Tiease's Valley of the Paper Divas
Tiease D. Deutsch
P. O. Box 5043
Charlotte, N. C. 28299
Look for me at Youtube.com/TieaseDDeutsch!
Tiease's Spiritual Up-lift & Thoughts of Inspiration!
Every morning I eagerly seek the degrees of Yahweh-God of Abraham & Mosses, in these I discover peace, wisdom, empathy, compassion & precious treasures which I devour & cherish as I meditate upon Yahweh's degrees & open my heart to them.
Do you politicians & privileged wealthy indeed speak truth? Do you judge morally amongst humankind? Saddening I declare you do not. You contrive inequity & arrogantly allot out violence & savagery upon "Mother Earth".
Amazingly from birth the wicked go amiss; from their mother's uterus they are capricious & offer misrepresentation.
The lethal poison is like venom, like that of a rattlesnake that strikes out whether or not you move, with little thought for justice.
Yahweh (God) will Disband their influence & power and make them to recognize that Yahweh is God, Yahweh is supreme & the only way into the light.
Yahweh will yank out the fangs of the ravenous beast!
These arrogant heartless individuals attempt to draw weapons but their weapons misfire. Like ice on a hot summer day the will melt away forever, like the unfortunately still born infant they will not see the light nor enjoy the earthly pleasures bestowed upon the living by out God.
Within a blink of an eye the wicked soul shall be swept away & the upright in heart will be glad & avenged by Yahweh almighty as they delight in the great miracles & wonders that God has afforded them.
Suddenly we will hear people proclaim, "Surely the righteous of heart are rewarded for their pains & suffering; Surely Yahweh our God judges all and reigns supreme eternally.
Inspired by Psalms 58 copyright by Tiease D. Deutsch 4/23/2012
EVERY FASHIONISTA NEEDS A SPIRITUAL LIFT FROM TO TIME & that's why I enjoy positive uplifting words and soul felt Inspiration.
Yahweh's DEGREES
Every morning I eagerly seek the degrees of Yahweh-God of Abraham & Mosses, in these I discover peace, wisdom, empathy, compassion & precious treasures which I devour & cherish as I meditate upon Yahweh's degrees & open my heart to them.
Do you politicians & privileged wealthy indeed speak truth? Do you judge morally amongst humankind? Saddening I declare you do not. You contrive inequity & arrogantly allot out violence & savagery upon "Mother Earth".
Amazingly from birth the wicked go amiss; from their mother's uterus they are capricious & offer misrepresentation.
The lethal poison is like venom, like that of a rattlesnake that strikes out whether or not you move, with little thought for justice.
Yahweh (God) will Disband their influence & power and make them to recognize that Yahweh is God, Yahweh is supreme & the only way into the light.
Yahweh will yank out the fangs of the ravenous beast!
These arrogant heartless individuals attempt to draw weapons but their weapons misfire. Like ice on a hot summer day the will melt away forever, like the unfortunately still born infant they will not see the light nor enjoy the earthly pleasures bestowed upon the living by out God.
Within a blink of an eye the wicked soul shall be swept away & the upright in heart will be glad & avenged by Yahweh almighty as they delight in the great miracles & wonders that God has afforded them.
Suddenly we will hear people proclaim, "Surely the righteous of heart are rewarded for their pains & suffering; Surely Yahweh our God judges all and reigns supreme eternally.
Inspired by Psalms 58 copyright by Tiease D. Deutsch 4/23/2012
Creative Consultant,Author, Artist, R.N.

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