P. O. Box 5043
Charlotte, N. C. 28299
Look for me at Youtube.com/TieaseDDeutsch
In the vacuum of God's space all are welcome !
The pompously arrogant are forbidden in your holy presence; you despise all that is vile. You destroy those who give false testament; blood thirty, venomous deceitful creatures, individuals whom Yahweh (God) disfavors.
I have found a way to protect my mind from the impact of evils assaults through the meditation of prayer and Psalms.
I was so aroused by the magnificence of Psalm 5 that I was instantly inspired to start writing after my morning prayers. This what I created:
Grant ear to my words, O God, consider my weariness. Your divine intervention is crucial for my survival.
Lend heart to my cry for salvation; Earth can be such a dangerous place to survive and maintain one's faith without Yahweh's saving grace; So I pray to thee prior to starting my day.
In the morning, O Yahweh you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my request at your feet & wait in assured anticipation.
Yahweh, God of Mary, Abraham, Daniel and Mosses is not a God who takes pleasure in evil; with you the malicious cannot reside.

But I and the faithful by your mercy will come into your divine dimension; in reverence will I bow down toward you in your holy house.
Guide me, O God harbinger of the light and all that is auspicious in your morality; your eternal goodness that burns away all evil. Direct me, O Yahweh because of my foes-make straight your path before me.
Nothing they utter is trustworthy; their hearts are congested with ruination. Their Mouthe's are as foul as that of a Kimono Dragon; with deceitful tongues they slander.
Smite the wicked to smithereens, O God; judge the roguish guilty. Allow their own deceitfulness to be their destruction.
Exile them for their unwavering sinful manners, because they have offended & rebelled against, Yahweh, God of all that is right.
Grant all who keep faith & take refuge in your edicts be lovingly embraced by your sacredness, dance and sing in joy!
Expand your divine honors, allow your majestic intervention to protect the faithful, so that those who love Yahweh may rejoice in you.
Surely, O Yahweh you bless the righteous of heart; you embosom us with your favor as with a harbor.
© Tiease D. Deutsch 6/4/2012
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