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Yahweh (God) is the Absolute-Conciliator!
Starting your prayer life!
Having a real prayer life is beneficial to your mental, physical, and spiritual health. When you have an active prayer life and connection with Yahweh (God) you feel God's presence around you daily. Power opens you up to Yahwah's loving power & strength.
To start living your more positive life, take these first steps:
- When praying make this time quiet reflection a daily event in your life. Make a commitment to it.
- Locate a quiet peaceful place where you can go daily.
- Close your prayer time with a short time of praise for who Yahweh is, ex. praise God for sovereignty.
- Ask Yahweh to supply all your needs or the needs of a significant beloved other. Reflect upon these needs & ask to receive them in succession.
- Read a few verses out of the Bible. You might want to begin with Psalms, I love these and reflect upon them daily. Psalms is a compilation of King David's prayer and songs written for Yahweh (God).
- After reading from your bible spend some time in quiet reflection before, Yahweh. During this time quietly say,"Thank you God" for all that you've done for me recently.
- Continue in your quiet reflection and prayer before Yahweh by confessing any sins you may be responsible for and asking for forgiveness.
Hold your head up high and know that a change is going to come! :)
© T. D. Deutsch 6/11/2012
Creative Consultant/Author/Artist/R.N.
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