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Tiease's Natural Healing Tips!
There are thousand of natural, inexpensive, and effective self-healing aids, historical referred to as Old-Wive's Cures or Root-Medicines. That may offer some relief from ailments naturally.
Unfortunately the Pharmaceutical corporations would rather you never become aware of them. I'm not part of the multibillion dollar drug corporations, so I am always in search of safe, cheap and healthier possibilities of healing one's self. When I begin to investigate some of them I knew I wanted to pay-it-forward to my followers.
As with any information you should always use what is helpful to you and discard the rest. Some tips you will find helpful and others you won't but everyone can benefit from this knowledge.
This information is not intended to replace your personal medical providers directions rather they may add to them, talk to your provider in reference to any alternative intervvention you may be considering.
Tiease's Natures Healing Secrets:
Believe or not those common marigold yellowish flowers which invade our gardens and are considered by many to be useless weeds are eatible & a natural treatment for mild skin irritations. You can easily create your own home made marigold ointment by using a little aloe vera with the flower heads of marigolds mixed into it; then gently rubbing your thrifty, natural skin product on any irritated rashes, swelling and/or minor cuts. Aloe Vera has long been used as a healing skin application for mild burns and over toasted flesh!
We've all either used Chamomile or heard of it being used to treat irritated skin with chicken pox, poison oak/ivory & dry itchy skin. Chamomile cream is effective as a cheap impeccable hydrocortisone to treatment skin rashes, ulcers, dermatitis and common skin annoyances.
Witch Hazel easy to acquire over the counter but in the USA it's often so watered down it fails as a proper astringent & soothing aid. Here's your heads up look for authentic nondistilled hydroalcoholic extract of witch hazel leaves. It should contain 5-10% leaf extract and be effective in treating minor skin irritations.
Unless you get extremely filthy daily and this is possible given your profession and metabolism try bathing alternate days rather than every day to reduce scrubbing away your body's natural oils & emollients.
For dry sensitive skin a general rule of thumb would be to avoid extreme changes in temperature when ever possible. Too much sun, cold or wind can be harmful to your flesh.
It's not difficult to make the switch to cheaper more natural alternative treatments but first you have to become an informed consumer and do some research to enable you to put your best skin forward.
There are so many natural alternative medicinals and when ever possible I will be introducing yo
Tiease's Natures Healing Secrets:
Believe or not those common marigold yellowish flowers which invade our gardens and are considered by many to be useless weeds are eatible & a natural treatment for mild skin irritations. You can easily create your own home made marigold ointment by using a little aloe vera with the flower heads of marigolds mixed into it; then gently rubbing your thrifty, natural skin product on any irritated rashes, swelling and/or minor cuts. Aloe Vera has long been used as a healing skin application for mild burns and over toasted flesh!
We've all either used Chamomile or heard of it being used to treat irritated skin with chicken pox, poison oak/ivory & dry itchy skin. Chamomile cream is effective as a cheap impeccable hydrocortisone to treatment skin rashes, ulcers, dermatitis and common skin annoyances.

Unless you get extremely filthy daily and this is possible given your profession and metabolism try bathing alternate days rather than every day to reduce scrubbing away your body's natural oils & emollients.
For dry sensitive skin a general rule of thumb would be to avoid extreme changes in temperature when ever possible. Too much sun, cold or wind can be harmful to your flesh.
It's not difficult to make the switch to cheaper more natural alternative treatments but first you have to become an informed consumer and do some research to enable you to put your best skin forward.
There are so many natural alternative medicinals and when ever possible I will be introducing you to some ocassionally.
Keep in mind that this information does not over ride your health care professionals advice, but be smart enough to figure out when you can heal for less expense and with less harsh medicines.
u to some ocassionally.
Keep in mind that this information does not over ride your health care professionals advice, but be smart enough to figure out when you can heal for less expense and with less harsh medicines.
© by Tiease D. Deutsch 6-27-2012
Author/Creative Consultant/Artist/R.N.
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