Tiease D. Deutsch
P. O. Box 5043
Charlotte, N. C. 28299
Look for me at Youtube.com/TieaseDDeutsch
Health & Beauty Advice
Tiease D. Deutsch
Tiease Advice on Elevating your Under-the-cover romps!
You may not believe it but some women benefit from 20-30 minutes of exercise just before bed & sex; because a moderate work-out gets your blood, sensual juices and nervous system charged up, firing and blast off! Try it sometime.
There's nothing like a bit of fun naked wrestling to charge & solicit your sexual imagination. All that skin-to-skin contact, soft hot flesh against hard rippling muscles rubbing together in a sweaty hot mass. Oh you bet it'll be on!

I am woman, "Hear me roar!" Take time to get mentally focused prior to sex. Imagine some of the best sex you've ever had; The motions, smells, sensations, and atmosphere. Fantasize daily & often. Men aren't the only ones who can have sexually imagination, fancies & fantasies! Lady arouse thyself!
Protect your vagina like a man guards his penis! Consider the so-called sexy thong underwear; Who in reality are these uncomfortable thongs for? "Men of course"Uncomfortable underwear expose the lips of the virgina (known as the Vulva in medical tech) to chemical used to clean the garments like harsh soaps, perfumes, itchy material. infection causing bacterias, moles and a whole host of irritants that are constantly rubbing against the delicate tissue, soft, sensitive tissues of the outer vaginal area.
If you are into oral sex getting it-not giving keep in mind that your chance of getting a vaginal and/or urinal infection from a dirty man's mouth are greater than any mans mans chances of contracting anything from you. Make sure his mouth in addition to his entire body is clean in order to protect yourself, then you can relax enjoy yourself and not suffer any negative consequences later. This enable you to relax, indulge and enjoy.
Men have their Playboy magazines and strip clubs. You can benefit from sexual visually stimulate you just like he has. Try purchasing your own sexual images/magazine, taking in a male go-go dancers or what ever floats your boat. Go long for it and You'll be amazed at the positive outcomes.
Make the time to be alone with your partner. If this means getting a baby sitter or escaping to a cozy motel for the week end then make it happen. Nothing hurts a relationship more when one person is deprived of sex. I'm speaking from experience. You should also both listen to what your partner is saying to you. Trying to pretend that you don't hear your partner concerns about sex or the lack of it can destroy an other wise good relationship.
When it comes to sex; Never us it like a cruel weapon. Make the time to make-love. If you really love this individual you wouldn't want them or yourself to suffer, besides if you're both really in love you want to be intimate.
I can give this next bit of advice in general, however I am aware that every relationship is unique, If your partner is withholding sex in your relationship by utilizing sex like a nasty weapon; The negative consequences often rears it's ugly head in negative outburst of anger, frustration, self-doubt, low self esteem and any number of negative, painful circumstances. If you are just sexually incompatible & unsatisfied in your sexual life the potential for someone to cheat is strong,
As anger and depression set in emotions eventually overwhelm you this can manifest itself in all manner of negative ways. Starting with negative and hurtful feeling which may wreck your life together beyond repair unless you do something quickly to change your situation & resolve your problem. Consider a licensed Sex therapist and/or professional counselor.

Sex & sexuality are earthly pleasures bestowed upon woman by God; Let no man rob you of your pleasure! You desire sex, You deserve sex and you are entitled to feel good.
Feminine Aphrodisiacs to boost your spirits!
For myself & my Fashionista sisters you know that as a woman you don't have an automatic turn-on switch that takes directly to on. Arousal for a woman is a complex thing.

1 – Arginine Arginine helps with the release of hormones in the body, and works as a natural female aphrodisiac. It can enhance sexual desire, reduce vaginal dryness, and even lower blood pressure allowing for the relaxation necessary for improved orgasms.
2 – Damiana Damiana is used as a general tonic for the nervous, hormonal, and reproductive systems. It has an ancient reputation as an aphrodisiac. Mexican women used to drink an infusion of the herb a couple of hours before bed, to get aroused for their men. Some claim damiana tea has a relaxing effect, similar to a low dose of cannabis.
3 – Ginseng Ginseng has become almost as popular here in the USA as it is in Asia. where its been used as a medicine for over 5,000 years. It is known to increase energy and endurance, along with increasing libido. Native Americans used it as a potent love potion, and recommended it to settlers, who agreed that it was an improvement over their man-made aphrodisiacs.
4 – Ginger Ginger tea is very well known as a digestive aid for many different stomach problems. Even better is the fact that ginger has potent traits that urge sexual gratification and promote better sex health. It is even mentioned in the Kama Sutra as one of the herbs that can increase success in love.
5 – Chocolate is not just a comfort food but it has long been considered a aphrodisiacs. Chocolate helps your body release serotonin, a chemical in the brain responsible for feelings of happiness, contentment, and relaxation. Dark chocolate is preferable since it contains a large number of antioxidants.
Copyright by Tiease D. Deutsch R.N. 8/7/2012
© by Tiease D. Deutsch 8-7-2012
Health Consultant/Author/Artisan
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