Look for me on Youtube! TieaseDDeutsch
Yahweh (God) is the Absolute-Conciliator!
Yahweh has deemed;If you want to better yourself & get along with people you must socialize!
As members of Yahweh's society wisdom must enter your heart without prejudice. Only love, wisdom and the word of Yahweh our God can save your soul, so let everyone, the wise simply listen and adhere to Yahweh lessons. With the knowledge of Yahweh nothing can come between your shared love.
Any friend of Yahwehs is a friend of mine and all who desire to follow in the ways of our God strives to be socialable. Love yourself and your fellow, refrain from telling lies on the innocent and praising the rich, powerful and wicked over the just.
For the love and appreciation of Yahweh is the beginning of eternal wisdom and glory. Once glorified by God no mortal cheers can compare.
copyright by 8/5/2012 Tiease D. Deutsch
URL: http://youtu.be/ALrJ17qKpHg
© T. D. Deutsch 8/7/2012
Creative Consultant/Author/Artist/R.N.
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