Thursday, May 17, 2012

Tiease's Beauty & Wellness for Fashionistas!


Tiease D. Deutsch
P. O. Box 5043
Charlotte, N. C. 28299
Watch me on Youtube: TieaseDDeutsch

Beauty & Wellness for Fashionistas by Tiease

Did you know that if you have diabetes your potential of developing pneumonia,flu & colds is increased? Your best defense against the flu is prevention, so vaccinations make the top of the list when it comes to maintaining your well being. Frequent hand washing, proper diet, exercise to maintain total body homeostasis and astute management & control of your glucose/sugar level.

The vaccine for flu season 2011-2012 consist of a combo of 3 inactive weakened or manipulated viruses. The principal goal of any vaccine is to prevent a disease by infecting the body with a weakened or manipulated form of the disease that is weak enough for the body to defeat & produce antibodies to that specific disease. Now with antibodies created in the body and on guard for that specific disease should you become exposed to the same strain of flu you either won't get sick or the illness won't be as severe.

Advice for diabetics to help you avoid the flu
When it comes to any ailment which involves diet management such as Diabetes your entire family is usually affected in one way or another. Discuss the possibility of family members also getting flu shots; Not only can this help prevent them from getting the flue but it decreases the risk of them spreading it to you.

When you think diabetes food comes immediately to mind and for good reason it the inappropriate way in which the diabetics body copes with blood glucose levels that is the nature of the disease, so following a healthy diet & performing moderate exercises to help keep your body tone, muscles strong and spirits high better enable you to resist the flu.

Your personal blood glucose regimen must be strictly adhered to avoid diabetic crisis, and maintain your strong immune system.

If you are really worried about developing a severe cold or flu you should talk to your health-care-provider concerning a flu/cold prevention strategy. For neurotic (Someone who always thinks they have one disease or another a therapist may help. Worry and stress can cause blood glucose/sugar levels to fluctuate in your body so that depression and stress play a role in your general health and well being. 

I can not stress enough the importance of hand washing frequently with soap & water; Carry a hand sanitizer in your purse & avoid touching your face ladies not merely to avoid smearing your make-up but to avoid spreading germs from your hands directly to your eye, nose, mouth etc...

Keep in mind that with all of the proper measures some people still get sick. What you need to remember is that if you should develop a cold or flu seek professional medical assistance since the changes in your body may affect the way insulin is utilized in your blood stream. You health care provider may put you on a sliding scale regiment meaning that you monitor your blood sugar levels and adjust your insulin dosage as according to the level. If you are on oral medications your health provider may adjust them too.

Keep in mind that you are an individual and this is about survival so be Pro-Self-Health Savvy. You know your body when you don't feel right check your blood sugar levels to make sure it hasn't gone to high or low. Remember that some antibiotics & other medications may interfere with the absorption of diabetic medications and insulin.

Do yourself a favor and educate yourself further

Diabetic Self-management & Awareness

© by  Tiease D. Deutsch   5-17-2012     
Author/Creative Consultant/Artist/R.N.

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