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Humanity is born of Yahweh
Humanity is born of God, Our majestic creator is magnificent in holy glory. Incredibly picturesque are the wonders & creations from Yahweh's imagination; All is perfection. No mortals "Science Principles" can ever fully explain or comprehend God's glories!
Yahweh works spells and miracles which remains very much alive in the hearts and souls of the believer & the faithful. Yahweh's miraculous works can never adequately compare to the themes of God's heaven.
The power of God's love surges through the veins and sustains the dedicated heart. For humankind there is always room for improvement, growth and opportunity of receiving God's divine insight. Which is rewarding and reserved for the righteous. Praise Yahweh's unsurprising greatness and love focused onto all who cherish and holds dear, Yahweh is the God of the holy bible and all humanity!
Yahweh is committed to the concept of character!
Psalm 150 Previsioned by Tiease D. Deutsch
Praise Yahweh's holy sanctuary; Praise God's mighty heavens. Praise Yahweh for God's kingdom is mighty, real & ever lasting.

Praise Yahweh with all manner of instrumentation & rejoicing voices. Clash the tambourines and declare God our loving Yahweh the only God.
Allow all humankind and all manner of life upon earth to praise God whole heatedly and openly as our holy rescuer.
Praise be to Yahweh.
Tiease D. Deutsch 8/1/2012
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