the cost of the room. Find out

exactly how much will be paid by your carrier.

The Vasectomy does have a reversal

procedure called a Vasovasectomy but it is not

always 100% successful. When it comes to any

permanent sterilization procedure it, "Know

thyself & Buyers beware!"Whether it be 

having your tubes tied (for women) or a Vasectomy (for

men). One must not rush in half-cocked

because permanent sterilization is for keeps in

the majority of cases. We've all heard of

women having had a their tubes tied then getting

pregnant, this resulted in years of lawsuits and

Doctors being more aggressive in the

tubuligation procedure. The term tubes tied is

somewhat misleading since now a section of

the tubes responsible for egg transportation is

incised (cut out) and the ends cauterized.

This means that potential clients for sterilization

need to be 100% sure you either have all the

children you want or don't want to have

children at all.

When it comes to men and the Vasectomy

procedure the same rules apply. This

procedure was developed with permanent

sterilization in mind so you may not want to

have this procedure if you may want to have

biological children at some time in your life.

People change their minds frequently, they

mature, financial standing changes change so

where as children were out of the question

earlier but now you may desire children later in

your life. After all in our children we obtain an

sense of  immortality and remembrance. It

may not be a bad idea to talk to a therapist,

spiritual leader in addition to your partner and

physician concerning this matter.

Since childhood I have heard women

complaining about having had a hysterectomy

and/or tubes tied and how the surgery

altered their lives in a negative manner. I've

heard woman complain that one or both of

these surgeries had interfered with their sexual

pleasure, desire, diminished sensation and

even resulted in chronic depression and severe

cramps. These complaints are not uncommon,

a woman's body is a work of art and once

tampered with she may never feel quite

herself again.

There is also an increased potential  for

psychological problems to arise after

permanent sterilization. This is why you must be

absolutely positive when deciding upon a

permanent sterilization procedure that you

really want it.

No one can absolutely predict the future and

how you may feel about your position in life a

decade from now so If you want to play it safe

you may want to look into a infertility clinic

where you may be able to have some of your eggs and your partners 

sperm frozen and preserved in storage should you

change your mind and want biological children

later. Personally I prefer the old fashion way,

but egg and sperm storage has helped many

couples to have children who never would

have been able to prior to scientific discovery.

Storing of eggs and sperm has become fairly

common place in our society so you may opt

to play it safe and reserve some of your DNA

in a safe place such as these clinics.

The manufacturers and researchers of the new

RISUG injections claim that this procedure will

put an end to the speculation and worry often

associated with permanent means of


The human body is a remarkable living self-

repairing machine it's not unheard of that

amongst some men the Vas Deference (The

sperm carrying passage way tube incised/cut

during the vasectomy procedure) remarkably

reconnects itself after a vasectomy.  This is

known as the "Recanalization".

When it comes to any birth control intervention

I strongly suggest you take your time, do

research, compare the pros and cons of the

procedures you are curious about, ask yourself

exactly what it is you hope to benefit from

having the procedure and always be your own

pro-self--health advocate. What ever your

decision you make sure it is an educated one!

At present the male contraceptive RISUG

injections are reported to be into its  Phase III

trials are well underway in India, which is

basically the last step before RISUG gets

approved in India. Once approved in India of

course interested clients will have to be patient

and wait a little longer for our government

agencies, such as researchers & FDA to

approve its use here and permit its use here at

home. This can slow down to a snails crawl,

remember the protest which resulted when HIV

drugs being developed which showed promise

were withheld from HIV positive clients who felt

that they had nothing to lose and perhaps

more time to be gained. Until our system

evolves I'm afraid we will all have to be


I recommend that any couples and males out

there who are seriously considering using the

revolutionary RISUG male contraceptive

injections (when and if approved here) don't

rush in half-brained! Thoroughly  investigate

the research finding and reports of clients and

test subjects who have used the injections.
Just because someone has received the title of

doctor doesn't mean they are automatically

knowledgeable about any new drug and/or

procedures. Special skills are needed to

properly administer the drugs and knowing

when and how to react to any negative

effects which may occur as a result of using

said treatment/s.  Make sure your health care

provider is properly trained and skilled at

administering this medication as it was

intended to be used. Until this day  any new

drug and/or surgical intervention you have

your wits, research finding and the word of the

researchers developing the new treatment, 

Who may have their own personal agenda, so

it would be prudent on your behalf to at

first assess results from the side-lines before a

leap of faith in this situation.

There will be men eager to get started, if

possible get to know some of these guys and

find out how he feels about the affects-

Negative or Positive. Keep in mind that you

are mortal and have only one life to live and

one. Many fools have rushed in where wiser

men dare to venture. Should the drug be

approved here in the US seek out a reputable

caring, medical professional who has been

trained properly and has a positive track

record with the use of the injections.

Self-health Advocacy doesn't make you weak

or neuritic but rather prudent, safe and


Do your research ahead of time.

Comprehending the RISUG Injections-

Upcoming male contraceptive
The new male contraceptive injection being

studied in India is suppose to use charged

particles which differs from the sperm's

charge  and this reportedly interferes with

sperms navigation making it unable to make

their way through the female reproductive

system locate and fertilize the egg. Rights to

RISUG  has already been purchased by a

company in the US and is awaiting the results

from India, then research in the USA and of

course the FDA before anyone here can get

their hands on the treatment.

Here's how its suppose to inhibit the sperm -A

a non-toxic, positively charged polymer gets

injected into the little tube that your sperm

pass through on their way to the testicles is

injected with this serum. The polymer doesn't

actually block the tube, but it stays there, and

when sperm (which have a negative charge)

pass by, the charge differential from the

polymer zaps them all in theory.

This RISUG birth control involves injecting the

serum directly into the flesh and the scientist

conducting the experiment are claiming that

this method is100% effective at preventing

pregnancy, has no negative side effects and

reported should lasts a decade and possibly

up to 15 years. When compared to the

Vasectomy, RISUG researchers are claiming that

their new procedure is completely reversible

with more subsequent  injections. Keep in

mind neither the Vasectomy or RISUI doesn't

protect you from any STDs or HIV/AIDS,

however for couples with all the children they

want the slight discomfort associated with the

RISUG injections and 15-30 minutes of pain vs

life threatening side effects of the female

tubuligation, painful coils, depo injections and

birth control pills , which is known to drastically

increase the risk of having a stroke, cancer,

and  heart attack even in women who don't

smoke this looks good makes it even more


With these claims many couples and some

responsible males are eager to learn more

about this procedure and when it will be

available at home in the USA. Unfortunately for

those interested in the injections you will have

to be patient until testing is completed and the

FDA has approved it. In the mean time the so

-called male birth control pill concept is still

being kicked around and researched and who

knows if it will ever became reality.

In comparison to the expense of the

reoccurring birth control pill  and other female

birth control methods this injection should be

more cost effective since it supposedly lasts at

least 10 years and in some reports the scientist

claim it may last as long as 15 years.

Women have been putting up with these birth

control issues alone long enough. A male

contraceptive would be a welcome change.

One of the companies in the USA interested in

the new RISUG is called Parsemus. If you want

to investigate further you may want to

periodically check in with them in reference to

this new contraceptive injections.

Some scientist believe that one day they may

be able to use RISUG against HIV and that it

may be useful in women. Well I don't know

about all of that, but I do know that RISUG has

the potential to change our world.

To all my Fashionista sisters out there, "God

speed". If  RISUG injections live up to the hype,

promises and expectation of eager watchers

obtaining worldwide approval  should be just

around the corner.

 At present as with any contraceptive except

the condom STD's are a potential threat

in sexually active individual. You must keep this

important fact in mind when considering any

form of birth control.. Condoms are an oldie

but good means of contraceptive which still

pulls double duty as both birth control and

preventing sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Your choice is a personal one. Couples should

discuss your options thoroughly and men may

soon have no excuses to be dead-beat dads,

rather they will be empowered and forced to

take responsibility in family planning. What ever

your decision I believe its wonderful to just

have choices.

         T. D. Deutsch/RN, Writer, and Artist
                   Copyrighted 7/6/2011

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