Sunday, April 8, 2012

Praise Yahweh & May your Easter be blessed.

Praise Yahweh & May your Easter be blessed.

On this early Easter Day April 8, 2012 I can not help but feel joy and deep sorrow for the sacrifice made on behalf of myself and all of humankind.

Jesus suffered severely, consider the agony of a woman's labor pains, both mentally and especially physically. To refrain from striking back at those inflicting pain upon ones self was an amazing accomplishment since Jesus the Bible tells us truly had the power to cease the agony but astonishingly Jesus refrained from doing so. Does this not show truth of divine character. It does indeed!

When a woman's pains of labor begins she desires the writhe to cease and would make it so if it were within her power to do so. Jesus astonishingly had this power to cease the excruciating anguish, but as the Bible teaches us did not do so. 

Imagine that to have within one's grasp the power to stop your damage & pain, The capacity to seek revenge and retribution upon your persecutors and tortuous enemies and to abstain from doing so. demonstrates incredible strength and holy conviction of Jesus holistic self. 

Recognize Jesus foresight of the horrific events and excruciation yet to come & still have the conviction to forge onward. Such an individual as Jesus is a miracle and Easter Day is testimony to Jesus unconditional love, dedication, honor, duty, strength and colossal will-power for humankind. A love so pristine, so absolute, so intense and pure is unmatched and stands as a monument of love & sacrifice eternally.

Here is our loving hero, Jesus, indeed a stronger heart has never beat within a mortal whom walked upon earth. For Jesus was more than flesh but God's son come down to earth to save us. I feel the agony of Mary the Holy Mother who stood beside her son and agonized at his plight and sufferance and Mary who loved Jesus I am overwhelmed with emotion. A mere fall and slight injury of my first born son would speed me into action, but for Mary she saw so much more inflicted upon her son and there was nothing she could do to stop it. Yet she maintained her faith and consoled her and believers can rejoiced in the fact that this was not the end for Jesus, but rather the beginning of a higher calling.

For this reason I am convinced that every one can change for the better & should alter their selfish evil mannerisms for the common good, because Yahweh so loved Humankind that Yahweh, God of Jesus, Eve, Abraham, Mosses, Muhammad, and every living creature whom dwells upon Mother Earth sacrificed so much for us and ask so little in return: Faith, Belief, Honor, Love, Respect, and Compassion such little words that pack such a power message that if practiced could change our lives and the world for the better.

So, enjoy your Easter and thank God for your glory as we honor Jesus and remember his tremendous promise and astonishing sacrifice.

These words are dedicated to Jesus on this Easter Day; Lets hear it for the man!

copyright Tiease D. Deutsch
April 8, 2012

Praise & Worship music video

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