Tiease D. Deutsch
P. O. Box 5043
Charlotte, N. C. 28299
Be happy, Be empathetic, Be colorful, Be creative, Be helpful and by all means please Don't Be a sexist!
Long have I noticed the excessive reference of the word "He" and the obsessive focus on masculinity when reading my Bible and I thought it unnecessary and extremely sexist.
I believe that, God loves the two sexes equally and that the obvious absence and reference to good women are a sin in and of itself. So I decided to rewrite a few of the Psalms only omitting the excessive reference to male gender and this is what my efforts yielded. The Psalm is no less beautiful and sends no subliminal messages that one sex is superior or more deserving of recognition and love from God.
I will exalt you. O God, because you lifted me out of my depression and didn't allow my enemies to suppress and gloat over me.
Beloved is my God, I raised my voice to you in grief and you healed me. Lifting me up from an early grave and sparing me from going down into the black pit.
Sing to God everyone and praise God. For God's anger a mere moment but God's favor endures a lifetime. Crying may remain for a evening, but rejoicing comes in the dawn.
When I felt strong and secure, I said, "I will never be shaken."
Glorious days when God favored me, you made my mountain stand firm; but when you turned your face from me, I was bewildered and dismayed. To God I cried out for mercy.
What gain is there in my destruction, in my going down into the pit? The dust will not praise you or proclaim your faithfulness.
Here me my God and be merciful to me; O God, be my shield.
You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing to you and not be silent.
My God, I embrace the pure life. I will give you thanks eternally.
Having read this revision of the Psalm 30 revised by
T. D. Deutsch notice how their is no reference to sexually orientation, yet the beauty, love, and heart felt thanks remain unchanged. Why wouldn't a sincere member of the human race embrace this non-gender biased poem? Woman and Man were both created in God's image and both are equally loved. There is no place for gender bias in religion and I am sure the truly God loving and those who possess goodness of hearted will feel the same!
Copyright by T. D. Deutsch Writer/Artist/Health Professional
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