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Yahweh (God) is the Absolute-Conciliator!
Rise up and judge them Yahweh cut off their lying lips and boastful arrogant tongues which proudly state,"I will say what I want","I'm outspoken and speak my mind regardless to whom it hurts!" It's my mouth,"I'm doing me" the boast of foolish people without regard for their fellow humans nor regard for God.
Yahweh will protect the kind, generous and faithful hearted with absolutely no regard to social standing nor wealth. For what humankind deems superior Yahweh makes little of. Yahweh will keep the passionate & loving people safe protecting all from the wicked.
Psalm12 Revision by Tiease D. Deutsch 8,23,2012
Provide me sanctuary Yahweh, for good people have become a scarcity in the land; the faithful and those who honor you have vanished from vast multitudes of your people.
To many people bare false witness against the innocent, lying at will. In the warmth of the light of day they smile graciously, but secretly spit vile and speak deception. They are quite malicious.

God will rise up to protect the weak, orphaned, oppressed, downtrodden and meek; careless evildoers will be disciplined!
Yahweh speaks and the words are flawless & refined, like the gold refined in a furnace and purified to demonstrate all its masked beauty & glory.

The wicked will see and be vexed. They strut about like silly peacocks with upturned noses; but they will not be so confident when facing God.
For Yahweh is God mighty and great. Basking in the light of day amongst all that is good and right.
copyright by Tiease D. Deutsch 8,23.2012
Creative Consultant/Author/Artist/R.N.
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