Thursday, August 4, 2011

The days of the modern Fashionista may soon be over!

Well the government is at it again as if it were not enough when they outlawed in several states a citizens right to use the camcorder to film an officer beating and assaulting a poor citizen (possibly to death!) and insisting that before you can apply for unemployment benefits you have to first submit to a drug test, then attempting to pass a bill which states that an officer has full access to any citizens pharmaceutical records now they are viciously trying to steal our natural beauty aids and supplements. It has to stop enough is enough next thing you we will be regulated into veiling ourselves in black.

It's time to put aside our petty differences and unite in a common cause known as."Taking Back my American Civil Rights!" Not even physicians are allowed to disclose personal information now they want the common police officer who is just a person-A stranger poking their noses around in your personal health records. Don't be a fool ladies it's past time to speak out, write and say hell no we won't take it anymore.

Well here is another piece an interested party forwarded to me and I wanted to make it available to my readers.

Plrease read the article below. It is a shame that the FDA is at it again trying to take away people's freedom to use dietary supplements. Read on, put it on your blog, and pass it along! Many more people need to know what they are trying to do.

August 3, 2011
For readers of this newsletter who live in the USA, the Life Extension Foundation recently sent out an important email about a serious challenge to our health freedom. It is well worth reading - and taking action to prevent this from happening. Also some interesting history at the bottom of this call to action. 
Dedicated to Your Excellent Health!
Donna Crow HHP 
Greatest Threat Since FDA Tried to TurnNutrients into Prescription Drugs!

Listen to William Faloon discuss the FDA's Latest Attempt to Ban your Dietary Supplements as recorded during the recent Life Extension Scientific Advisory Board meeting
The FDA has just issued a proposed mandate that will enable the government to ban the most effective dietary supplements you are now taking.

If this proposal is enacted, many fish oil formulas and natural plant extracts will be removed from the market until so-called safety testing is done. The FDA wants each nutrient company to force-feed laboratory animals the human equivalent of up to 240,000 milligrams a day of certain fish oils. This outlandish dose will injure the test animals and give the FDA an excuse to outlaw the supplement.

How can the FDA do this? They are seeking to reclassify the natural supplements you now take as "food additives." This gives the FDA power to mandate outrageous safety thresholds that have no relationship to the scientifically validated doses of nutrients you take every day.

Why are they doing this? Because these natural products work too well. Take curcumin as an example. It has been shown to inhibit a deadly transcription factor in cells called nuclear factor-kappa beta (NF-kB) that is responsible for immune system regulation. Over-expression of NF-kB is linked with tumor cells that resist normal cell growth and maturation, as well as inflammation.

Pharmaceutical companies want to own the exclusive rights to these kinds of plant extracts that are freely sold on the market today. They don't want consumers to be able to obtain these biological benefits in low-cost supplements. Instead, they want to patent synthetic versions as high-priced prescription drugs!

What is being done to Stop This Travesty?

To give you an idea about how dangerous these draconian proposals are, Life Extension helped organize a conference call last week. Dozens of health freedom organizations participated and agreed to coordinate a massive consumer revolt.

The official start date of this uprising is Thursday, September 8, 2011, but you can take preliminary action today to thwart the FDA's latest attempt to steal your supplements and make them the exclusive domain of Big Pharma.

We ask that you forward this e-mail to everyone you know so they can understand the precarious state their health will be in when the FDA bans their most effective dietary supplements.

Then, use our convenient website to e-mail letters to the White House, your Representative and two Senators by clicking on the links below:
Send a letter to your Representative and two Senators demanding the FDA immediately withdraw their oppressive proposed guidelines pending rational discussions with those who depend on dietary supplements to protect their health and livelihood.
Send a letter to the President's Office of Management and Budget as the FDA's proposed guidelines on new dietary ingredients directly conflict with an Executive Order issued July 11, 2011, that orders the FDA to streamline and repeal burdensome regulations that interfere with job creation, economic growth, and innovation.
Life Extension will keep you posted on these frightening developments, but please mark Thursday, September 8, 2011, on your calendar as the day when millions of health freedom activists will rise up in unity against FDA tyranny.

For longer life,

William Faloon

"Was the government to prescribe to us our medicine and diet, our bodies would be in such keeping as our souls are now."

---Thomas Jefferson

Historical Perspective

For those who don't recall, the federal government came very close to transforming high-potency supplements into prescription drugs in the 1970s.

The medical establishment lobbied so hard that it was a foregone conclusion that Congress would change the law and force Americans to obtain prescriptions for many of their supplements.

No one expected the consumer backlash that overwhelmed Congress into submission.

Vitamin users inundated Congress with so many protests that the Proxmire Vitamin Bill was enacted in 1976. This bill prohibited the FDA from turning dietary supplements into "drugs" as the American Medical Association was urging.

Annual vitamin sales were less than $2 billion in the 1970s, yet Congress received more mail from angry vitamin supplement users than any other issue except the Vietnam War.

Today, Americans use over $26 billion of dietary supplements each year, so you can imagine how many angry protests Congress will hear when the public learns the FDA is trying to ban every supplement introduced after October 15, 1994.

The FDA's proposed guidelines represent the greatest threat to health freedom since the medical establishment tried to seize control over your right to ingest food supplements. Please take action today by contacting The White House and Congress today by clicking the buttons below.

Take Action

Read more about the FDA's plan to take away supplements

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