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Tiease's Words of enlightenment
Inspired by Psalm 2
My mission for paraphrasing some revered biblical Psalms is to create a more feminine friendly inclusive handbook of Psalms for the modern intelligent educated women. Since antiquity most known religious literature has been written by men for men & appeals specifically to the male ego. There is nothing wrong with this concept except if you are a woman you're left out of the mix and deliberately made to feel inferior which in itself goes against the philosophy of Christianity, which stress the importance of love, peace, and equality.Rather than sitting about complaining & criticizing loudly, which many have done in vain for countless years which availed them nothing to rectify the negative prejudice against women in the bible and obsessive use of male pronounsa obvious sexism I wanted to change exclusion of women and positive references to women within the pages of my bible. Think of my reassessment of disclosure of the excessive obsessive use of male orientated pronouns, titles of descriptions of characters within the bible as being male. Ironic since without woman there would be no males! Even when a gender specific pronoun is not necessary almost always a male pronoun is used exclusively & chauvinistically not use the male specific pronoun and Terms such as:"His, Him,son, man etc. Which blatantly exclude women an female specific pronouns purposely out within the bible. I became extremely disappointed at the realization of such obvious sexism and decided to do something about it by revising and taking my inspiration from a few short Psalms from the holy bible rated this Female inclusive book of holy psalm for your enjoyment.
Women significant, prominent, intelligent and blessed women or every day women in through
Virtue resides in the souls and hearts of the faithful; who do not conspire against the innocent. I ask myself all to frequently, "Why do the wealthy leaders of industry and powerful countries deceive their citizens and contrive in vain?
The wicked politicians and wealthy collude together against Yahweh and the Anointed One. Evil doers conspire against our beloved God, Yahweh!
Malicious mortals shout,"Let us break the bones of the believers, devour their flesh and shackle their feet in confidence of depreciating their self-worth and emaciating
the souls of the children of Yahweh.
Yahweh resides in heaven assessing everyone & everything. God is aware of evildoers licentious endeavors. Their troublesome disdainful efforts are both humorous & sorrowful. Great is Yahweh's displeasure & disappointment in relationship to humankind's disregard and dishonesty for God's laws.
Enthroned in heaven Yahweh sits far above & upon all the ornamental crowns of living & by-gone mortal sovereigns. God's displeasure is schism ed by love for us. Yahweh's inner conflicts is like that of a loving parent. Yahweh's love & humanitarianism for us manifest themselves is tremendous emotional anguish. Yahweh's love for us compounds the benevolent responsibility of having to administer punishment to precarious offspring. God's ways are perfection in action!
Yahweh visited me and said,"You are my beloved child and I am your devoted parent" ask of me and I will the countries your inheritance, the earth will be your prized possession and you'll govern them with justice & an iron fist. All your foes will tremble & despair!
Therefore corrupt politicians, vain heartless rich and bitter calamitous individuals will be smashed like fine crystal and scattered to the far ends of the earth.
Therefore, you prominent industrialist leaders, take notice; be cautious; be auspicious, you born with the silver spoon wedged firmly between your lips. Serve Yahweh the God of Mary(Mother of Jesus), Mother Theresa (tiredness Christian Nun, crusader for God & the downtrodden poor) Mosses & Abraham; Rejoice in your servitude, Honor God's only begotten offspring, "Jesus".
Kiss Jesus swiftly to acknowledge the love you have for God's child, unless Yahweh may become angry and render you to dust & ashes. For our God's disappointment may occur instantaneously. Blesses are all women, men and children who take refuge in God and Yahweh's holy decrees.
As a faithful child & believer in the decrees of God; I am not an empiricist. The so-called "Scientific Principals" have no place in my faith. I am not seeking knowledge through modern scientific visual experiences rather my faith sustains me and maximizes my life benefits.
Yahweh's divine wit is legendary & daily prayer is a wonderful way to start your day off right. Hope is for the children of God & let us never forget hope has it all over dope! :) so, Live, Love, Laugh and give praises to God's holy name, "Yahweh". Heaven is where I belong.
Copyright by 8/14/2012 Tiease D. Deutsch R.N.
Inspired by Psalm 2

© by Tiease Danetria Deutsch 8/14/2012
Creative Consultant/Author/Artisan/ R.N.
Inspired by Psalm 2
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