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Easy natural BP Management for the Fashionistas
by T. D. Deutsch R.N.
Long has Africa's natural medicines, healing herbs, roots and "Old Mother's" cures been used and administered successfully throughout the ages. The Middle Ages, or medieval times, those centuries between the end of the Roman Empire, approximately 476, and the discovery of the American continent, gave rise to a great variety of natural God given medicinal cures brought about naturally from "Mother Earth".
Let me begin by adhering to the legal decrees which dictate that I must state, "That you should contact your Health-care provider/Physician prior to taking alternative medicines, supplements, and/or abruptly discontinuing any medications, treatments and/or recommendations which your MD has ordered.
Now that I have meet my legal obligations I can honestly suggest that instead of worshipping your Physician as some kind of 'living God' and accepting their every word/suggestion as gospel you should become proactive in your own medical care. You've heard the old cliche`"If you want something done right do it yourself" you may not be capable of surgery but you can actively have a say in how you wish to be cared for.
Electrolytes to lower your Blood Pressure
For all its worth Western (USA) medical science is automatically deemed superior to all other forms of medicine & treatments by many US citizens. This is not entirely true, we are just taught from the cradle to believe our is the best , because western medicine is all that is referenced in the United States. I have never understood the rivalry between ancient medicines and so-called modern medicines and alternatives. I for one have absolutely no problem crediting both and accepting both of them as adjunct treatments, which sensationally compliment each another.
A elevated blood pressure can obliterate your pulled together look in an instant and leave you feeling wasted, dazed, and confused. No doubt you've heard that hypertension is an insidious (creepy) disorder which occurs without symptoms but I am here to tell you that depends upon the individuals. Prior to getting my Blood pressure under my control I would experience symptoms of malaise, dizziness, numbness in my fingers, generalized whole body pain and a general feeling of impending doom.
Know thy self! When it comes down to signs/symptoms of any disorders including hypertension you are your early warning system. Schedule regular bi-yearly physical examinations including blood work such as Complete Blood Count (CBC), electrolytes, blood glucose level, Vitamin d levels, iron etc.. and any x-rays appropriate for your age and any specific test which may be associated with your personal medical history. What I am saying here is that you must become your own, "Pro-Health Advocate" and weight the pros and cons of all effective treatments regardless to origin.
The astute Fashionista knows how to pull together a happening outfit as well as make decisions and choices concerning her medical treatments.r You should never feel like a subordinate in your own physician's office.
Here are a few natural and common sense ways in which to lower your blood pressure naturally:
As a Fashionista you are always on the look out for that next effulgent look or trendy impact Wow! Well with uncontrolled hypertension you can pucker up and prepare to kiss it all goodbye! Hypertension puts you at a increased risk for a host of nasty health problems, such as: Stroke, heart attack, chronic depression related to being diagnosed with hyhpertension etc...you're to ill, overweight or worse dead so that you can't enjoy them.
Natural Blood Pressure Remedies
URL: Http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDqS_Glaxo Some water softening systems remove minerals such as: Calcium and magnesium but add salt known to elevate BP. There are water softening systems that use potassium instead of sodium to soften water, so you might want to investigate some of them on the Internet.
Celery & its oil is a celebrated health food which treats hypertension & circulatory disorders by allowing blood vessels to properly dilate. When it comes to High Blood Pressure it's all about the flow or lack of blood passage through your blood stream.

Believe it our not simple ordinary sunshine is a natural Blood pressure regulator. Some scientist believe the connection between Vitamin D and(Manufactured in the body naturally through exposure to direct sunlight) Calcium (a natural electrolyte of the body required to maintain homeostasis) plays a role in regulating the blood pressure.
A too cute fluffy pet, such as bunny, kitten, or dog is soothing. Research has shown that even observing fish in your fish tank can improve your emotional, spiritual, and moral nature.
Kick the Nic! Smoking increase your risk of developing hypertension in the first place in addition to premature wrinkling and the leathery appearance of skin. Too hard on the eyes & gross all around!
If you're a party-girl whose never met a cocktail that you didn't gulp without a flinch then you should know that excessive alcohol consumption plays havoc on your vascular system. No more than 2 ounces of liquor, 8 ounces of wine, or twenty-four ounces of beer per day.
When it comes to obesity often losing weight can reverse hypertension, eliminate the need to take powerful anti-hypertension medications.
The majority of Divas struggling with hypertension are on salt restricted diets. A reduced-salt tablet called Cardia Salt contains half the salt of regular table salt with added potassium and magnesium. It can be substituted for regular salt. Speak with your health care provider about this natural supplement.
For you work-out gurus avoid consuming coffee & caffeine rich drinks just prior to working out, because it can cause your BP to rocket sky high.Caffeine increases the amount of manufactured angiotensin II (a body substance whose action results in constriction of blood vessels) which allows blood vessels to tighten/constrict which causes the passage of blood through vessels to slow.
Being a chronic hot head contributes increases your risk of developing hypertension so, relax don't worry be happy:)
For comfortable couch potatoes you probably won't like the next suggestion; Exercise 4-5 days per week for 20-30 minutes can help naturally control your BP and enable you to shed unwanted excess poundage.

Always remember and never forget; My wide eyed 'Qeens of Fashion Passion' that when you are weary and downtrodden rest assured another evocative day is on your horizon. Evoke Yahweh's (God) divine assistance and just keep praying!
© by Tiease D. Deutsch 8-13 -2012
Author/Creative Consultant/Artist/R.N.
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