Tiease D. Deutsch
P. O. Box 5043
Charlotte, N. C. 28299
Look for me at Youtube.com/TieaseDDeutsch!
Tiease's Spiritual Up-lift & Thoughts of Inspiration!
EVERY FASHIONISTA NEEDS A SPIRITUAL LIFT FROM TO TIME & that's why I enjoy positive uplifting words and soul felt Inspiration.

Merciful love bears all things, believes all things, hope endures all things, and true love endures the worst of times and rejoices in the best of times.
When it comes to life you can not "Just-Add-Water" and know that it will turn out right. No you must live life and all it's drama and thank Yahweh (God) for the gift of living, because as long as there is breathe in your body things can change and improve for the better.
When it comes to faith there is nothing to compare it to; When it comes to belief in Yahweh (God) there is not half way either you do or you don't.
Yahweh has created the ultimate equalizer, "Death" regardless of social standing, or ones wealth all of us will stand before God to be judged and at that time I would rather have Jesus on my side representing me & in my defense than all of the garments, treasures, and cosmetic surgery in the world.
Jesus has comforted me when I questioned living at all; Jesus has filled my spirit with delight when all seemed dark and filled my beating heart with ever lasting Hope and Love.
Copyright by Tiease D. Deutsch 4/10/2012
I want to know what love is
When it comes to life you can not "Just-Add-Water" and know that it will turn out right. No you must live life and all it's drama and thank Yahweh (God) for the gift of living, because as long as there is breathe in your body things can change and improve for the better.
When it comes to faith there is nothing to compare it to; When it comes to belief in Yahweh (God) there is not half way either you do or you don't.
Yahweh has created the ultimate equalizer, "Death" regardless of social standing, or ones wealth all of us will stand before God to be judged and at that time I would rather have Jesus on my side representing me & in my defense than all of the garments, treasures, and cosmetic surgery in the world.
Jesus has comforted me when I questioned living at all; Jesus has filled my spirit with delight when all seemed dark and filled my beating heart with ever lasting Hope and Love.
Copyright by Tiease D. Deutsch 4/10/2012
I want to know what love is
Copyright by Tiease D. Deutsch 4/10/2012
Creative Consultant, Author, Artist, R.N.

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