Tiease D. Deutsch
Wellness & Beauty with Tiease
P. O. Box 5043
Charlotte, N. C. 28299
Wellness & Beauty with Tiease
Busting the Beauty Sleep Bandits by Tiease D. Deutsch RN
It's a horrible cycle when you want to sleep but sleep eludes
When you suffer from insomnia it can be ravish your face, emotions, spirit and compromise the homeostasis of your body.
Sleep is what your body thirst for and requires in order to function at your best. If you're conscious of negative chances in your appearance & reputation as a Fashionista and you are not getting enough rest sleep deprivation result and then you can temporarily flush your curb appeal down the drain!
With the information quest I am providing to you her you will be able to confront your insomnia & rescue your refreshed good looks, so that you can be the Fashionista you were born to be!
If you're not sleeping & your appearance is suddenly going downhill; The Beauty Sleep Busting Bandits may be to blame.
My goal is to help you obtain more sleep, joy and less stress in your life.
Here are some quick & easy ways to confront insomnia, maintain your good looks & bust the Sleep-Bandit:
The most obvious and enj0yable sleep
bandit buster is good old fashioned hot and heavy Sex! Sex is soothing & a good form of natural exercise ( provided it's good sex of course). Dismiss the no time for sex if you want to maintain your figure, body tone and self-esteem. The motto,"Use it or loose it" is true when it comes to the female body, something my mother told me many years ago and I only realized it was absolutely true in my own life. What this means is that this is the time to put the treat in treatment!
The advantages of vigorous sexual activity to combat insomnia(lack of sleep/or feeling sleepy) is that it is all natural. No mind numbing therapies, body intoxication drugs required. Mix it up a bit and try a new angle a little sex experimentation.
And when it comes to you and your sex partner save potentially controversial or anger provoking conversations for your day hours; try to come to some sort of resolution by bed time (if possible).
In our computer crazed modern society have monopoly zed our lives and although many women are unaware of it staring at a PC screen for countless hours can cause tension headaches and eyestrain which definitely puts a dent in your style & appearance.
Peppermint Tea or your favorite herbal tea:
Peppermint reduces spasms which can relieve tension. Always remember & never forget if you're pregnant discuss any herbal or over-the-counter medications with your health care provider.
Deep breathing and stretching relaxes tense muscles that contribute to insomnia.
Lavender Aromatherpeutic works wonders for some
try it you might benefit from aromatherapy.
If you work at home don't combine your sleep & work area (your bedroom), you want a quiet stress free atmosphere when trying to sleep and with work triggers in the room it's hardly conducive to sleep.
A light snack prior to sleep does the trick for some, since you don't awake through the night feeling hungry.
Acupuncture-Although not for me is another way to go. This ancient Asian technique is credited for relieving a wide range of health disorders including insomnia; And if you have frequent stress headaches studies claim some have reported relief through acupuncture. To each your own!
Plan an escape break or mini-vacation to ease tension in your life and prioritize what makes you really happy. Sadness cripples so many Fashionistas resulting in unhappiness & sleeplessness; which leads me to the next beauty sleep buster Depression.
If you have experienced 4 weeks or more of the following signs & symptoms you may be depressed and need professional help.
Difficulty in concentrating, remembering, making decisions; Restlessness and/or irritability; Persistent sadness, anxious empty feeling; feeling guilty, worthless, pessimistic & helpless; Absence of your ordinary pleasures and activities, such as sex; Insomnia, frequent awakening during the night, early rising and/or oversleeping; Dramatic changes in your appetite and/or dramatic fluctuations in weight gain and loss and last but not least thoughts of suicide, visualizing suicide or attempted suicide. If these symptoms sound familiar to you seek professional medical assistance stat!
The real game of life can be unforgiving and stressing but you can over come if you recognize you need help.
Eyestrain & vision disturbances may interfere with your rest. A good rule of thumb when working on your computer is to take frequent breaks at least every hour for a minimum of 10 minutes to enable your peepers to rest, and making sure sure you are getting enough beauty sleep to prevent those dark circles & tired puffy eyed look.
With insomnia eyestrain is a common occurrence and contribute to one's decline, dishevel & devastation of a Fashionista's mien.
I love to read and write however every 30 minutes or so I take a time out, blink a few times and focus on any object in the distance for a couple of minutes. This helps relieve spasms in my eye muscles and taking in a little fresh air boost the benefits of this short break and goes a long way in revitalizing your appearance.
If you're having vision problems seek an eye specialist (Optometrist) together you can determine whether or not you need glasses/contacts and/or laser intervention.
I do believe in the power of prayer and positive thinking and know that praying enables me sleep much easier.
Every Fashionistas
**Keep in mind that a guilty conscious and what goes around comes around, so do the right by your fellow-Fashionistas, there's enough of attention to go around. If someone has stressed you out rehashing & venting relentlessly makes it worse, vent get it over then move on. Once you know that you have done everything possible to resolve any underlining problems then release the stress and beauty wrenching tension and start enjoying your life. Strut your stuff and do your little cat-walk down the side walk!
Here's looking at you Divas have a fashionable day and sound nights sleep. Do good and you will feel great. :)
© by Tiease D. Deutsch 4-4-2012
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