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Tiease's Diabetic Power Notes
Wellness & Beauty:)
You've heard the delightful cliche` that, "Variety is the spice of life!" No one want to eat the same boring dishes every day and when you are managing diabetes you may feel twice as restricted and bored, but I'm here to get in the middle of it and introduce you to some nutritious foods that you should always have on your shopping list and help you to throw down in your kitchen using a few of these culinary power foods. Food heritage is a rich one and soul food is right up there when it comes to delicious must have foods that many dieters and diabetics feel deprived of but need not if only they learn to substitute a few non-nutritious foods with good for you vitamin, mineral, and proper fat proportioned meals. I give you now-Tiease's smart eats list!
Sweet potatoes is really a nutritious meal so you need not eliminate you sweet potato slice of pie on holidays & special occasions. Sweet potato are naturally sweet and they pack an antioxidant beta carotene punch & load of Vitamin C!
Berries not only look, smell and taste wonderful they easily make my list of healthy-feel-good snacks. Berries offer smart calories, fiber to support your digestive health and a substantial amount of anti-cancer buster known as antioxidants which help rid your body of carcinogens(potential cancer causing agents). Berries like blueberries, raspberries, cherries, strawberries are both a delight to display and eat. You can toss them over your hot cereal or cold, add them to yogurt, top off your salad with them. The charm, beauty, and nutritious benefits of berries makes them an excellent quick treat.
I am not the spinach lover but for those of you who do enjoy then keep right on eating since it's loaded with good for you feel good nutrients. For those of you looking for something more down homey then try Collard greens they are delicious and loaded with calcium and vitamins. Properly prepared collard greens are a treat to the world and my personal favorite green leaf veggie. Many vegetarians & yuppies looking to explore what, Mother Earth has to offer have added Kale to their diet (A form of sea weed) If you can stomach kale good for you it's full of Vitamin A, Vitamin C and K (Without vitamin K your blood wouldn't clot properly). Kale can be eaten in a salad, soup or added to your favorite stew.
Next of course whole grains make the list and all type of snacks are baked utilizing whole grains. Cereals with at minimum 5 grams of fiber will help manage your blood glucose level and they contain helpful flvonoids, lignans and chemical your body needs.
Recently egg research has pointed to eggs eaten with breakfast being more filling, satisfying and helping to curve your appetite enough so that you consume fewer calories. Boiled eggs of course offer the least amount of calories should weight loss be a concern of yours.
Well you need a cooking oil and type 2 diabetics can benefit from the monounsaturated fats that olive oil has to offer. Extra virgin olive oil also contains 30 different antioxidants and anti-inflammatory plant compounds. It does contain calories so don't go crazy and use too much, too often.
Most Fashionista are always watching their figures so you might benefit from 1%-2% milk in addition to skim milk ( not a personal favorite of mine). Milk is naturally rich in calcium, potassium and enriched with Vitamin D. Vitamin D is made in our bodies naturally with the help of exposure to direct sunlight, never the less the majority of women in the USA are Vitamin D deficient, so you should have your levels examined by your health care provider. If you're watching your weight one cup of milk equals a small piece of fruit or slice of bread. Use milk in fruit smoothies or your hot tea (delicious!).
Oolong, black, green or white teas offers natural antioxidant flavonoids known as catechins in each calming cup. The longer you steep any tea the better its flavor and the more flavonoids you get. Scientist believe that flavonoids help reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer.
The key to a good diet is eat a variety of foods, do not deprive yourself of treats just eat them in moderation and if you're a diabetic you must follow your dietitians plan for you.
I hope this was helpful to you Divas, until next time:)
Low Cal Recipes Video
URL: http://youtu.be/x-SQDZau0cY
© Tiease D. Deutsch 8 -7-2012
Author/Creative Consultant/Artist/R.N.
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