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Yahweh (God) is my light!
Jesus lead by example which reconfirms the fact that "Talk alone is weak". Jesus was on an ultimate mission to help humankind in distress.
To truly reciprocate Jesus sacrifice we need to reverence & acknowledge our gift by paying it forward. Rise up and take your place honor grace bestowed upon you by continuing Yahweh's mission left for us to abide by and support one another.
Copyright by Tiease D. Deutsch 4/16/2012
Author/Creative Consultant/Nurse/Artist
Tiease's Feminine inclusive Psalm
Yahweh why have you spurned me? Why are yo so far from saving me, so far from the word of my agony?
O Yahweh my God, I boohoo to you, but you have not responded to me, by evening & am not mute.
You're enthroned as the most Holy One; You are exalted by humankind. In you, Yahweh my ancestors put their faith; trusting in you & delivered them. They had a dream and you turned it into reality.
They lamented to you & were saved; in you they trusted & were not circumvent.
I have become a mockery amongst the people; scorned, bullied & despised! People who see me are quick to insult & hurl insults at me, laughing as they say,"She trust in Yahweh, God of Mosses, now lets see Yahweh save her.
Allow Yahweh to rescue & deliver you since you delight so in your God.
Yahweh you have been with me from the womb; you made me trust in your promises, even at my Mother's nourishing breast. Do not be far from me for sorrow is near & there is friend or warrior to stand up for me.
Monsters surround me; strong beast encircle me. Roaring lions tearing prey open their mouths wide against me. I am poured out like blood & all my bones are brittle; My strength is drained, My heart is pained; My mouth is dried so that my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth. I am bowed down low in the dust of Mother Earth.
Canines beset me; a band of wicked people jump me, they have pierced my hands and feet.
I count my bones; people gaze & gloat over me. They divide my garments among them & cast lots for my belongings.
Yahweh, do not be far from me; My strength come swiftly to save me.
Deliver my life from the knife, my precious life from the whim of creatures. Rescue me from the mouth of the beast;save me from the horns of the wild bulls.
I will announce your name to my siblings in the congregation I will glorify you Yahweh. You who respect & love God praise Yahweh.
All your offspring honor Yahweh for God has not despised or disdained the suffering of the afflicted and downtrodden; Yahweh had not hidden from them but has listened to their cries.
From you comes the motif of my praise amongst the assembly; before those who love you will I deliver my vows.
Te poor will eat and be satisfied; they who seek Yahweh will praise God may your hearts beat eternally!
All the ends of the earth remember & turn to Yahweh & all families of the world will bow down before God for dominion belongs to God and Yahweh rules over the world.
All the rich of the earth will feast & worship; all who go down to the dirt will kneel before Yahweh; those who cannot keep themselves alive. Posterity will serve God; future generations will be told about God. They will proclaim Yahweh's righteousness to a people not born yet for God has accomplished the promise.
Psalm 22 Revised by Tiease D. Deutsch 4/16/2012
Author/Artist/Nurse/Creative Consultant
© T. D. Deutsch 4/16/2012
Psalm 22 revised by Tiease D. Deutsch
Creative Consultant/Author/Artist/R.N.
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