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Yahweh (God) is the light-Words from the Wise!
In Yahweh all warmth & nourishment of the seasons comes forth to fortify my soul and for this I am eternally thankful to you God!
Blessed is she who obtains true wisdom, and gains knowledge of God for your benefit will be more precious than gold and those who also hear the good words of Yahweh and follow God's precious edits wills be so blessed too.
Trust in Yahweh; Maintain your honesty & empathy for humankind and remember the bible says," that through love and sincerity all sin is atoned for and no lie told to deceive will forever be held in secret for dark deeds committed in secrecy can be hidden from Yahweh and will eventually be hauled into the light and revealed for the lie that it is.
Be strong and take heart life isn't always easy but it is worth living and Yahweh is forever with all of us if you but stop and take the time to see. Wisdom is knowing that The love and recognition of Yahweh is the beginning of supreme glory & wisdom.
My joyous heart makes my immortal soul surge with encouragement, however deceitfulness crushes my spirits. I look to you Yahweh the one true God to restore my happiness.
© T. D. Deutsch 8/27/2012
Creative Consultant/Author/Artist/R.N.
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